Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Cat Found

Helen Tucker has emailed to ask if anyone has lost a cat.  We have one which has taken up residence in our house and is showing no signs of leaving.  Helen has taken the cat to the vet and it’s not microchipped.  Please let us know if you know anyone who has lost a cat in the area. 

Many thanks 

Helen Tucker

Friday, 16 December 2022

Neil's Charity Quiz

Neil's Charity Quiz will be held on Monday 23rd January 2023 starting at 7pm by kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe at their lovely new Coffee and Coe location.

Proceeds to be shared by Bielby Church and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. 

Teams of 4 maximum, £5 each. There will also be a raffle, so please can everyone try and bring a prize, thank you.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles as Richard and Christine are having a night off. 

There is a limit on space so can anyone wishing to enter a team please send Neil an email to confirm. Neilreadman57@gmail.com

Look forward to a full house and an enjoyable evening. 

Merry Christmas


Sunday, 4 December 2022

Christmas at St Giles' Church

 Christmas at St Giles's Church, Bielby

Sun 18th Dec 9.15 am Holy Communion - 4th Sunday in Advent

Mon 19th Dec 6.30 pm Carol Service

Sun 25th Dec 10.30 am Christmas Day Communion

Mon 26th Dec 10.30 am Holy Communion - ''on the Feast of Stephen''

Sun 1st Jan 9.15 am Holy Communion - The 8th Day of Christmas

Everyone is welcome to celebrate Christmas at any or all of our services

Carol Service readers - As usual, if anyone would like to read a lesson at the village Carol Service, they are very welcome; all ages from pupil to pensioner are invited. Just let warden John Peel (john_peel@btopenworld.com) know so you can receive your reading in advance to help you prepare.

Monday, 14 November 2022

Thank you

Sandra and Alan would like to thank everyone for the many cards and messages of sympathy received on the very sad loss of Tim.

Thanks also to everyone who attended the funeral and for the donations to Yorkshire Cancer Research which amounted to £240.

Once again thank you.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Help for Households in the Cost of Living Crisis

 Cllr Leo Hammond sent this reminder of help provided by the Council;

The latest round of schemes as part of our Help For Households at ERYC have been announced to help residents through the difficult times ahead. These are on top of support from the Government and schemes ERYC already offers to support residents. The new schemes are:

1. An extension of free school meals for children who qualify over the December and February school holidays.

2. £200,000 to support families with the cost of school uniforms as of December.

3. £100,000 to support households struggling to afford oil or LPG

4. £100,000 to support low income households with boiler repairs or upgrades.

5. £45,000 to support single households with energy costs.

6. £360,000 to support households on low incomes who do not qualify for Government Cost of Living Support.

7. £792,000 to support both single and family households who are in work and not receiving any form of benefit with an income (single household) of less than £26,000 per annum, or a combined income (family household) of less than £31,000 per annum.

Please can you share this information with your councillors and parishioners. As you can see, as a Council, we are committed to supporting our residents through this difficult time.

If anyone wishes to apply for any of the above or other schemes already offered by the council, they need to go here: https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/cost-of-living-help-for-households/

Alternatively, residents can contact me and I will help them get in touch with who they need to be. 

This information will also be going out to all households in the Your East Riding magazine, so people who are not able to access the internet will also have access to support. 

Best wishes, 


Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Bielby Parish Meeting Minutes

                                                Minutes of Bielby Parish Meeting

Monday 31st October 2022 at 7.30pm

Held at Hollycroft Court “Coffee and Coe”

By kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe

Meeting was called to order by chair at 7.30, attendees numbered 30, see attendee register.

  1. Apologies for absence.

    1. Neil Readman, Alan Pilling, Sandra Johnson, Jon Loss, Debbie Britton

  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on 11th April 2022 were read and approved, prop; Margaret Wilkinson, Sec; Elizabeth Thompson.

  3. Matters arising from the minutes. none

  4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

    1. Hollycroft Farm - 22/01794/PLF - Change of use of disused paddock for siting of 4 camping pods and associated landscaping - Approved 17 August 22

    2. Firgrove House - 22/01755/PLF - Erection of outbuilding to include domestic garaging and residential annex incidental to the of the main dwelling following demolition of existing outbuilding, with erection of new boundary wall to front - Approved 23rd Sept 22

    3. Beech House - 22/03442/TPO - Crown reduce 1 no. Mature Purple Beech (T1) by 1.5 to 2 metres and remove deadwood approximately to 25 mm diameter in crown. Pending, however it was noted as the work required was of a safety nature, that planning permission was not required.

  1. Defibrillator. Paul Ward reported that the defibrillator had been replaced with an updated version and is fully functional. One or two residents were not aware of its location, and for information, it is in the Old Phone box 2 doors south of the Pub.

  2. Parish Walkabout 2022 - update There were 3 jobs that the Task force were to undertake;

    1. digging back the soil off back of the path in front of stoneleigh Home approx 22m

    2. Stain wooden bench at Seaton Ross end

    3. Clean village nameplate at Seaton Ross end.

Items outside Task force remit, passed on to Highways;

  1. Damage at bend opposite Mill Lane wasnt marked up for repair - highways commented it was now scheduled for repair.

  2. Request for footpaths along length of road either side to be included in future slurry seal programme - on list for consideration. 

  1. Bielby in Bloom. Thanks given to the volunteers who maintain and create a wonderful display, Winter planting had been carried out and concern expressed that a budget was insufficient, GT confirmed it was included in overall budget approved at last meeting £150 x 2 =£300 total for year to include bulbs etc for spring 2023 it was thought this may not be sufficient for the amount of planting we have in the village now. To be raised at the next meeting.

  2. Bielby Beck update. CE read out Neil Readmans update,; Work had been carried out by the normal contractor and paid for by the Environment Agency (EA). NR commented that the standard of work was somewhat less than previously probably because the EA have to be seen to be protecting endangered species. Also in an effort to slow down the flow during periods of high rainfall and cause subsequent issues downstream. NR let it be known that if anyone has questions, to contact him.

  3. Speed limit in village. Several residents expressed concern at speeding through the village, particularly at the South end. Cllr Leo Hammond, in attendance, spoke about how diversions through the village from works on the A1079 were an issue for other villages too and that there is legislation that encourages contractors to make sure the diversions lasted for as little time as possible and that if they did extend beyond a reasonable time that payment could be claimed by parishes affected. 

On measures within the village, there are 3 things that could be done;

  1. Create a community speed watch - volunteers from the village would be trained to use and record speeders through the village with a camera - requires a minimum of 6 volunteers.

  2. Physical measures including speed bumps or chicanes, experience from ERYC shows that these measures often create other hazards and quoted higher accident rates at Fangfoss when a chicane was installed. They are less enthusiastic about these.

  3. Humber Community speed watch vans - these could be requested but we are at the mercy of their timetable and other commitments.

  • Dorothy Zottola asked about a weight restriction, LH commented that there are some already in place which forces traffic through other routes, Seaton Ross however had put up HGV Route signs to assist drivers to a suitable road. It was put to the room to seek volunteers for the community speedwatch, there were 5; Robert Zottola, Elizabeth Thompson, Tony Britton, Paul Ward and David Tyas.

  • LH said he would ask ERYC about HGV route signs.

  • Steve Ridsdale commented to LH about poor visibility for large vehicles near the SUMO junction

  1. Consolidation of Village lands; CE is working on resolving where village lands were and is making progress.

  2. Information board for the public bench area, Julie Tew gave an update on a new information panel for the Bench area, she has two quotes, one in excess of £2500. However, it was agreed that we apply for grant funding from the “Do it for East Yorkshire fund”.

JT is working with John Peel on the content of the sign and expects to incorporate history and information on the Mill, The Pub, School(s) Church and Methodist Chapel as well as incorporating a section of the 17th Century map of the village

  1. Mill Lane – picnic bench. No update, it is assumed that with the departure of Susan Richardson, that the scheme will not continue.

  2. Do it for East Yorks Fund. GT commented that the fund is still available and actually has increased its funding by another £150k. LH said it is available for further projects, as Bielby had already used the fund to create the bench and paving area opposite the church.

  3. Memorial service and wreaths, Val Nolton had sourced 2 wreaths for the village, one to be placed at the memorial in the churchyard, the other to be placed at the memorial along the canal at the WW2 aircraft crash site. CE took the wreaths to give to Steve Smith to place. John Peel commented that both the Memorial and the arched gate are 100 years old this year, hence a service is to be held onSunday 13th September at 10.50 a.m. to mark the occasion and to remember those lost in conflict.

  4. Storage of Village crockery, Val Nolton has carefully stored the 50 place setting village crockery for some years now, but is refurbishing the garage in which it is stored. So we are seeking anyone with some spare storage and is willing to be available to let it out and return it whenever it is used. It was also used as a reminder to let people know that the crockery is available for any villager to use, its a 50 place setting of Dinner plates, side plates, cups and saucers etc.

  5. Councillor Leo Hammond addressed the meeting.He said how impressed he was with the attendance for such a small village.

He presented a short briefing on the£4m budget ERYC have for helping families and households through the cost of living crisis, about a taskforce established with £200k for food banks and community groups offering help to vulnerable families. Also a programme to upgrade several hundred social housing dwellings. If anyone is seeking help, he referred them to the ERYC website ( https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/cost-of-living-help-for-households/ ) or to contact him.

CE asked about a Public right of way (PROW) across the field from the canal bridge to the beck, LH said that if its not registered with ERYC then it is unlikely to be a PROW, however an application could be made if someone had the motivation and evidence of 20 years continued use. In the meantime please respect the landowners request not to use the shortcut however tempting it is to make a circular walk. It does cause damage and financial loss as crops are damaged and the ground is consolidated causing even worse drainage problems.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm

Graham Tew

Secretary to Bielby Parish Meeting

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Wednesdays At Stoneleigh

Are there any senior members of the village who would like to come to Stoneleigh one day a week for their meals and a day of activities. Please pass the message on to anyone who may not see this. Thanks. 

Dale is hoping to host a day a week where you can come and have a hot meal, buffet style tea, hot drinks and company. 

There will also be the opportunity to use the facilities - shower/bath, laundry.

Stoneleigh is always warm and if our elderly community can save on their bills we’d be happy to help.

It will probably be a Wednesday. 



Please let Dale know if you would like to go or if you know someone who you think would like to go. Thanks.

Monday, 7 November 2022

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Coffee and Coe

 First of all we want to thank everyone for all the help and support given to us on the opening of the tearoom. We have revised the opening times so as from next week we will be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If there is anyone who could help us for 3 to 4 hours a day around 10.30 to 2.30 we would love to hear from. Either call in or text on 07495080802.

Richard & Christine

Friday, 28 October 2022

Tim Johnson

Sadly Tim passed away on 22nd October 2022.

Tim's funeral service will be held at East Yorkshire crematorium at Octon on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 11.30am.

Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu if desired to Yorkshire Cancer Research. 

Monday, 24 October 2022

Parish Meeting Monday 31st October 7.30pm - Notice and Agenda

 Notice of meeting of Bielby Parish Meeting

Monday 31st October 2022 at 7.30pm

To be held at Hollycroft Court “Coffee and Coe”

By kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe


  1. Apologies for absence.

  2. Minutes of last meeting held on 11th April 2022..

  3. Matters arising from the minutes.

  4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

  5. Defibrillator.

  6. Parish Walkabout 2022 - update

  7. Bielby in Bloom.

  8. Bielby Beck update.

  9. Speed limit in village.

  10. Consolidation of Village lands

  11. Information board for the public bench area,

  12. Mill Lane – picnic bench.

  13. Do it for East Yorks Fund

  14. Memorial service and wreaths

  15. Storage of Village crockery

  16. Councillor Leo Hammond to address the meeting.

Graham Tew
Secretary to Bileby Parish meeting

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Parish News.... Photo competition, Police newsletters and Help for households

 East Riding young photographer competition

The council’s planning design team are inviting all young people in the East Riding to send in their favourite pictures of where they live for the chance to win a £50 one4all shopping voucher.
They are looking for pictures that tell the council what young people like or don’t like so much about their neighbourhood. Whether that be a favourite place to go with friends or where they walk their dogs – the council’s planning design team want to know!
This will help the council plan for creating better public spaces in the future for our residents, their family and friends as part of the ongoing work to create an East Riding Design Code.
Further details here

Police Newsletters

For Pocklington here
For Market Weighton here

Help and support for households across the East Riding with the cost of living

Help for households
To support our residents with the cost of living, we have launched a Help for Households’ campaign. This campaign will ensure that our residents are aware of the support, advice and help available to them from the government, from local partners and via our own council services. see the flyer promoting the campaign which has links to access help here

The overview below should provide an insight into the support available. If there are any queries, please contact us via digital.comms@eastriding.gov.uk

Information and signposting

Our dedicated one-stop website is now available at: Cost of living - help for households (eastriding.gov.uk)

Information about support, advice and help together with sign-posting is currently arranged under seven headings to enable residents to find relevant information as easily as possible. 


Urgent help when in need – services that provide financial advice, emergency payments and mental health support.

Pound sign

Help with household bills – benefits, Household Support Fund, food banks, help with energy costs. Broadband deals, and budgeting advice for homeowners and low income households.


Support for families with children – free school meals, school clothing grant, help with childcare costs, and maternity grants for families with children.

Older people

Older people – pension advice, additional winter benefits, free TV licence information, and financial guidance for older people.

Pound sign

Support for tenants and low income households – benefits and financial support for tenants and low income households such as Universal Credit, Housing benefit, Council Tax payment support and the council’s Emergency Assistance Scheme.

Disability services

Disability services and adult care – disabled facilities grant, Blue Badge application, government benefits and adult social care information.


Debt and money – budgeting advice and financial guidance from the council, the government, community services, and charities.

This information spans current available provision from the government, partners and our own services. New additional provisions and routes of access are being added as soon as they become available to our residents.

Residents without access to the internet and in need of help can contact the council on: (01482) 393939.

see the full email we received here

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Tearoom's Preview Evening

It's been a long time coming but we are finally opening Coffee & Coe Tearoom on Thursday 27th October. We would like to invite all Bielby residents to a preview evening on Monday 24th October from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. for a glass Prosecco and nibbles to celebrate.

Christine & Richard

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Baking Volunteer List

Debbie was just wondering if anyone is interested in being included on my list of volunteers for baking cake/tray bake. 

Debbie is a trustee of a charity Pocklington Rugby in the Community. Part of their work involves supporting elderly people who are lonely, isolated, vulnerable and for this they run a social on the last Friday of every month at the rugby club. 

What started out as a handful of people getting together for a game of dominos and a cup of tea/coffee has now grown. They have around 50 regulars who have had opportunities to make new friends and really feel they belong to something as well as having new experiences! 

They are always looking for volunteers who might like to help out with providing cakes etc it would not be every month as they try to share the load round. 

If anyone is interested in being involved and want to know more just drop Debbie a message on 07788100201. 

Debbie says she cannot tell you how great it is to meet people in Pocklington who are now full of enthusiasm and tell her how the Friday social is the highlight of their month or that they've discovered new skills as a result of the activity they've been introduced to at the social, be it crocheting, pot making, quizzing, bingo, crafts!!

Village Christmas Meal

 Bielby Village Christmas Meal

at The Oaks, Bubwith. (YO42 4PW)

Sunday 11th December

Meet at 12.30 for lunch at 1pm.

Hello! It’s time to make your menu choices for the meal, and payment in full is due by Sunday 6th November. (deposit paid £10,  full meal price £28, under 12’s £14).

By cash in a named envelope,by bank transfer to Mr.I.Simpson. Sort: 08:91:03 Account 02083630


S.1. Warming Curried Parsnip Soup served with Warm Bread Roll (v)

S.2. Traditional Prawn Cocktail, Marie Rose and Leaves.

S.3. Pressed Chicken,Pork, Whiskey, Cranberry and Pistachio Terrine, Toast and Chutney.

S.4. Fresh Fruit Platter, Raspberry Sorbet (vegan)

Main Course.

M.5. Roast Breast of Turkey served Traditionally with Festive Trimmings

M.6. Roast Loin of Pork, Stuffing, Yorkshire Pudding and Roasted Potatoes

M.7. Fillet of Salmon with a Creamy White Wine & Herb Sauce & New Potatoes

M.8. Festive Pie filled with vegetables, Stuffing& Cranberries, served with Roast Potatoes. (v)

M.9. Butternut Squash Wellington with Seasonal vegetables (vegan)

Pudding and Sweet Course.

P.10 Homemade Christmas Pudding & Brandy sauce

P.11. Homemade Salted Caramel and Chocolate Torte with Salted caramel Ice Cream

P.12. Homemade Cranberry, Almond& Amaretto Tart served with Custard

P.13. Vegan Apple Crumble with dairy Free Vanilla Ice Cream


Coffee &Homemade Fudge

…………Please complete, tear off and post, or copy and paste to an email…………………………….

Name:                                    (tick if deposit paid)    Balance due:

Number of adults:               Number of Children:

Menu Choices:     Adult 1.                     S.        M.         P.

                             Adult 2.                     S.        M.         P.

Delete as necessary  Adult 3. / Child 1.      S.        M.         P.

Delete as necessary  Adult 4. / Child 2.      S.        M.         P.

Thanks. Ian and Judith. Post to The Stores, Bielby. email: iwsimpson@hotmail.com or 07803092082 / 01759 318328.

Friday, 14 October 2022

Harvest Festival and People's Pantry

 Harvest Festival and People's Pantry

Just a reminder that the village Harvest Festival is this Sunday 16th October at 6.30 pm. Everyone is welcome.

Instead of decorating the church with fresh produce we shall use non-perishable foods which can then be given to the People's Pantry, our local food bank.

If you'd like to donate any tins or packets of food, the church will be open 10-5 Saturday and 11-5 Sunday. You can leave your gifts on the table just inside the door.

All donations will be gratefully received. Thank you very much.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Halloween Pumpkin Carving At Stoneleigh

Dale is going to do another Halloween pumpkin carving event like he did a couple of years ago, which was a brilliant afternoon.

Dale is inviting any children of Bielby to come to Stoneleigh to carve a pumpkin. He has pencilled in Friday 28th October. 

Dale thought the children might come in Halloween costumes, and Dale will hollow out the pumpkins so they’re ready to carve when the children arrive. They'll put on a Halloween tea. There will be prizes for the Halloween carving.

It was a brilliant afternoon last time and all the children, parents, grandparents and residents had a lovely time all together. Thanks Dale and the Stoneleigh team for asking us back again, we can't wait to pop over for some Halloween fun.

Let me or Dale know you are coming so Dale can organise Pumpkins. Thanks.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Harvest Festival and Carol Service in Bielby Church

Harvest Festival and Carol Service in Bielby Church

Sunday 16th October at 6.30 pm - Harvest Festival

Once again we shall decorate the church with food in cans and packets (rather than fresh produce). This will then be passed on to our local food bank, The People's Pantry. It is increasingly in demand.

If anyone wishes to donate items for the food bank, please leave them on the table just inside the church doorway, Sat 15th 10-5 or Sun 16th 11-5. All donations will be very gratefully received.

And save the date.........

Our village Carol Service will be on Monday 19th December at 6.30 pm.

Everyone is welcome to come along to one or both of the services.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Pocklington and Barmby Moor Local Plans and Nottingham Knockers - Crime Alert

Pocklington Town Council, Neighbourhood plan

Pocklington Town Council has prepared its Submission Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan and submitted it to East Riding of Yorkshire Council. As residentls affected by or living close to the area, the council must now publicise the plan proposal and accompanying documents for a six-week period of public consultation and seek comments. This represents the final document prepared by the town council and, following the conclusion of this six-week period of public consultation, the plan will be submitted with any comments to an independent examiner to undertake an examination.  


The consultation period commences on Monday 26th September 2022 and comments on the Submission Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan should be received on or before Monday 7th November 2022. 


The consultation includes the following documents prepared by the Parish Council: 

  • Submission Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2039 
  • Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan - Designated Area Map 
  • Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Condition Statement 
  • Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Statement 
  • Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan – SEA HRA Screening Opinion

How to view the documents 


The consultation documents are available to view: 


Barmby Moor have also submitted a Local Plan;

How to view the documents 
The consultation documents are available to view: 

How to comment on any of the documents 


To respond to the consultation, you can send an email, write to us or complete a response form and send it to: 




East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Forward Planning, Room AS67, County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA

Our preferred method of contact is email. The response form is available on the council’s website at www.eastriding.gov.uk/pnpAlternatively, a hard copy is available at the customer service centres and libraries listed above. 


All responses received during the consultation period will be submitted to the independent examiner for consideration in their examination into the Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan. If you make a comment or if you request to be kept informed of progress, your details will be held securely. They will be retained until the document has been adopted and is later superseded. You will be notified and consulted on progress on the document’s preparation until its adoption. 


The council only redacts comments from individual members of the public to remove personal data in respect of email addresses, telephone numbers and signatures. The council will not accept comments which it considers to be libellous, discriminatory or otherwise offensive. Your details will be retained and used in accordance with our privacy notice. For more information on how we use your information visit our website: https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/council/governance-and-spending/how-we-use-your-information/find-privacy-information/privacy-notice-for-forward-planning/


We look forward to receiving your comments on the consultation documents. Should you have any queries, or if you no longer wish to be informed of progress with the Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan, please contact the forward planning team using the contact details above. 


Kind regards, 

Forward Planning,ERYC

Nottingham Knockers - Alert -We received this last week from Trading Standards;

Dear Town and Parish Councils

East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Trading Standards Services as received reports of Nottingham Knockers cold calling in East Riding villages.

You may know this group as ‘duster sellers’. They are normally young males carrying large bags full of cleaning products which they offer for sale door-to-door.  This approach is believed to have started in the Nottingham area,  hence the term ‘Nottingham Knockers’. Unfortunately, as well as selling everyday items at inflated prices, they may also be looking for suitable targets with a view to either obtaining personal details to sell on, or committing crime.

These callers typically claim to be ex-offenders trying to make a new start in life by working on a probation or rehabilitation scheme, and may show a false ID card, or a false Pedlar's Certificate (genuine certificates are issued by the Police).  Government rehabilitation schemes do not involve door-to-door sales.

Local residents have reported that some of these callers have been abusive.  It is also believed that others may try to charm their way in, making repeat visits to the same household.  

The best course of action for local residents is:
  • Do not make up-front payments to any cold callers.
  • Do not deal with Nottingham Knockers.
  • NEVER allow Nottingham Knockers into your home.
  • If you are aware of Nottingham Knockers visiting your neighbourhood, please report any such activity to the Police immediately, using the non-emergency number, 101.  Give as much information as you can such as times dates, descriptions and vehicle registration numbers. By doing this you may help prevent crime.
  • Report any suspicions about other types of door-to-door selling to Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808 223 1133, giving as much information as you can, such as business names and addresses.
If you are able to help raise awareness of this issue, we would be grateful.  Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully

Trading Standards Service