Sunday, 29 May 2022

Timings For Jubilee Day

Just to confirm some of the timings for the Jubilee Day.

Meet at the church at 2pm. Quick group photo opportunity. 

Parade down to Stoneleigh. 

Leave Stoneleigh by 4pm.

4.30pm at the barn.

5pm Opening ceremony. 

5.15pm Pie & Peas served and children's picnic.

6pm Entertainment - awards, live music...

Finish 10pm.


Chairs and Tables

Please bring tables and chairs down any time Wednesday or Thursday morning. If you want to pop down Monday or Tuesday just let me know a time so I can check we will be in or feel free to leave them outside the big barn with the metal roller doors. Thanks.


If you don't think you can make some of the event can you please let us know so we can get an idea of numbers at Stoneleigh. Thanks.


Thanks to everyone who has helped already, offering the loan of items, sweeping the barn, bringing chairs and tables, setting up the stage, lighting, bringing old photos to share, it is all very much appreciated.

We are looking forward to celebrating with everyone. 

St Giles Bielby 100 Club

 Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club

The Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club, a monthly draw with cash prizes, has been an important source of income for supporting the running of the Church, which continues to be challenging, especially with the increasing costs that we are all experiencing.

Bronwen Martin will be calling round shortly to renew subscriptions and sign up new members. Tickets are £13 per annum and can be paid by cash, cheque and by direct payment online.

We’re very grateful for the continued support from the Village, without which the future of the Church would be very uncertain.

Best wishes,

Steve Smith
Treasurer, St. Giles Bielby PCC
01759 318459

Friday, 27 May 2022

Jean Johnson

Tim, Sandra and Alan would like to thank everyone for the many cards and messages of sympathy received on the very sad loss of Jean.

Thanks also to everyone who attended the funeral and for the donations to St Giles Church, Bielby & Yorkshire Cancer Research which amounted to £305.

Once again thank you. 

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Getting Jubilee Barn Ready

A few of us are starting to sweep and prep the barn this weekend after 1pm on Saturday. If anyone is free and wants to pop down that is great. If you have a sweeping brush that is great. Once it's swept we can start to get the tables and chairs in and hang the flags/ bunting. 

We can start bringing the chairs and tables from Sunday, we will be here Sunday. 

Then we will continue decorating the barn on Wednesday and Thursday. 

So if anyone can help just let Sara know when you are free. I've already heard from some villagers so thank's for that.

Looking forward to celebrating together. 

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Jubilee Event Info

Hi all,

Well the jubilee is getting closer. Can you let us know if you are vegetarian, vegan or gluten free.

I know some of you have already let us know so thanks for that. 

Also if you have kindly offered to make a traybake, thank you very much. Can you let us know if it has nuts in it as we do have a villager with a nut allergy. Thank you.

I have printed onto card some jubilee bookmarks and also some colouring sheets and wordsearches, so if you are bringing children can you pop some felt tips or pencil crayons in your bag, thank you.

Barn preparations. I will be sweeping the barn out on Wednesday 1st June, from Wednesday afternoon you can bring your tables and chairs down to the barn. We will be decorating the barn Thursday and Friday. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

The committee have a meeting this Tuesday so I'll post any more details after then. 

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Garden Area Around The Seat Planted Up

Thanks to all the help from Francis, Jan and Paul we now have a lovely garden area around the seat opposite the church.  

Not forgetting David Geekie who donated some edging stones to finish the borders off.

Thanks everyone and enjoy! 

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

ERYC home insulation scheme.

 With inflation and fuel prices rocketing, it makes sense to insulate our homes as well as we can. I received the following flyer from ERYC today. Web address is

Monday, 16 May 2022

House Concert - Save The Date

 Save the date!!!

                House Concert with Soundsphere

                    at The Stores, Bielby,

                          York. YO42 4JL

           (home of Ian and Judith Simpson),

                     on Friday 1st July,

                     doors open at 7pm

  and the concert will start at about 7.30pm.

       Adult tickets at £10.00, under 16’s free.

  (There are limited seats available (approx. 40).

  Bring your own drinks please, but tea and coffee will be available (with some limited home brew!!!!) at half time.


As some of you will know Soundsphere have been performing live for many years and have toured USA, UK and Ireland and Europe extensively (and Bielby Music festival!). Soundsphere are Paula Ryan, Sarah Dean and Judith Simpson, they sing acapella with power and passion with delightful harmonies, sometimes with percussion, a wide range of songs from around the world. The proceeds of the concert will contribute towards the cost of recording a new album.


To reserve a ticket please either drop in at The Storesemail Ian on

Or Phone or text 07803092082 (Ian)

01759 318328 (Landline)


Pay for tickets either in cash, or email Ian for bank details for bank transfer. When making payments by bank transfer please leave your name in the reference.




Thursday, 12 May 2022

Jubilee Event More Info

The Jubilee Committee are delighted that so many Bielby residents are able to attend. 

We are pleased to say that all ticket requests received can be catered for and we look forward to celebrating with you all. 

Thanks to all those who have paid already. If you still need to pay for your tickets you can either pop the money in at Alex's house or Sara's at Common Farm. We need final numbers and payment by Friday 20th May.

Also just a reminder that on Saturday 4th June we are meeting at 2pm at the church (not 3pm as mentioned recently - my error I pressed the wrong number!). 

Dress code is red, white and blue for all with younger children in any fancy dress. 

After a photo opportunity at the church.... 

.... we will parade down the Main street to Stoneleigh where the Stoneleigh residents will judge the children's fancy dress competition and the children and some of us adults may take part in some fun sports day races, so get your running shoes on! Aiming to leave Stoneleigh by 4pm.

We will welcome you all at the barn at 4.30pm aiming to start our opening ceremony and Bielby awards after everyone has settled in around 5pmish.

We have not confirmed the pie and peas time yet with the caterers but aiming for somewhere around 6ish as we will have over 100 pies to serve!

The musical entertainment will be starting around 7.15pm and may include two sets with a break in between. Live music to finish before 9.30pm and event to end at 10pm

All timings and schedule of activities to be confirmed. 

We will confirm timings and entertainment schedule in the coming weeks.

We will need extra tables and chairs so we will let you know a date to bring them down and when we aim to decorate the barn. 

Photo Request - if anyone has any photos of any village events both recent and old we would love a copy to display in the barn. The events don't have to be a past jubilee event, just any interesting photos of Bielby events and residents would be lovely to see. Or they could be photos of the school in Bielby or the house/building as they were in the past. If you have a copy of a photo you can bring it down to Sara or if you want to email your photos so Sara can print off then please email Thank you. 

We are going to display photos of the 2012 jubilee as we have lots of photos of the fabulous day we spent at Stoneleigh and the barn 10 years ago. The jubilee in the 1970s was also held at Common farm so if anyone has any photos of this that would be great as we unfortunately don't have any.

I am currently printing photos of village events I have attended in Bielby in the last 18 years I have lived here - duck race, harvest festival, jubilee tree planting, rogation tide walk, music festival, produce show, Halloween at Stoneleigh... to name a few.

Homemade vases for the tables - if anyone wishes to make a homemade vase for their table from a tin can then anything goes to decorate and fill it, they don't have to be red, white and blue.

If anyone has any decorations/ table cloths then please let Sara know what you, thank you.

Tray bakes - if any bakers in the village wish to make a tray bake then please let us know what you will be making. Thanks.

We are looking forward to the day, fingers crossed for sunshine. 

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Police Newsletters and Environmental Funding

Police Newsletters

Links for Pocklington
Market Weighton Newsletters.

Environmental Funding Opportunities

We received the following email via Cllr Leo Hammond from Matthew Millington of East Riding Council (

Funding for trees, trees and more trees!


Hi all,


I was sent a very helpful summary of environmental funding opportunities out at the moment, mostly for trees and woodlands, but also some to support environmental action by young people:



Funding support to increase tree, seed and sapling supply

The Forestry Commission will open a new Tree Production Capital Grant this Spring. The Tree Production Capital Grant (TPCG) will provide funding to increase the domestic production of tree seed and saplings, supporting investments in expansion, automation and mechanisation of facilities and equipment. This will help improve not only the quantity but also the quality, diversity, and biosecurity of supply.

The TPCG is designed to help seed and sapling suppliers of all sizes, from established nurseries to smaller nurseries and new entrants looking to diversify into the sector. Any public, private, or third sector organisation which will use the funding to support their production of tree seed or saplings is encouraged to apply.

Applicants will be able to apply for up to 50% of the costs for capital projects and equipment such as intelligent transplanting systems, polytunnel infrastructure and equipment, irrigation systems and infrastructure, seed trays, grading machines, biosecurity investments such as water treatment and refrigeration equipment.

The grant will enable suppliers to bolster production quickly and has been designed to complement the innovation outputs of the Tree Production Innovation Fund, which provides support for research projects that will enhance UK tree production methods.

To be eligible for funding, applicants must be UK-based and will need to demonstrate how the grant will be used to increase English tree seed or sapling supply.

To receive the latest news on the grant, sign up to the Forestry Commission’s e-alert from the link below. For more information, please contact or read the Forestry Commission’s latest blog post.




England's Urban Tree Challenge Fund Opens for Fourth Round

The Urban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF) was first developed in response to the Government’s commitment to provide millions of pounds for planting both large and small trees in and around England’s towns and cities.

Urban trees are said to offer a range of benefits, including temperature moderation, flood risk mitigation, and improved wellbeing – particularly when in close proximity to large populations. The UTCF will contribute to delivering these benefits through the targeted planting thousands of large and small trees and in urban and peri-urban areas.

The new trees will also support the UK’s journey to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and commitment to increase tree planting across the UK to 30,000 hectares of trees a year by 2025.

The fund is currently open with a planting budget of £3.8 million (excluding establishment payments) for the coming planting season 2022/23. This round supports both block bids and individual applications. A block bid is designed for organisations to apply for funding towards multiple projects that can be geographically dispersed or focused in one area but submitted under one application.

The guideline for block bids is a minimum funding requirement of £125,000. Individual applications are for smaller, focused areas of planting undertaken by small organisations or community groups. These individual applications will need a minimum funding requirement of £10,000 up to a maximum of £30,000.

Applications are accepted from community and volunteer groups, town councils and individuals wishing to plant trees in urban areas of England. Applicants must have full management control over the land or signed consent from those with such control.

Applications must be submitted by 31 May 2022.


Local Authority Treescapes Fund Opens for 2022

Defra has announced the next funding round of the Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF) to increase tree planting and natural regeneration in local communities.

The fund is part of the Government’s Nature for Climate Fund and will directly contribute to achieving tree planting targets.

The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.

Planting and protecting new trees that are intended to grow into mature standards within hedgerows is also permitted (though the creation of new hedgerows is not).

The fund will help the nation build back greener from the pandemic and will target landscapes that have been neglected in the past, ecologically damaged or affected by tree diseases like ash dieback – with ash being the most common species of tree found in non-woodland locations.

Funding will be available to all local authorities, via applications from top tier authorities.

Local authorities are strongly encouraged to work with other organisations, NGOs, community groups and private individuals to deliver tree planting and natural regenerations.

A total of £5.4 million will be available this year (2022/23). The fund expects that up to 100 grants worth £50,000 to £300,000 will be available. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2022


Forestry Commission Opens Tree Production Innovation Fund for 2022

The Tree Production Innovation Fund (TPIF) is designed to encourage the development and adoption of new technologies and ways of working that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.

Applicants are invited to apply for grant funding to support projects designed to address one or more of the following challenges identified through stakeholder engagement as barriers to tree production:

  • Making better use of available seed and vegetative planting material to maximise the quantity, quality and diversity of trees produced.
  • Developing growing systems to enhance their efficiency and resilience to change, whilst delivering improved quality and diversity of product.
  • Using innovative environmentally sustainable weed control solutions to reduce reliance on herbicides.



If of interest contact;

Matthew Millington

Local Nature Partnership Development Officer

Mobile: 07870 497 521

Monday, 2 May 2022

Parish AGM and Ordinary meeting Minutes from 11th April 2022

 Bielby Parish Meeting AGM

Took place on Monday 11th April 2022 at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the Church Council.


1. Apologies for absence.

 Val Nolton, Ian Simpson, Debbie Britton.

2. Minutes from the last AGM held on Monday 24th May 2021

were read and approved.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.


4. Reports:

a. Chairman’s Report.

Paul read out his report see attached, and was presented with a half case of wine on behalf of the village as thanks for his 10 years service as chair.

b. Treasurer’s Report.

Paul Ward read highlights of the summary left by Ian Ross see here

i. Approval of the Annual Governance Statement for 2021-2022.

ii. Approval of the Accounting Statement for 2021-2022. See attached

iii. Approval of the Certificate of Exemption for 2021-2022

iv. Approval of the Budget for 2022-2023,

differences from previous budget were highlighted and approved, p.Richard Coe, s. Chris Emptage, see attached

c. St Giles Church.

John Peel read out the attached report

5. Election of Officers for 2021-2022: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.

This being Paul Wards final AGM Chris Emptage was elected Chair, p.Richard Coe s. Tony Britton.

Secretary, no other candidates were forthcoming so Graham Tew was re-elected p.Paul Ward s. Jan Emptage

Treasurer, as Ian Ross had left the village Elizabeth Thompson was nominated and elected p.Neil Readman s. Chris Emptage

Meeting closed at 8.10pm

Followed by the Parish Meeting


  1. Apologies for absence.

Val Nolton, Ian Simpson, Debbie Britton.

  1. Minutes of last meeting held on 24th May 2021.

Were read and approved p.Richard Coe s.Margaret Wilkinson.

  1. Matters arising from the minutes.


  1. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

Retrospective application for a double garage at Burgundenau had been approved by ERYC (App ref 21/03113/PLF)

Application for Solar Farm at three cocked hat plantation Allerthorpe was briefly read for information. (App ref 21/04505/STPLF)

  1. Microsoft Office 365 annual subscription for Parish laptop - due August 2022, £59.99.

It was discussed that the parish laptop is very slow and the Microsoft licence is now an expense that could better be replaced by using the free Google account using google docs and drive. Graham asked if anyone had any comment on using Google regarding service reliability or security. None had, so it was agreed not to renew the MS subscription.

  1. Defibrillator.

Paul had checked the defibrillator recently and it was in working order.

  1. Parish Walkabout 2022

Notice was read regarding the resumption of the Village task force walkabout where a council officer attends and discusses outstanding maintenance issues. Due to tajke place this year at 9.45 am on Weds 3rd August starting in front of the church. Chris and Jan Emptage volunteered, but subsequently, Chris and Jan are away so Neil Readman has kindly volunteered.

  1. Parish Council review by ERYC.

ERYC conducts a review of Parish council borders and structures on a periodic basis and is conducting one this year but no decision taken until after ordinary elections due on 4th May 2023. It was agreed that the Parish meeting did not want a change in the structure and that we are happy as a Parish meeting, secretary to respond accordingly to the Electoral services Manager at ERYC

  1. Bielby in Bloom.

The bloomers continue to keep the village planters in full flower. Jan Emptage has spoken to Woodlands nursery who will provide planting for £280. This is somewhat over budget, so Jan will strive to getthem down a bit, but it was also agreed to plant up the borders in front of the new bench opposite the church.

  1. Bielby Beck update.

Paul Ward, Neil Readman and Steve Ridsdale have been liaising with the new Environment Agency officer (James) who has been carrying out his promises and so therefore saving the parish the budgeted figures for us to clean and maintain the beck as it is their responsibility.

  1. Platinum Jubilee Party.

Preparations continue for a wonderful day and Sara has requested ticket numbers for village residents by the 27th April along with payment. And requests for non village visitors by the 29th April.

There will be an afternoon of crafting for the children to make table decorations, in May (Date TBC)

There is a general call out for help from villagers to help with preparation the weekend of May 28th and week of 30th May. Contact Sara or any of the committee Alex Quigley, Val Nolton, Tony Britton. Alswo extra tables and chairs if anyone has any.

Trifles for dessert will be required from any keen bakers.

Dress code is fancy dress for the children and Red, White and Blue for adults.

Festivities start at 2pm in front of the church to parade down the main street to Stoneleigh, garden games, treasure hunt and residents to judge the fancy dress.

Leave Stoneleigh about 4pm to parade/walk to the Barn at Common Farm.

Tickets will include Pie and pea supper and picnic food for  younger children. Bring your own drinks.

Entertainment to include royal picture quiz, royal awards live music and aim to finish around 10pm.

  1. Bielby Music Festival 2022.

Due to other commitments and Jubilee events, there will not be a music festival this year.

  1. Bus Stop Shelter Rota.

After several resignations spaces became available on the rota and the volunteers, who do a great job of keeping the shelter clean and emptying the bin regularly, were quickly filled. Thanks were given to those people who volunteered  See attached rota

  1. Information board for the public bench area,

Julie Tew is seeking ideas for the information board to be placed by the new bench, opposite the church. John Peel suggested some reference to the church and Methodist chapel, also reference to Merton College, Sue Richardson mentioned a blue glass factory once in the village. Ongoing research.

  1. Mill Lane – picnic bench.

Sue Richardson will source a bench and put a plaque remembering her family's history in the village. She sought help in the fixing and securing of it and she will let the parish know when it is ready for installing.

  1. Parish Charter.

It was decided not to adopt the charter, as the parish have no issue with communication with ERYC.

Additional item. With the passing of Mike McDougal it was agreed to send Gary and the family a letter of condolence from the village.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm