Sunday, 28 March 2021

Police Newsletter March 2021

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links below to open the newsletter for each area:-

Friday, 26 March 2021

Spring Clean Melbourne School Fundraiser Help

Having a Spring clothing clear out? 
Friends of Melbourne School are having a Bag2school collection to raise money for the school. 

Please put any items you would like to donate in bags and leave in the car park at Melbourne Village Hall before 9am on Tuesday 20th April. 

More details of items they can accept are on this link

I will be bringing a leaflet around next week as a reminder.

Thanks in advance. 

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Fire Pit Recommendation

‘Just in case anyone is after a fire pit, I can really recommend the ones that Shane Sellers is selling, they are excellent quality and very solid and heavy.
We got the large one with a grill and lid. 
Shane’s has a Facebook page and his details are:
SLS Fire Pits
Mobile: 07843 275363
Cheers. Tony.’

Friday, 19 March 2021

Well Rotted Manure for Gardeners Available

A message for all the keen gardeners of the village that well rotted manure is available for from Ambleside all you need is a wheelbarrow and fork. 

News About Starlings Found In Mill Lane

 Alex noticed eight dead starlings in a group by the hedges outside the Mill back in early February. Alex phoned Defra as there were concerns about bird flu/poisoning and what they might have died.

Here is the response.

Hi All - that report on the starlings I found up by the mill has just come through (very late as they said it would only take a couple days!)
In essence non of them died of avian flu. They all appear to have been suffering some form of kidney disease (nephropathy or visceral gout) that is common in caged birds - it seems they are looking into that further though.
So glad it is neither avian flu nor poison.

News About Condition of Bielby Lane

Please find below the letter Chris Emptage received regarding resurfacing Bielby Lane.

Dear Mr Emptage  

Thank you for your email dated 27 February 2021, regarding Bielby Lane.  

Unfortunately, the recent wet and freezing weather conditions have caused the number of  potholes appearing in the East Riding to rise significantly.  

Minor repairs are ordered for Bielby Lane, following a further inspection completed last week.  

Regarding the issue of fully resurfacing the road, the funds available are allocated based on a  priority rating system of all of the roads within the East Riding, and the current ranking of Bielby  Lane makes it unlikely that it will be resurfaced any earlier than 2026.  

In the interim period we will continue to carry out minor repairs as required.  

Yours sincerely  

Paul Abbott  

Head of Housing, Transportation and Public Protection  

Sent on behalf of  

Paul Bellotti  

Director of Communities and Environment 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Looking for Volunteers

Hi everybody, hope you are all keeping fit and well. The small group of us in the village who do the planting of flowers around the village would like to tidy up the area opposite the church. We are looking to pull up the existing flagstones, chop a bit of the hedging, relay some new flagstones and replace the seat with a new bench. To do this we will be looking for some volunteers to do a bit of hard work. I appreciate we are still in a lockdown situation but hopefully with this being outside and maybe start next month we will be OK. If you are not comfortable with this that is fine. Please let me know if you are willing to help. Thanks Paul Ward

Thank You from Martin House Hospice

A letter has been received from Martin House  Hospice thanking Bielby residents for the donation we sent.  Please click on this link to view the letter from Martin House