Monday, 30 August 2021

Police Newsletters and Band recruitment

 Please find links to the August Police newsletters for Pocklington and Market Weighton areas

Pocklington Newsletter

Market Weighton Newsletter

The Police are also recruiting for new members of the Police Band if anyone is interested, see their recruitment poster here

Union Flag

 A concerned citizen wrote to me recently, and worth noting;

Union Flag

It is heartwarming to see so many people flying the union flag at their homes or business premises.

However, in a short drive from Market Weighton to Bielby, there are four examples of the union flag being displayed upside down.

(Presumably, the upside down display of the flag is unintentional rather than a distress signal or an intended insult to the country.)

Great to see the flag flying, but it would be even better if the flag is displayed correctly.

The thick white band at the flag pole or hanging end should be at the top

Thanks Ian Ross for the astute observations


Wednesday, 25 August 2021

St Giles's Day Wednesday 1st September

 St Giles's Day Wednesday 1st September

Now that most COVID restrictions have been lifted, there will be a St Giles's Day Festival Communion on Wednesday 1st September at 7.30 pm, followed by refreshments.

The day is also the seventh anniversary of Stephen's licensing as our Rector. (How time flies!)

Looking forward to seeing folks again if they can make it.
