Took place on Monday 11th April 2022 at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the Church Council.
1. Apologies for absence.
Val Nolton, Ian Simpson, Debbie Britton.
2. Minutes from the last AGM held on Monday 24th May 2021
were read and approved.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Reports:
a. Chairman’s Report.
Paul read out his report see attached, and was presented with a half case of wine on behalf of the village as thanks for his 10 years service as chair.
b. Treasurer’s Report.
Paul Ward read highlights of the summary left by Ian Ross see here
i. Approval of the Annual Governance Statement for 2021-2022.
ii. Approval of the Accounting Statement for 2021-2022. See attached
iii. Approval of the Certificate of Exemption for 2021-2022
iv. Approval of the Budget for 2022-2023,
differences from previous budget were highlighted and approved, p.Richard Coe, s. Chris Emptage, see attached
c. St Giles Church.
John Peel read out the attached report
5. Election of Officers for 2021-2022: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.
This being Paul Wards final AGM Chris Emptage was elected Chair, p.Richard Coe s. Tony Britton.
Secretary, no other candidates were forthcoming so Graham Tew was re-elected p.Paul Ward s. Jan Emptage
Treasurer, as Ian Ross had left the village Elizabeth Thompson was nominated and elected p.Neil Readman s. Chris Emptage
Meeting closed at 8.10pm
Followed by the Parish Meeting
Apologies for absence.
Val Nolton, Ian Simpson, Debbie Britton.
Minutes of last meeting held on 24th May 2021.
Were read and approved p.Richard Coe s.Margaret Wilkinson.
Matters arising from the minutes.
Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
Retrospective application for a double garage at Burgundenau had been approved by ERYC (App ref 21/03113/PLF)
Application for Solar Farm at three cocked hat plantation Allerthorpe was briefly read for information. (App ref 21/04505/STPLF)
Microsoft Office 365 annual subscription for Parish laptop - due August 2022, £59.99.
It was discussed that the parish laptop is very slow and the Microsoft licence is now an expense that could better be replaced by using the free Google account using google docs and drive. Graham asked if anyone had any comment on using Google regarding service reliability or security. None had, so it was agreed not to renew the MS subscription.
Paul had checked the defibrillator recently and it was in working order.
Parish Walkabout 2022
Notice was read regarding the resumption of the Village task force walkabout where a council officer attends and discusses outstanding maintenance issues. Due to tajke place this year at 9.45 am on Weds 3rd August starting in front of the church. Chris and Jan Emptage volunteered, but subsequently, Chris and Jan are away so Neil Readman has kindly volunteered.
Parish Council review by ERYC.
ERYC conducts a review of Parish council borders and structures on a periodic basis and is conducting one this year but no decision taken until after ordinary elections due on 4th May 2023. It was agreed that the Parish meeting did not want a change in the structure and that we are happy as a Parish meeting, secretary to respond accordingly to the Electoral services Manager at ERYC
Bielby in Bloom.
The bloomers continue to keep the village planters in full flower. Jan Emptage has spoken to Woodlands nursery who will provide planting for £280. This is somewhat over budget, so Jan will strive to getthem down a bit, but it was also agreed to plant up the borders in front of the new bench opposite the church.
Bielby Beck update.
Paul Ward, Neil Readman and Steve Ridsdale have been liaising with the new Environment Agency officer (James) who has been carrying out his promises and so therefore saving the parish the budgeted figures for us to clean and maintain the beck as it is their responsibility.
Platinum Jubilee Party.
Preparations continue for a wonderful day and Sara has requested ticket numbers for village residents by the 27th April along with payment. And requests for non village visitors by the 29th April.
There will be an afternoon of crafting for the children to make table decorations, in May (Date TBC)
There is a general call out for help from villagers to help with preparation the weekend of May 28th and week of 30th May. Contact Sara or any of the committee Alex Quigley, Val Nolton, Tony Britton. Alswo extra tables and chairs if anyone has any.
Trifles for dessert will be required from any keen bakers.
Dress code is fancy dress for the children and Red, White and Blue for adults.
Festivities start at 2pm in front of the church to parade down the main street to Stoneleigh, garden games, treasure hunt and residents to judge the fancy dress.
Leave Stoneleigh about 4pm to parade/walk to the Barn at Common Farm.
Tickets will include Pie and pea supper and picnic food for younger children. Bring your own drinks.
Entertainment to include royal picture quiz, royal awards live music and aim to finish around 10pm.
Bielby Music Festival 2022.
Due to other commitments and Jubilee events, there will not be a music festival this year.
Bus Stop Shelter Rota.
After several resignations spaces became available on the rota and the volunteers, who do a great job of keeping the shelter clean and emptying the bin regularly, were quickly filled. Thanks were given to those people who volunteered See attached rota
Information board for the public bench area,
Julie Tew is seeking ideas for the information board to be placed by the new bench, opposite the church. John Peel suggested some reference to the church and Methodist chapel, also reference to Merton College, Sue Richardson mentioned a blue glass factory once in the village. Ongoing research.
Mill Lane – picnic bench.
Sue Richardson will source a bench and put a plaque remembering her family's history in the village. She sought help in the fixing and securing of it and she will let the parish know when it is ready for installing.
Parish Charter.
It was decided not to adopt the charter, as the parish have no issue with communication with ERYC.
Additional item. With the passing of Mike McDougal it was agreed to send Gary and the family a letter of condolence from the village.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm