Bielby Parish Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 24th May 2021
at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the Church Council.
Social distancing measures are still in place and this means there are a limited number of places.
If you wish to attend the meeting, please contact Gabrielle (email in advance. This will enable us to know who and how many residents will be attending.
AGM Agenda
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes from the last meeting held on Monday 24th August 2020.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Reports:
a. Chairman’s Report.
b. Treasurer’s Report.
i. Approval of the Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2021.
ii. Approval of the Accounting Statement for 2020-2021.
iii. Approval of the Certificate of Exemption for 2020-2021.
iv. Approval of the Budget for 2021-2022.
c. St Giles Church.
5. Election of Officers for 2021-2022: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.
To be followed by the Parish Meeting
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of last meeting held on 24th August 2020.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
5. ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association) annual membership
renewal - due May 2021, £50.
6. Microsoft Office 365 annual subscription for Parish laptop - due August 2021, £59.99.
7. Defibrillator.
8. Bielby in Bloom.
9. Bielby Beck update.
10. Bielby Music Festival 2021.
11. Bus Stop Shelter Rota.
12. Ultrafast Broadband.
13. Community Recovery Grant – (Funds may be available for the renovation and improvement of the public bench area, including replacement of the bench).
14. Standing Orders Relating to Parish Meetings
15. Mill Lane – access/parking.
Treasurer Report
Bielby Parish Meeting AGM,
Agenda Item (4.)(b.)
The following and attached
information is issued for review prior to the AGM on the 24 May 2021:
(1.) Treasurer Report
- Click to open .pdf file
Treasurer Report for the 2020–2021
financial year, with update to 16 May 2021, including proposed budget for
(2.) Bielby Parish 2020 -
2021 End-Year Accounts, including:-
- Click to open .pdf file
* 2020-2021 Account summary
* Bank reconciliation
* Account statement with comparison
to last three years
* Income
* Expenditure
* Variance between 2020-2021 and
the preceding year, 2019-2020.
* Tangible Asset List
* Vendors used during the last
five years.
* 2019-2020 Accounts summary
included just for comparison.
(3.) Bielby Parish Budget
2021 – 2022
- Click to open .pdf file
* 2021 - 2022 Budget PROPOSED –
To be discussed and agreed or revised at AGM, 24 May 2021
(4.) Annual Governance and
Accountability Return 2020-2021, including:-
- Click to open .pdf file
* Preamble (2 pages)
* Exemption Certificate – To be
agreed at the AGM on 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and sent to the government
* Annual Internal Audit Report –
To be completed by the independent local internal auditor prior to the AGM.
* Annual Governance Statement –
To be accepted at the AGM on the 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and recorded in
the minutes of AGM.
* Accounting Statements - To be
agreed at the AGM on 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and recorded in the minutes
of AGM as agreed.
(5.) Notice of Public Rights
and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return
- Click to open .pdf file