From Humber and Wolds Rural Action Team;
As we are all aware, the cost of heating homes is increasing at an alarming rate and many of our rural residents will find it hard to afford to pay. Residents living in areas that do not have access to mains gas will be affected more than their urban counterparts, because the cost of their fuel is always proportionately higher, and they cannot benefit from dual fuel discounts.
Humber & Wolds Rural Action has run the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme in East Yorkshire since 2013 and our aim is to reduce the cost of heating oil by bulk purchasing. Anyone in your community who uses oil for heating can join the scheme and we have provided a new leaflet (link below).
I also enclose our Oil Price Comparison Chart, which shows the cost members of the YORSwitch Scheme have paid for the last 9 months, so giving residents the opportunity to see if we are cheaper than their current supplier. Please could you display this in your notice board(s) as well?
Details of how to join the scheme or to email or telephone us if more information is required, are on the leaflet provided. All we want to do is help reduce the cost of heating in oil fired homes, so your help would be greatly appreciated.
Town and Parish Charter.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is seeking to agree a charter between itself and local town and Parish Councils and as a parish we may decide to adopt this charter to encourage clear communication with other public bodies. A copy of the charter is here, and I will put this as an Agenda item at the next Parish meeting. If anyone has any strong view for or against, we can discuss them then. The next Meeting is likely to be in April.