Friday, 30 October 2020

Police Newsletter October 2020

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Remembrance Sunday 2020

 Remembrance Sunday

The Government's restrictions due to the pandemic mean this year's Remembrance Sunday events will, unfortunately, be seriously curtailed. Here in Bielby, (unless further limitations are introduced), there will be:

Time: 10.50 am a short ceremony (c. 15 mins.)

Place: Churchyard War Memorial

Event: The traditional music on the pipes

the customary words

observing the 2 minutes' silence

Anyone is welcome to attend - please kindly observe social distancing.

(N.B. There will be no church service in Bielby on Sunday 1st November. Instead, HoSM church will have an All Saints' Day festival Holy Communion at 10.45 am for our group of churches.

Bielby's next service in church will be Sunday 15th November at 9.15 am)

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Halloween Saturday 31st October 2020

 Halloween - Saturday 31st October 2020.

Halloween will be a bit different this year.

Children probably won't be knocking on doors this year (well mine won't). If villagers want to put pumpkins out or a Halloween picture in your window, the children can spot them on a walk around the village on Saturday and parents can give their child sweets etc everytime they spot one.

We want to keep everyone safe and minimise contact so if we just go on a hunt looking for pumpkins and halloween pictures we won't be touching people's gates, doors etc or exchanging sweets from a communal bowl.

The Halloween hunt/walk through the village can still be fun.

The children can wear fancy dress and so many will have their faces covered. Adults accompanying, might wear a mask to add to the Halloween atmosphere. 

To keep everyone safe we need to keep to our family groups of up to 6 and to social distance as we walk around the village.

Jon and Beatrice will be creating a spooktacular Halloween scene outside theirs. (They won't be handing out sweets.) 

I'm going to print off some pumpkin pictures and laminate them and will tie them up the fairy glen for a Halloween trail some time early this week. How many pumpkins can you spot along the walk? I was inspired by Julie Wilkinson's Teddy bear trail that many of us enjoyed in lockdown. I'll let you know when they are up. 🎃

Friday, 9 October 2020

Repairs To Bielby Lane

Chris Emptage has received an email regarding proposed road works to repair the potholes on Bielby Lane near Hayton.

Re: Road West of Hayton - Bielby Lane 

Thank you for your email dated 14 September, 2020, notifying us of potholes appearing again along Bielby Lane. 

The Highways team have now issued works for the roadmaster machine to visit the road in the near future to provide a pothole fill, and overlay spray of bitumen and chippings on the affected areas. This will provide a more robust repair for the forthcoming months, and over winter especially. 

The team has also placed the lane on their forward programme for major patching and surface dressing consideration. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

From the Foss Internal Drainage Board

Foss IDB Conclusion of Audit Notice 2019-2020

The Board’s External Auditor has completed the Audit of the Board’s accounts for the year 2019/2020.
Foss IDB Audit report for 2019-2020 can be viewed by clicking on this link.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Message from Richard Burton, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Leader

Dear residents, businesses and local communities 

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 and  saving East Riding lives: It’s in our hands! 


Back in March, a week before we went into a national lockdown, I wrote an open letter to the East Riding to assure you all that East Riding of Yorkshire Council would do all it possibly could to support local communities through the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Throughout the lockdown period, we continued to collect and empty 50,000 bins a day, we provided vital care and support to our most frail, elderly, poorly and vulnerable residents, we quickly processed tens of millions of pounds-worth of grants and other payments to thousands of businesses and we operated community response hubs with the HEY Smile Foundation and other partners – helping those in need with deliveries of food, medication and other support. 


There were countless other ways the council and its staff helped local residents, businesses and communities through the first wave of COVID-19 and we have continued to support the East Riding as the Government eased lockdown measures in the summer. 


The East Riding has fared better than many other areas, with generally much lower infection rates, hospital admissions and loss of life.  However, every loss has of course been a personal tragedy to those affected and every hardship suffered by residents – whether bereavement, physical or mental illness, financial, social or emotional – is a cause for sorrow and regret. That is why I am now writing another open letter to the East Riding, to urge everyone to play your part in helping to avoid more loss and hardship. 


Infection rates are still lower in the East Riding than many places elsewhere but they are rising quickly and if we don’t all act now, to take individual and collective action, then we will all suffer the consequences in the weeks and months to come. 


We are at a crucial time in the fight against COVID-19. The next few weeks are going to be pivotal in determining what happens with COVID-19 in the East Riding this autumn and winter. 


Therefore the time is NOW to act by doing the right thing when it comes to COVID-19 prevention. 


Please keep following the 3 Steps To Safety: Prevent. Notice. Act. Keep doing the basic things which we know helps to prevent the spread of this virus – handwashing, social distancing, wearing a face covering where appropriate and if you’re not exempt, quickly responding to symptoms by getting tested and self-isolated if advised to.   Nationally, a staggering 80% of people are failing to self-isolate when they should be. 


It’s really simple. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, if you have been tested but are waiting for the result or if you have tested positive, do NOT go out. Stay at home. Self-isolate. Do not mix with other people from outside your household. 


We are entering a new phase in this pandemic, with more incidences of it spreading and neighbouring areas seeing major increases. The next few weeks could see a surge in numbers and we will only avoid that if all residents work together by doing those basic things but most essentially by isolating themselves when they have symptoms, have tested positive or are awaiting a test result. 


I’m afraid we all need to make some personal sacrifices right now, in various aspects of our daily life, if we are to keep the East Riding as a safe place to live, work, shop, learn, play, invest and visit. 


We need to do the right thing now to protect our most vulnerable residents – the people we love and cherish. Our vulnerable family members, friends, colleagues and neighbours. 


At this time of year, people are normally starting to look forward to Christmas. This year Christmas will be very different if we don’t all act now by doing the right thing.   All of us need to reduce our individual risk so that we are reducing the risk to our loved ones and the whole of the East Riding – local communities, local businesses and local people. 



We have shown throughout the spring and the summer that the #TogetherEastRiding is strong and we need that to continue more than ever. 


For those people who are ignoring the risks, who are going out even though you have symptoms or are waiting for test results, who are forgetting to do the basics right, please stop and think about what you are doing and the consequences your actions will bring for us all. 


Please follow the 3 Steps To Safety, for your own health, for the sake of your loved ones and for everyone in the East Riding.  We all want to avoid another lockdown unless absolutely necessary, we all want to avoid more hardship and we all want to avoid more loss of life and personal tragedies. 


Our future is in our hands. Please do the right thing. Now. 


On behalf of everyone at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, thank you for your support and stay safe. 


Cllr Richard Burton 
Leader, East Riding of Yorkshire Council 

Friday, 2 October 2020

Farming GPS Thefts Warning

 Warning following recent farming GPS thefts in the East Riding of Yorkshire

Police are warning farmers across the East Riding to be vigilant following a spate of recent thefts of GPS tracker systems from farm vehicles.


Farm vehicles have been targeted and their GPS systems have been stolen. There has been three separate reports of theft of GPS tracker systems from farm vehicles overnight in Hotham, Melbourne and Harswell.

Earlier thefts included GPS systems stolen from two tractor units stored at a facility on Station Road, Ottringham; six GPS systems stolen from tractors in the area of Withernsea Road, Halsham; and, GPS tracker systems stolen from a tractor and a sprayer parked securely in a farmyard on Swine Lane, Coniston.


Police advise farmers to remove GPS systems from tractors and other farm machinery each night, don’t leave them in a locked cab, as the cab can be broken into. Farmers should also consider using property marking kits as an added security measure.


Humberside Police are appealing for anyone with relevant information to call 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or call 999 if a crime is happening.