Minutes for the Bielby Parish Meeting AGM
Monday 24th August, 2020
at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of
the Church Council.
Present: Chairman - Paul Ward. Treasurer - Ian
Ross. Secretary - Gabrielle Rose.
5 residents.
1. Apologies for absence were received from Christine Coe, Val and Pete
2. Minutes from the last meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2019 were read out and adopted as a true and correct
record. Proposed by Richard Coe and seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
3. Matters arising from the minutes. There were no matters arising.
4. Reports:
a. Chairman’s Report. Paul Ward reported on the social and fundraising
events that took place, the annual work on the beck and the floral displays.
Paul thanked all those who organised and supported the activities. His full report
is attached.
b. Treasurer’s Report. Ian Ross informed the meeting of the Parish
financial position.
At the end of the financial year 2019-2020 there
was £2795.56 in the bank account. Ian advised that the Precept and Land Rents
should not be increased next year.
Ian’s full report is attached.
Approval of the Annual
Governance Statement and Exemption Certificate for 2019-2020.
Approval of the Accounting
Statement for 2019-2020.
Approval of the Budget for 2020-2021.
Approval for items 4(b) (i)
(ii) and (iii) were proposed by Richard Coe and seconded by Neil Readman.
c. St Giles Church. The report by the church wardens John Peel and
Stephen Smith was read out by John. The church offered a full programme of
services in 2019 and early 2020. Fund raising events took place, organisers and
supporters were thanked. Lockdown has affected worship and finances and the
villagers support of the 100 Club has been a lifeline. Advice for improving
accessibility (a collapsible aluminium ramp) at the gate step has been given in
the church architect’s Quinquennial Inspection report. The rector Stephen Cope
runs the local food bank, please contact him to use the food bank or make
donations. Christmas events will be posted on the church notice board and the
blog. The full report is attached.
d. 30th Annual Bielby Produce Show 2019.
No report was given.
5. Election of Officers for 2020-2021. Paul
Ward, Ian Ross and Gabrielle Rose were re-elected as Chairman, Treasurer and
Secretary. Proposed by Neil Readman, seconded by John Peel.
6. Any Other Business. None.
The meeting closed at 19.45
Reports from the AGM:
Minutes of the Bielby Parish
Monday 24th August, 2020
at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of
the Church Council.
Present: Chairman - Paul Ward. Treasurer - Ian
Ross. Secretary - Gabrielle Rose.
5 residents.
1. Apologies for absence were received from Christine Coe, Val and Pete
2. Minutes of last meeting held on 21st October
2019 were
read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Dot Zotollo and
seconded by Jon Peel.
3. Matters arising from the minutes. There were no matters arising.
Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting. Holly Cottage and
Gale Cottage
ERNLLCA (East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Councils Association)
membership renewal. The meeting agreed that membership (at a cost of £50) should be renewed
as it had been a valuable resource.
Microsoft Office 365 annual renewal of software for Parish laptop. The meeting agreed to
pay the annual fee of £59.99.
Precept. As raised in the AGM there will be no requirement for an increase in
the Precept next year. Proposed by Ian Ross, seconded by Richard Coe. (Note: The
Precept demand is submitted to ERYC by mid January and this item is usually on
the agenda for the October Parish Meeting. There may not be another parish
meeting before mid January 2020 so the item has been included at this meeting).
Defibrillator. Paul tests the equipment regularly and there are no issues. The
equipment is now five years old and a replacement battery is recommended after 4/5
years. The cost of approximately £160.
Bielby in Bloom. Paul noted that the village
planters were looking good and again asked for ideas how to improve the
appearance of the village. Bulb planting will take place during
October/November with approximately £50 requested for the cost of spring
flowering bulbs. It was noted that the
bench in the area opposite the church is broken and beyond repair and the
meeting agreed to replace it. Ideas for improving the area were discussed.
10. Bielby Beck update. Neil Readman
reported that the beck would be cleared before the Duck Race takes place. The
meeting discussed the annual maintenance work and the issue of who is
responsible for undertaking the work. The consensus is that the Environment
Agency should maintain the beck. Paul had raised the issue with the EA and will
follow it up. Ian suggested that a report and photos could be made in order to
record what the village does to reduce the risk of flooding.
11. Bielby Music Festival
2021. Ian
proposed that there should be a 2021 Bielby Music Festival, if organisers are
willing, as such an event would be a celebration and ‘get together’ for people
following the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic; funds are available in the now-approved
2020-2021 Budget for any advance commitments for such a festival and additional
funds could be made available after April 2021 in the 2021-2022 Budget if
necessary. Paul agreed to speak to Ian Simpson.
12. Bus Stop Shelter Rota. Paul thanked everyone on the Rota. Two volunteers have stepped up so the
November slot has been filled and Paul now only has to do one month!
13. Any other business.
Village Christmas Events. (Note. Christmas events such as the meal out
and carol singing are usually discussed at the October Parish Meeting. There
may not be another parish meeting before Christmas so the item has been
included at this meeting). In view of the current restrictions and the
uncertainty of future restrictions, the meeting agreed that arrangements could
not be made at present. Suggestions for donating to a charity, in lieu of a ‘door-step’
collection from carol singing, were put forward. The meeting agreed to have
Martin House Children’s Hospice as the recipient this year. Further information
will be posted on the village blog later in the year.
Several residents have seen a drone flying close to them/their property.
The Government website https://www.gov.uk/government/news/drones-are-you-flying-yours-safely-and-legally states that the drone
operator must ‘never fly
within 50 metres of a person, vehicle or building not under your control’ and ‘it is your responsibility to fly
safely and within the law – if you don’t (and individuals have been) you could
be prosecuted.’
The work
carried out by the contractor for BT on the village footpaths have been poorly
finished. Gabrielle will contact ERYC to see if anything can be done.
Margaret Wilkinson
commented on speeding vehicles on Mill Lane and asked if a 10mph and Children
Slow signs could be put up. The speed limit in the village is 30mph. Paul
commented that ERYC would be very unlikely to install this type of restriction
adding that unfortunately, they will not act until a fatality or serious
accident occurs.
asked if a Christmas walk was going to be arranged, again due to possible
restrictions no arrangements were made.
The meeting closed at 20.30