Monday, 27 July 2020

Police Newsletter July 2020

The Wolds Weighton crime figures have been amended.

Please click on the links for the latest information:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

Planning Application

Proposal:        Erection of single storey extensions to front, side and rear with roof lanterns, erection of two storey and first floor extensions to rear, increase in chimney height, installation of roof lights and a metal framed ridge light and installation of new automatic timber gates following alterations to existing driveway.

Location:         Gale Cottage, Gale Carr Lane, Bielby
Reference:      20/01959/PLF
10 August 2020  is the latest date for comments to be submitted to ERYC.
Plans, documents and comments can be viewed online via Public Access on the ERYC website. Your comments can also be submitted on line via the link below or by email to

The link to take you to the planning search page is

A copy of the letter from ERYC will be on the notice board.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Bielby Church Services and Local Food Bank

Bielby Church Services and the local Food Bank

Services still cannot return to the usual pattern, so our next service of Holy Communion will be Sunday 2nd August at 9.15 am.

Details of other services in the Holme-on-Spalding Moor group of churches are on the church noticeboard.

There is also information about the local food bank, The People's Pantry, co-ordinated by our Rector, Stephen (01430-626728, email

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Balsam Pulling 12th and 19th July 2020

Can you please let the blog know the there will be Balsam pulling session tomorrow Sunday at 12 and again a week on Sunday at the same time.
Please bring waders, wellies, gloves.

Thank you x

Beatrice Los

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Himalayan Balsam In The Beck - Need Help Removing

Beatrice Los has sent this email.

We have this plant growing in Bielby Beck. I have been pulling it out for years and have managed it.
I would like a village working party to help me do it this year. It is in flower at the moment - it will go to seed in the next 2 weeks and then we will have a big problem. 
If you can help, get in touch with Beatrice. Thanks. 

Friday, 3 July 2020

Church Reopens Sunday 5th July 2020

Sunday 5th July Bielby church will re-open for services.

At 9.15 am there will be Holy Communion.

There will be various safety measures in place, including hand sanitiser for on entry/exit and socially distanced seating arrangements.

We hope to continue with services on the first and third Sunday every month at 9.15 am.

Parish Meeting

We have to have the accounts for the parish signed off by the end of August and to do this we need to hold a meeting. Can you please let me know your feelings about holding a meeting. Email me at:


Chair of Bielby Meeting