Friday, 28 May 2021

Minutes and Reports for the Bielby Parish Meeting AGM and Ordinary Meeting on 24th May 2021

Apologies everyone, I made a mistake on the previous version of the minutes, and whilst this looks like its Gabrielle who posted it, it wasn't, it was me Graham. New to the Job!

To view the reports please click the link.

Below are the links to the various Treasurers Reports previously posted on the Blog.

(1.)Treasurer Report

Click to open .pdf file

Treasurer Report for the 2020–2021 financial year, with update to 16 May 2021, including proposed budget for 2021-2022.

(2.) Bielby Parish 2020 - 2021 End-Year Accounts, including:-

Click to open .pdf file

    * 2020-2021 Account summary

    * Bank reconciliation

    * Account statement with comparison to last three years

    * Income

    * Expenditure

    * Variance between 2020-2021 and the preceding year, 2019-2020.

    * Tangible Asset List

    * Vendors used during the last five years.

    * 2019-2020 Accounts summary included just for comparison.

 (3.) Bielby Parish Budget 2021 – 2022

Click to open .pdf file

* 2021 - 2022 Budget  – As revised at AGM, 24 May 2021

 (4.) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-2021, including:-

Click to open .pdf file

* Preamble (2 pages)

* Exemption Certificate – As agreed at the AGM on 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and sent to the government auditor.

* Annual Internal Audit Report – To be completed by the independent local internal auditor prior to the AGM.

* Annual Governance Statement – To be accepted at the AGM on the 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and recorded in the minutes of AGM.

* Accounting Statements - To be agreed at the AGM on 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and recorded in the minutes of AGM as agreed.

 (5.) Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Click to open .pdf file

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club

Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club

Normally, at this time of year, Bronwen Martin calls on people in the village to renew their 100 club subscriptions (donation £13 annually). As this is currently not practical, we'd be grateful if existing and any new members could subscribe online as follows:

Make payment directly to the church’s bank account and email me ( with your contact details:
Account name: Bielby Parochial Church Council of St Giles
Account number: 83093931
Sort code: 60-16-35
Payment reference: your name

Alternatively, please post payment with contact details through our letterbox (Old School House - white house next to Church).
Any queries, please email me (Steve Smith) at

The PCC very much appreciates the support from the village, without which the upkeep of St Giles Church would be very difficult.

Best wishes,

Steve Smith
Treasurer, Bielby PCC

01759 318459

Monday, 24 May 2021

Tomato Plants For Sale

I have some well grown tomato plants available. There are Cherry, Heritage and normal size available. They can be planted into a greenhouse now or left until at least this weekend before planting out - however I am very happy to keep them for you until the weather improves.

I also have some pepper & chillies plants & a couple of lunchbox cucumbers available. With the present weather I do not want to put the plants on my egg stand.
As last year I will donate all the Money to the Village Church.
Tomatoes £2.00 others £1.00 - if possible I would love my pots back.
Joan Huxley
01759 318588

Friday, 21 May 2021

Police Newsletter May 2021

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links below to open the newsletter for each area:-

Planning Application


Proposal: Alterations to the existing building including installation of replacement windows and doors, installation of bi-fold doors to rear and erection of a detached garage to rear.

Location: Wesley House, Main Street, Bielby

Applicant: Mrs Jane Dacre

Application type: Full Planning Permission

Reference:  21/01059/PLF

The latest date for comments to be submitted to ERYC is 10 June 2021.

Plans, documents and comments can be viewed online via Public Access on the ERYC website. Your comments can also be submitted online via the link below or by email to

 The link to take you to the planning search page is

A copy of the letter from ERYC will be on the notice board.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Everingham & Seaton Ross Village News May 2021

 Here is the link for the Everingham Village newsletter for May 2021.

Here is the link for the Seaton Ross Village Newsletter for May & June 2021.

Please note that the ladies group meets in the afternoon not mornings.

MUGA Pitch At Everingham

The tennis net has now been placed in the MUGA pitch for all to use at Everingham Village hall.

It's to be kept alongside the fence side so not to cause a trip hazard to general users of the MUGA pitch. There are instructions on the fence as to how to re-position the tennis net legs and move it carefully onto the tennis court. Please move it back to the fence side after use,

There are telephone numbers for key VHC members on the instructions if you need any further assistance etc 

Monday, 17 May 2021

Bielby Parish Meeting – Standing Orders relating to Parish Meetings

There are many obligations and requirements of parish councils and parish meetings (regardless of population) that are stated in law, regulations or guidance notes.

The National Association of Local Councils recommends that written standing orders are adopted to regulate meetings regarding aspects such as the necessary number of meetings, public notices and agenda of meetings, venue, quorum, attendance and conduct of meetings and other proceedings.

The  “Standing Orders relating to Parish Meetings” formalise in writing the ‘step-by-step’ process of planning, execution and reporting of official meetings of Bielby Parish Meeting.

- The document was produced following a review of relevant laws and guidance notes and similar standing orders of other parishes (including Allerthorpe, Shiptonthorpe and  Everingham and Harswell).

- The Standing Orders are mostly just practical and obvious requirements to assist the organisers and attendees of meetings, and tend to reflect how meetings have actually been organised and conducted in Bielby.
The  document “Standing Orders relating to Parish Meetings” is open for discussion and amendment as Agenda Item 13 at the forthcoming parish meeting on the 24th May 2021 prior to being adopted.   

Bielby Parish Meeting AGM and Ordinary Meeting - Agenda and Treasurer's Report

Bielby Parish Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 24th May 2021
at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the Church Council.

Social distancing measures are still in place and this means there are a limited number of places. 

If you wish to attend the meeting, please contact Gabrielle (email in advance. This will enable us to know who and how many residents will be attending.

AGM Agenda

1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes from the last meeting held on Monday 24th August 2020.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.

4. Reports:

a. Chairman’s Report.

b. Treasurer’s Report.

i. Approval of the Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2021.

ii. Approval of the Accounting Statement for 2020-2021.

iii. Approval of the Certificate of Exemption for 2020-2021.

iv. Approval of the Budget for 2021-2022.

c. St Giles Church.

5. Election of Officers for 2021-2022: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.

To be followed by the Parish Meeting


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of last meeting held on 24th August 2020.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.

4. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.

5. ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association) annual membership

renewal - due May 2021, £50.

6. Microsoft Office 365 annual subscription for Parish laptop - due August 2021, £59.99.

7. Defibrillator.

8. Bielby in Bloom.

9. Bielby Beck update.

10. Bielby Music Festival 2021.

11. Bus Stop Shelter Rota.

12. Ultrafast Broadband.

13. Community Recovery Grant – (Funds may be available for the renovation and improvement of the public bench area, including replacement of the bench).

14. Standing Orders Relating to Parish Meetings

15. Mill Lane – access/parking.

Treasurer Report

Bielby Parish Meeting AGM, 

Agenda Item (4.)(b.) 

 The following and attached information is issued for review prior to the AGM on the 24 May 2021:

 (1.) Treasurer Report

- Click to open .pdf file

Treasurer Report for the 2020–2021 financial year, with update to 16 May 2021, including proposed budget for 2021-2022.

(2.) Bielby Parish 2020 - 2021 End-Year Accounts, including:-

- Click to open .pdf file

* 2020-2021 Account summary

* Bank reconciliation

* Account statement with comparison to last three years

* Income

* Expenditure

* Variance between 2020-2021 and the preceding year, 2019-2020.

* Tangible Asset List

* Vendors used during the last five years.

* 2019-2020 Accounts summary included just for comparison.

 (3.) Bielby Parish Budget 2021 – 2022

- Click to open .pdf file

* 2021 - 2022 Budget PROPOSED – To be discussed and agreed or revised at AGM, 24 May 2021

 (4.) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-2021, including:-

Click to open .pdf file

* Preamble (2 pages)

* Exemption Certificate – To be agreed at the AGM on 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and sent to the government auditor.

* Annual Internal Audit Report – To be completed by the independent local internal auditor prior to the AGM.

* Annual Governance Statement – To be accepted at the AGM on the 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and recorded in the minutes of AGM.

* Accounting Statements - To be agreed at the AGM on 24 May 2021, signed by Chair and recorded in the minutes of AGM as agreed.

 (5.) Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return

- Click to open .pdf file

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Ultrafast Broadband

Does Bielby want Ultrafast Broadband? The information below from Phil Cutland Green and this link to KCOM's pack may help. (Melbourne have now reached the required 30% of households).

Phil is happy to discuss any issues,  please email him at

I have been helping to generate interest in Ultrafast Broadband in (and around) Melbourne.

My wife and I are moving there shortly and whilst there is some Openreach “Superfast” broadband where some people can get 80/20Mbps speeds many can’t or need/want faster.

 I have worked in IT/Business Consulting for 20+ years (at IBM and Xerox where I currently work) , and have a real passion for communities to have access to Ultrafast (i.e. 900+ Speeds) and in many cases rural areas get left behind.

I have reached out to BT Openreach but they won’t be rolling out ultrafast broadband in the East Yorkshire area anytime soon (without community investment) - they have selected some rural areas in the UK but we are not one of them.  Even with community investment - which could potentially cost thousands per home - they still won’t be able to deploy for well over a year.

 Whilst from my research it seems that the central part of Bielby can potentially get speeds close to this (these speeds are determined by distance from the green BTOR cabinets in the main) I do see those further away with much lower speeds.

 However, I have been working with KCOM to see if they would be interested.. and they are.

They are willing to invest some of their own money, and get money from Government voucher schemes to roll out Ultrafast Broadband IF we can get enough people to register interest. 

They have a service called Lightstream - so this is fibre all the way to the home.  (Not to the cab - which is what Beilby currently has) 

 Note there’s no cost or commitment to register interest for this - and if we get enough people there will be no additional charge for them to install Ultrafast. (You’d just need to sign up if you wanted the service). 

 KCOM need around 30% of homes to register in order for them to “be interested” in deploying in those areas. (Link below)

In Melbourne so far I am told that we aren’t far away from this threshold.

I was on a call with KCOM and a PC Member from East Cottingwith and KCOM mentioned that it could help if other areas were interested.  

They had mentioned Bielby, hence my email to you.

 In summary, I just wondered if the residents of Bielby would be interested in having the option at least of Ultrafast Broadband and therefore not being left behind.

If we miss out on this opportunity it could be many years before there’s any chance of getting faster speeds.

It would benefit small business (and larger ones!) and enable everyone to get faster speeds.

As mentioned Ultrafast broadband being suggested can deliver speeds up to 900/500Mbps and potentially higher in the future - so it’s pretty future proof. 

Please let me know if you need more details but I am hoping we can get a range of local villages also involved if they are interested.

I can put you in touch with people at KCOM if needed but I have also attached their info pack they normally present to PC’s.


 Phil Cutland Green

If you need any more info please let me know.

If you got 30%+ of the village interested then they could well have a good business case to bring much higher speeds to Beilby also.

 Note that KCOM are also actively pushing their community grant program out (which is open to areas that are or have KCOM) - I am sure there are caveats etc.. but if there’s a chance of getting money for good causes then it’s worth looking at in my mind.  Link for flyer  for info.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Old Bielby Identity Quest

Old Bielby - Identity Quest

Bielby Church has been kindly lent this old postcard by Mr Waby of Seaton Ross. It says on its reverse ''Harvest Festival Play, Manor Farm, Bielby, 3/10/13'' (i.e. 1913!).

We would be delighted and grateful if anyone recognises any of the actors, either remembering them as old(er) men in the 1930s and 1940s perhaps, or from family photographs.

It could be the case that the men were not from Bielby but were taking their performance around the villages. That sort of thing did happen.

If anyone can identify any of the men, please contact John Peel (tel. 318311 or Bielby Church would be most grateful.

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Secretary Wanted For Parish Council

 At the AGM on the 24th May Gabrielle will not be standing for secretary therefore we will be looking for someone to take this role on. We cannot function without a secretary so please give this some thought and happy for you to contact me before the meeting to discuss this. Please support your village and take a little bit of your time to do this important role.



Parish Meeting Monday 24th May 2021

We have to hold a parish meeting before the end of May so we can ratify the finances. We cannot hold remote meetings so we will be having a face to face meeting on Monday 24th May at 7-30pm. This will be the AGM and then the Parish meeting.

We can have a maximum of 20 people + the chair, secretary and treasurer. To this end anybody wishing to attend can you please register with the secretary at: We will have to distance and wear a face mask. If you just turn up on the evening and we have 20 people registered unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate you.

If you have any agenda items please get them to the secretary by Monday 17th May. We will only take AOB if it is urgent so please ensure you get any items you want discussed on the agenda.



Saturday, 8 May 2021

Planning Application Appeal - Bergundenau

The following has been received from ERYC.

Proposal: Outline - Erection of a dwelling (Access to be considered)
Location: Land South West Of Burgundenau Beech Tree Farm, Main Street, Bielby, East
Riding Of Yorkshire, YO42 4JW,
Appellant Mr & Mrs J Halley
Appeal Start Date: 4 May 2021
Appeal Type: Refusal of planning permission
Appeal Process: Written Representations
I am writing to inform you that an appeal has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate against a
decision made on an application relating to the above proposal.
Copies of any representations made at application stage will be forwarded to the Planning
Inspectorate and to the appellant. These will be considered by the Planning Inspector when
determining the appeal. If you wish to make comments, or modify/withdraw your previous
representation this must be done by 8 June 2021.
At the present time due to the COVID-19 pandemic it is preferable for representations to be
submitted electronically to the Planning Inspectorate to avoid delays in processing due to
limited staff able to work in the office, please refer to their web page where you can submit representations electronically
(quoting their reference APP/E2001/W/21/3271346,), alternatively representations can be posted ensuring their reference number is quoted.
Please do not send correspondence to East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
The appeal documents submitted by the appellant can be inspected on the council’s public access
website at quoting our reference 21/00023/REFUSE. If you
require further information on the appeal process, guidance can be found at