Sunday, 27 September 2020

Church, Harvest & Food Bank

 Church, Harvest and Food Bank

Sadly, due to Covid-19 and Government restrictions, we are unable to have our customary Harvest Festival, which supports The People's Pantry, our local food bank.

However, The People's Pantry is likely to be more necessary than ever this winter.

To help, the church will be open 10.00 am to 6.00 pm on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd October. If villagers wish to give their usual support (non-perishable food, cleaning materials and toiletries), they can leave items on the table just inside the church door.

Our Holy Communion service, 9.15 am Sunday 4th October will have a harvest theme and afterwards all the donations will go to The People's Pantry.

(The People's Pantry is now a delivery service; if anyone is in need, they can contact our Rector, Stephen, on any day with a shopping list and he (or another volunteer) will deliver.

Contact: Revd. Canon Stephen Cope 01430-626728 or

Friday, 25 September 2020

Police Newsletter September 2020

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

From the Treasurer - Bielby Parish Meeting Annual Return

 Bielby Parish Meeting Annual Return

Every year, Bielby Parish Meeting local authority finalises the accounts for the financial year ending 31st March, the accounts are then internally audited.

- The financial accounts for 2019-2020 and the budget for 2020-21 were presented and approved at the Annual General Meeting of Bielby Parish Meeting held on the 24th August 2020.

The financial statement from the accounts is incorporated into the regulatory Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

All electors in Bielby Parish have the public right to inspect the financial accounts and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (“AGAR”) of Bielby Parish Meeting.

- To satisfy this obligation, the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) and the “Notice of Public Rights” are hereby published in the attached .pdf document.

- Paper copy (‘hard-copy’) of the attached e-documents have been posted on the village notice board at the bus stop for review.

- For 2020, the review period for these documents and all associated financial information is extended until 6th October 2020.   


The documents can be viewed by clicking on the link.

(1.) Notice of Public Rights (3 pages)


(2.) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-2020 (7 pages), including:-

* Exemption Certificate – Signed by the Chairperson, approved at the AGM (Minutes Item 4(b)(i)) and sent to government auditor as required.

* Annual Internal Audit Report – Signed by the local internal auditor.

* Annual Governance Statement – Signed by the Chairperson, approved at the AGM (Minutes Item 4(b)(i)).

* Accounting Statements - Signed by the Chairperson, approved at the AGM (Minutes Item 4(b)(ii)).

* Contact details


(3.) Bielby Parish 2020-2021 Budget, approved at the AGM, 24th August 2020 (Minutes Item 4(b)(iii)) (1 page).


(4.) Treasurer Report, 24th August 2020 (3 pages).


(5.) Bielby Parish 2019-2020 End-Year Accounts (7 pages), including:-

* 2019-2020 Account summary

* Account statement with comparison to last three years, signed by Chairperson and Treasurer.

* Bank reconciliation

* Receipts

* Payments

* Variance

* Asset List