Saturday, 30 April 2022

Jean Johnson

Sadly Jean passed away peacefully on 25th April 2022.

Jean's funeral service will be held at St Giles Church, Bielby on Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 11am.

Family flowers only please, donations in lieu if desired, will be divided between St Giles Church and Yorkshire Cancer Research. 

Our condolences go to Tim, Sandra and all the family. 

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Jubilee Event Info

We aim to have all ticket requests collected in this week as the committee are meeting to check number of requests tonight (27th April). 

If we have not collected your ticket request and you still wish to attend please drop your slip round to Sara at Common Farm, Gale Carr Lane.  If you are wishing to pay for your tickets you can drop payment around to Sara as well. 

We aim to let villagers requesting non resident tickets know about their ticket requests by early May. We just need to count up the numbers. 

Final date for ticket requests/pieandpea payment is 10th May.

The committee are making some table decorations and if anyone wishes to get creative and fill one of our homemade vases (a tin can) for their table please let Sara and the committee know and they will provide you with a tin! If any of the village children would like to colour in a paper crown or picture that can be stuck onto a stick to place in the homemade vases then please let Sara know. 

The committee request volunteers to help with getting the grain store ready and decorated the weekend of May 28th/ week of May 30th. 

We will need some extra tables and chairs so we will let people know about all of this via the village website closer to the date. 

The committee are hoping to ask some villagers to make a traybake, so any keen bakers welcome to offer to do this. 

Plan of day is wear red, white and blue for adults and teens. Younger children can come in any fancy dress. 

Quick up date of the day - Meet at the church at 2pm and parade down Main Street to Stoneleigh. Garden games, treasure hunt and residents judging children's fancy dress. Leave Stoneleigh at 4pm for a 4.30pm start at the barn at Common Farm. 

Ticket includes pie and pea supper, picnic party food for younger children to be provided by the committee, bring your own drinks. Entertainment to include royal picture quiz, royal awards, live music. Aim to finish around 10pm.

If anyone has any ideas or wants to offer help then please get in touch with Sara, Val, Alex, Tony or Helen. 

We look forward to all getting together very soon. Thanks. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Adult learning provision by ERYC.

 We received the following from ERYC, if you or anyone you know would like access to further learning, there is a link in the text after the poster image;

We're writing to you from East Riding Adult Learning and Employability. We’re trying to make more people aware of what education and support is available for adults in our region, and how we can help them.


Some of the things you can study with us include:


  • Level 2 English, maths and computer and digital skills qualifications
  • Get help and support finding a job
  • Boost your confidence and self esteem
  • Leadership and management qualifications
  • Qualifications in mental health or counselling
  • Train to work with children and in schools
  • Improve your customer service skills
  • Digital marketing qualifications
  • Try something new with our free Try months

You can come to one of our centres (in Beverley, Bridlington, Cottingham and Goole) to learn, or we have online learning too if that suits you better.


I’ve attached a poster to this email – if you could display it in your premises, share it or if possible pop it in the parish newsletter then that would be fantastic. If you’d like a printed poster just let me know and I’ll put one in the post.


You can find out more about who we are and what we do on our Adult Learning and Employability website, or on our Facebook page.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022


As it was my last Parish Meeting as Chair last night I would just like to thank the village for supporting me and for making it a great place to live. A big thank you for the generous gift of a few bottles of wine. I can assure you they will be enjoyed. 



Monday, 11 April 2022

BBC Make a difference Awards



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BBC to award heroes who’ve made a difference where they live 

Local BBC Radio across England wants to award great neighbours, key workers, volunteers and more in Make A Difference Awards 

Community heroes who make a difference where they live will be recognised in a new award scheme being run by every local BBC radio station in England.  But they need your help to identify people who should be honoured.

It’s part of the BBC’s ‘Make A Difference’ awards to recognise remarkable people; marking their achievements and contributions to lives in their communities.

‘Make A Difference’ was first set up at the start of the first pandemic lockdown and is a virtual notice board for those offering help and those needing support.  To date over 8 Million people have interacted across all 39 local BBC radio stations.

Categories cover the unsung heroes of every community from great neighbours, inspirational teachers, awesome volunteers or even outstanding key workers.

There are eight award categories (listed below), nominations are now open and will close on the 29th of April 2022 at 11:00pm. 

The winners will be announced at our Make a Difference awards hosted by BBC Radio  Humberside at a ceremony in September.

Chris Burns, Head of Audio and Digital for BBC England said:  “The last two years have been challenging for everyone.  Listeners have contacted us to share the stories of how people have helped each other and we wanted to find a way of celebrating those unsung heroes and telling those amazing stories.”

For a full list of categories - and details of how to nominate someone - go to, where you can also see full Terms and our Privacy Notice.

Nominations are now open and will close on the 29th of April 2022 at 11:00pm. 

For any further enquires please contact


  • Volunteer Awarded to an individual who makes a real difference to the community by giving up their time voluntarily to help out a charity or good cause.

  • Community Group

Awarded to a group of people who have helped to genuinely change the lives of others within the community,

  • Fundraiser 

Awarded to an individual or group of people who have gone the extra mile to raise funds for a charity or good cause.

  • Carer 

Awarded to someone who improves the life of an individual or group of people by caring for them on a regular basis.


  • Great Neighbour 

Awarded to an individual or group of people who help to make the neighbourhood or local community a better place to live or work, either on a regular basis or through a single act of kindness.


  • Key Worker 

Awarded to a key worker who’s gone above and beyond their call of duty to help others.

  • Environmental Award 

Awarded to an individual or group of people who help to make where we live more environmentally friendly.


  • The Together Award

Awarded to an individual or group of people who create real change by breaking down barriers and bringing together people from different walks of life for a common cause.

Friday, 8 April 2022

Road closures, police newsletters, Bus service survey, COVID vaccination clinics for 5-11 years

Road closure notices for road closures in our area;

locations here

Notice here

Police Newsletters

Bus service 36/X36

From Stuart Mowbray - Sutton on Derwent Parish Council;

With fuel prices at record highs and an ongoing climate crisis, affordable and convenient provision of public transport, along with a reduction in car use, is something that should be high on our agenda. I am therefore writing to request your support in canvassing public opinion regarding bus service provision along the 36/X36 bus routes, which run across our collective parishes and wards. I believe that a joined-up, coordinated approach to attempt to improve our public transport network will result in a far better outcome than trying to go it alone, and I am willing to try to coordinate this for our joint benefit.

As you may know, the 36 bus route runs during the day between Sutton upon Derwent and York, calling at Elvington, Wheldrake, Fulford, and Fishergate, before arriving in York city centre. The X36 route runs (infrequently, and only on weekdays for many) between Pocklington and York, calling at Bielby, Everingham, Seaton Ross, Melbourne, Sutton upon Derwent, Elvington, then along Hull Road to York city center.

Neither route offers any provision to those east of Sutton upon Derwent on a weekend, nor do they offer any kind of late-evening service, leaving little or no public transport option to or from York or Pocklington at these times. This often leads to many having to resort to driving, or to make an expensive (prohibitivly so, at times) taxi journey.
This lack of public transport provision obviously coincides with times when many may wish to make journeys into York or Pocklington for leisure-based activities. With our high streets and arts facilities currently struggling with diminishing footfall, I feel that we should be attempting to make it easier for people to access their local city and town centres, and in an affordable and environmentally-friendly manner. This is also a time (helped by a global pandemic!) at which a recent shift towards remote working means that many younger families are choosing to relocate from urban areas to more rural locations. This is a trend that looks only set to continue and the local public transport offering should aim to keep up with this shift.

Bus provision along the A1079, between York and Pocklington, is good, but for those who do not live along this main arterial route, I feel we are offered a very inferior service. I also recently became aware of several issues relating to inconvenience of the current services and infrastructure that prevent our parishioners using the existing service. With all this in mind, I believe that this may be a good time to assess public opinion on these matters and would therefore be grateful for any support or publicity you can provide in my attempt to do so.

To canvass opinion, I have created an online survey, available at:, which I will be shortly pushing via a social media campaign. I appreciate that not everybody is on social media, yet they may wish to comment, so I turn to you and ask for help in ensuring the survey reaches as many as possible. To aid in this, I attach a pdf of a campaign poster, here which has a link and QR code to the online survey. 

In time, the results from the survey will be analysed, summarised, and shared with yourselves, relevant parties at ERYC/CYC, and York Pullman (as the operator of the 36/X36 service), with a view to starting a process of constructive dialogue to improve the public transport offering throughout our parishes. At that time, any additional help or support that you feel you could offer would also be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Stuart Mowbray (Sutton upon Derwent Parish Council)

COVID Vaccinations

East Riding of Yorkshire News

Dedicated COVID-19 vaccination clinics for children aged five to 11-years-old to run in the East Riding during the Easter holidays

Dedicated COVID-19 vaccination clinics for children aged five to 11-years-old to run in the East Riding during the Easter holidays

NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has confirmed that vaccination sites have been launched in the East Riding for children aged five to 11 with no underlying health conditions to be offered two paediatric (child) doses of the Pfizer vaccine, with 12 weeks between doses. Letters from the NHS are being sent to parents/guardians in the local authority inviting them to book their child’s first vaccine.  

Since Monday, 4 April, parents have been able to book some local pharmacies on the national NHS booking site, but they will now also have the option of attending a walk-in vaccine clinic (see forthcoming dates for the Easter holidays below), as long as their child is aged five-years-old or above. 

Visit for more information or to book an appointment online. 

Please note, there will be dedicated pre-booked appointments for children aged five to 11 at The Courtyard in Goole. 

Walk-in clinics 

The local NHS vaccine team have set up some dedicated COVID-19 vaccination clinics for children aged five to 11-years-old. The below clinics will run from 10am to 2pm and will be on a walk-in basis – no appointments are necessary. 

Tuesday, 12 April 
Bridlington Children’s Centre, Butts Close, Bridlington, Y016 7BS 

Wednesday, 13 April 
Market Weighton Children’s Centre, Mount Pleasant CE VC Junior School, Princess Road, Market Weighton, Y043 3BY 

Thursday, 14 April 
Withernsea Children’s Centre, Withernsea High School, Hull Road, Withernsea, HU19 2EQ 

Wednesday, 20 April
Beverley Children's Centre, Coltman Avenue, Beverley, HU17 9LP

Friday, 22 April
Kingsway Children's Centre (Goole), Kingsway Primary School, Fountayne Street, Goole, DN14 5HQ

Additionally, the vaccination centre at Princes Quay Shopping Centre in Hull (HU1 2PQ) is also providing dedicated slots for children aged between five and 11-years-old on the following dates, from 8am to 7pm: 

  • Saturday, 9 April 
  • Sunday, 10 April 
  • Friday, 15 April 
  • Saturday, 16 April 

Additional times and dates will be updated on the specialist local NHS vaccination website as they are added for the week commencing 18 April.  

Further advice and guidance about these vaccines is available from GOV.UK 

AGM Financial reports please read prior to meeting on Monday......

From Ian (we miss him already!);

Bielby Parish Meeting AGM, 11 April 2022, Agenda Item (4.)(b.) Treasurer Report


The following and attached information is issued for review prior to the AGM to be held on Monday, 11 April 2022:


(1.) Treasurer Report

- See attached .pdf file (4 pages)

Treasurer Report for the 2021–2022 financial year, with update to 5 April 2022.


(2.) Bielby Parish 2021 - 2022 Financial Year-End Accounts, including:-

- See attached .pdf file (11 pages) including:-

* 2020-2021 Detailed accounts

* Bank reconciliation

* Account summary statement with comparison to last three years (to be signed by Chair and internal Auditor, usually also signed by Treasurer but Chair presently Acting Treasurer).

* Income

* Expenditure

* Account of 2021 ERYC “Do It For East Yorkshire” grant and project expenditure.

* Account of December 2021–January 2022 charity donations.

* Variance between 2021-2022 and the preceding year, 2020-2021.

* Tangible Asset List

* 2022-2023 Budget Proposed Rev. 1, to be presented, discussed and hopefully approved at the AGM.

* Present 2022-2023 Budget as previously approved at the 18 October 2021 parish meeting.


(3.) Proposed Revised Bielby Parish Budget 2022 – 2023

- See attached .pdf file (1 page only)

* 2022 - 2023 Budget PROPOSED REVISION – To be agreed at AGM, 11 April 2022 (Item 4.b.iv)


(4.) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-2022, including:-

- See attached .pdf file (6 pages)

* Preamble (2 pages, pages 1-2)

* Exemption Certificate (page 3) – To be recorded in the minutes of the AGM as agreed and approved (Item 4.b.iii), signed by the Chairman and sent to the government-appointed external auditor.

* Annual Internal Audit Report (page 4) – Completed and signed by the independent local internal auditor, to be recorded in the minutes of the AGM as noted and accepted (Item 4.b.i).

* Annual Governance Statement (page 5) – To be recorded in the minutes of the AGM as approved (Item 4.b.i) as approved, signed by the Chairman.

* Accounting Statements (page 6) - To be recorded in the minutes of the AGM as approved (Item 4.b.ii), signed by the Chairman.


(5.) Notice of the Period for Exercise of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-2022

- See attached .pdf file (3 pages)

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Easter at Bielby Church

 Easter at Bielby Church

Monday 11th April 10.30 am Holy Communion and short address. 

Good Friday 15th April Church will be open 10.00 am to 6.00 pm - No service, but open as usual on this day for anyone wantinga quiet space for a few minutes or more of private prayer orjust their own thoughts and reflection. 

Easter Day 17th April 9.15 am Holy Communion

(NB Palm Sunday 10th April 9.15 Holy Communion is at Bielby's mother church, Everingham). 

Everyone is welcome. 

Parish Meeting Monday 11th April

 Just a quick reminder the next Parish Meeting is on Monday 11th April at 7.30pm at St Giles' Church, Bielby.