Thursday, 22 April 2021

Funding Available For Local Projects In The Community

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the nice weather. Please see the email from Councillor Hammond in relation to some funding available. I will be applying for a some funding to provide a new seat and paving for the space opposite the church. I also thought about large flower pots to be placed strategically round the village. If anybody else has any ideas please contact me.


Paul Ward

Dear Clerk

I hope you and your Councillors are well?

I am happy to now provide you with further information as a follow up to my previous email about the Community Grant Scheme secured as part of ERYC’s annual budget by the Wolds Weighton Ward Councillors.

The scheme’s official name is now the ‘Fast Forward East Riding Community Fund’.

As explained in my previous email, the aim of the grant is to help projects and events which encourage residents to get back out there after Covid and utilise arts, cultural and community facilities, and high streets (where applicable).

You will be able to apply for funding between £500 and £5,000 to carry out projects in your Parish which assist with the above.

We are happy to inform you that, the initial £200,000 we secured for this Fund, has now increased to £250,000, so we should be able to get a lot done for our communities!

The Fund will remain available until March 2023, or until the £250,000 runs out. 

The Fund will be opened in mid-May, so you’ve still got good time to consider projects/events. These projects/events can either be carried out by yourselves, or other community organisations/groups within your Parish.

Information about how to reply will be released by the Grants Team when the Fund is launched. I am advised however, that it will be an easy process - I know some other grants are not!

If anyone has any questions about this Fund, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Kind regards


Councillor Leo Hammond

Wolds Weighton Ward

Monday, 19 April 2021

Police Newsletter April 2021

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links below to open the newsletter for each area:-