The Chaplin family would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the kindness of all the villagers who stood out to say farewell to Jim. It was much appreciated and knowing how Jim loved having a word with you all when he was able to ride about the village on his mobility scooter, we know he would have been so pleased.
Our sincere thanks to John for tolling the church bell.
We feel you all gave Jim a really nice farewell.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Monday, 25 May 2020
Coronavirus message from Sir Greg Knight MP
For the
attention of the Clerk of the Council
May 2020
I am writing to you
to provide you and your Council with the latest information concerning the
government’s new regulations for social distancing.
In view of the
falling death rate and fewer infections in the community and new scientific
evidence, the government has made some modest modifications to the lockdown
restrictions. These changes took effect yesterday (Wednesday 13th
There has been no
major change to the rules on work, although the government has signalled a
change in emphasis. People are still encouraged to work from home where they
can. However, if they cannot work from home, they are now encouraged to go to
The government has
issued a further clarification that professional childcare is work that cannot
be done from home, so people such as nannies or childminders can go to work.
Similarly, there
has been no change to the rules regarding schools, but parents who are already
allowed to send their children to school, such as critical workers, or parents
of vulnerable children, will be encouraged to do so.
Outdoor Activities
In view of
scientific advice which suggests that risk of transmission is measurably lower
outdoors, the government has made a number of changes to the rules. These
the restriction on exercise once a day, so people can now exercise outdoors as
many times as they wish.
are now permitted to spend time outside even when not exercising, so
sunbathing, angling and other outdoor pursuits are allowed. This includes
sports which can be played whilst socially distanced, such as tennis.
up with one person from outside your household is now allowed, so long as you
remain at least two metres away.
may drive to outdoor open spaces irrespective of distance, so long as they
maintain social distancing requirements while there.
People are still
not allowed to play team sports such as cricket or football, except with
members of their own household, nor is it permissible to meet up in groups.
People should
continue to avoid public transport where at all possible. The Government is now
advising that people should aim to wear a face-covering in enclosed spaces
where social distancing is not always possible and they come into contact with
others that they do not normally meet, for example on busses or in shops.
While you are
allowed to drive to outdoor spaces irrespective of distance, this is not an
excuse to travel miles for tourist purposes. Caravanning is still not allowed
and caravan sites remain closed for non-permanent residents.
International Arrivals
The government’s
advice on international travel has not changed, however, international arrivals
are likely to be required to self-isolate for fourteen days when entering the
country. This requirement is expected to be in force by the end of the month.
The government is
increasing the fines for those who break these regulations. Fines now start at
£100 for a first infraction, doubling for each further offence, up to a maximum
of £3,200.
Financial support
The government has
extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to October. There will be no
changes to the scheme until the end of July. From August, the scheme will
continue, with greater flexibility to allow employees to return to work.
The government has
made some changes to the rules around the housing market, to make it easier for
people to move home. People are now allowed to move house, so long as this is
done in line with social distancing. Further, estate agent offices and show
homes can reopen and viewings are permitted.
Further changes
will be made no sooner than 1st June, if the number of infections
and the rate of infection continue to fall.
While these
modifications to the rules provide greater opportunities for individuals and
families to enjoy the outdoors, it is important no one takes unacceptable advantage
of it.
My own view is
that what is allowed is not always wise, and I am urging everyone to consider
the possible consequences of their actions. The best advice is still to stay at
home where possible and I am discouraging tourists from visiting East
Yorkshire at the present time.
If you have any
concerns 0r questions relating to this new guidance, please feel free to contact
enquiries call 01377 812123 or 020 7219 4077.
If sending an
email, please write to
or, you can write
The Rt Hon Sir
Greg Knight House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. However, please note that the
post is currently subject to some delays.
Yours sincerely,
Sir Greg Knight MP
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Monday, 18 May 2020
Tomato Plants Going Spare
I have quite a few tomato plants spare if anyone has been unable to get theirs.
There are Heritage varieties, cherry tomatoes in various colours, as well as the usual ordinary & plum varieties and also an out door variety (although most will do well in a sunny sheltered spot).
I potted them on into 2 litre pots at the beginning of last week so they will not need any attention for a couple of weeks & I am perfectly happy keeping them for anyone until there is no risk of frost.
I don’t want anything for them- but perhaps a small donation to the Church would be nice.
Joan Huxley tel 318588
There are Heritage varieties, cherry tomatoes in various colours, as well as the usual ordinary & plum varieties and also an out door variety (although most will do well in a sunny sheltered spot).
I potted them on into 2 litre pots at the beginning of last week so they will not need any attention for a couple of weeks & I am perfectly happy keeping them for anyone until there is no risk of frost.
I don’t want anything for them- but perhaps a small donation to the Church would be nice.
Joan Huxley tel 318588
Saturday, 16 May 2020
James Chaplin
As it is family only at Jim's funeral, we would like to let anyone who knew Jim know that the funeral procession will be leaving Jim's home at 1.45pm approximately on Tuesday 19th May.
From The Chaplin Family
From The Chaplin Family
Monday, 11 May 2020
Friends Of St Giles Bielby 100 Club May Draw
Friends of St Giles Bielby 100 Club - May Draw
Due to the current lock-down we are announcing the results of the St Giles 100 club via the Bielby Village News Website. The lucky winners for May are:
1st Prize £20: No. 63
2nd Prize £10: No. 47
Normally, at this time of year, Bronwen Martin calls on people in the village to renew their 100 club subscriptions (donation £13 annually). As this is currently not possible, we'd be grateful if existing and new members could email the Treasurer (Steve Smith) at so arrangements can be made to make payment
electronically or otherwise.
The PCC very much appreciates the support from the village, without which upkeep of St Giles Church would be very difficult.
Best wishes,
Steve Smith
Treasurer, Bielby PCC
01759 318459
Friday, 8 May 2020
Ancestry Website
This may be of interest to some of you.
“The Government and Ancestry are working together to encourage the public to join together in commemorating VE Day by discovering their own connection to the Second World War.
As part of this, all UK historical records available on will be free for the public from Monday 4 May until Sunday 10 May, giving people the opportunity to uncover the personal stories of the Second World War and the roles their families played.”
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Jim Chaplin
Derek Chaplin asked me to let the villagers know that his dad Jim Chaplin sadly passed away on Monday. Jim was 94 years old.
The funeral will only be for family due to the coronavirus restrictions in place at this time.
Our condolences go to the Chaplin family at this time.
The funeral will only be for family due to the coronavirus restrictions in place at this time.
Our condolences go to the Chaplin family at this time.
Monday, 4 May 2020
Message from ERYC re provision of services
This information has been sent to Parish/Town Councils
As we enter the fifth week of social distancing measures being introduced, I am writing to update you on the current position on the delivery of some of our front line services and in particular those services delivered by the Council’s Streetscene Services. The list below provides information on which services are currently continuing to be delivered, those services that have been reduced and those services that have been suspended, as a result of the current COVID-19 situation whilst adhering to Government advice especially around distancing measures.
Work on prioritising services across Streetscene has been undertaken with an emphasis on maintaining safe roads, continuing our scheduled bin collections, ensuring our cemetery service continues and that vehicles and plant are maintained and operational for these services to deliver works for all our residents.
Staff that have seen their normal job roles reduced have been redeployed to provide capacity in these critical functions. For example we have reduced the number of staff permitted to travel in our refuse vehicles to a maximum of two, in order to comply with social distancing requirements. Additional members of the collection crews are now transported to meet up with their team in separate vehicles driven by redeployed staff. In readiness for increased absence due to COVID-19 an additional 200 members of staff have been trained in waste collection operations to supplement the service if the situation worsens.
The service area is continually monitoring and assessing the situation with a view to risk assess areas of service delivery which may be resumed. The current position on services delivered by Streetscene are listed below.
Services which are being continued:
Household waste collection services - collection of green, brown & blue bins
Commercial waste collection
Bulky waste collection
Clinical waste collection
Street/park litter bins emptied
Cemetery & bereavement service (office open 8.00am to 4.00pm Mon-Thurs / 8.00am to 3.30pm Fri)
Forestry - emergency & call out service only
Street cleansing & grass mowing - emergency/highway safety reasons
Grass mowing of parks and open spaces (from Monday 20 April 2020)
Schools grounds maintenance (from Monday 20 April 2020)
Sewerby Hall and Gardens grounds maintenance (from Monday 20 April 2020)
Services suspended:
Routine street cleansing services
Highway verge grass mowing (Service area currently working on plans to reintroduce this service from 4 May 2020)
Tree inspections and routine maintenance
Grass mowing at council house gardens
Playground inspections (includes schools)
Markets - Bridlington, Beverley, Cottingham & Pocklington
Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRS) (Currently under review)
Technical Services
Services which are being continued:
Car parks – All Council car parks and pay-and-display-bays are free in the East Riding up until 31 May 2020 to show support for the NHS and other key frontline workers at this time
Civil Enforcement Officers are patrolling in vans and will only enforce when a vehicle is parked dangerously or causing an obstruction. Some enforcement may take place in Controlled Parking Zones should any residents report specific issues. This is following guidance issued by the British Parking Association
Civil Parking Enforcement Notice and Appeals staff continue to work from home
Street works staff working from home. Street works inspections continue following a slight increase in the amount of work being undertaken by utility companies
Street Lighting – some programmed works and emergency call outs
Gritting of roads - drivers working as normal with stringent vehicle and equipment sanitisation measures in place (Winter Maintenance to be stood down as at 30 April 2020 for the season)
CCTV – single operators on shifts
Highway Maintenance
Services which are being continued:
Highway maintenance and repair works continuing on a priority basis to ensure the highway network is kept open and safe for key users. We continue to work with our key suppliers to ensure availability of materials and plant to perform this key service across the authority highway network
Highway safety inspections and response to enquiries being undertaken by area teams as mobile/agile working alone in vehicles
Gully emptying continuing on rota in rural areas with staff observing distancing guidance
Out of hours emergency standby cover continues as usual
Prioritising patching, surface dressing, and larger maintenance schemes needed for asset and road safety reasons, and those works which can be carried out more safely for the public and our crews due to light traffic conditions and maintaining social distancing
Services suspended:
Some future minor maintenance schemes, particularly in busier areas may be postponed due to the inability to practice social distancing between our workforce and members of the public, and due to an increase in some areas in the number of parked vehicles, however not those schemes that are proposed for safety reasons
Taskforce & Environmental Enforcement
Services which are being continued:
Enforcement actions limited to safety critical issues only
Services suspended:
Village taskforce and parish meetings cancelled this year, to resume in 2021
Fleet Services
Services which are being continued:
Vehicle Maintenance Unit
Work on Council vehicles continues as usual with social distancing measures in place
MOT and Taxi testing scaled down as per Government guidance, although the MOT station is still open for business
All vehicles with MOT expiring on and after 30 March 2020 will have a 6-month extension applied
All vehicles with Taxi Compliance Certificate expiring on and after 30 March 2020 will have a 6-month extension applied
As we enter the fifth week of social distancing measures being introduced, I am writing to update you on the current position on the delivery of some of our front line services and in particular those services delivered by the Council’s Streetscene Services. The list below provides information on which services are currently continuing to be delivered, those services that have been reduced and those services that have been suspended, as a result of the current COVID-19 situation whilst adhering to Government advice especially around distancing measures.
Work on prioritising services across Streetscene has been undertaken with an emphasis on maintaining safe roads, continuing our scheduled bin collections, ensuring our cemetery service continues and that vehicles and plant are maintained and operational for these services to deliver works for all our residents.
Staff that have seen their normal job roles reduced have been redeployed to provide capacity in these critical functions. For example we have reduced the number of staff permitted to travel in our refuse vehicles to a maximum of two, in order to comply with social distancing requirements. Additional members of the collection crews are now transported to meet up with their team in separate vehicles driven by redeployed staff. In readiness for increased absence due to COVID-19 an additional 200 members of staff have been trained in waste collection operations to supplement the service if the situation worsens.
The service area is continually monitoring and assessing the situation with a view to risk assess areas of service delivery which may be resumed. The current position on services delivered by Streetscene are listed below.
Services which are being continued:
Household waste collection services - collection of green, brown & blue bins
Commercial waste collection
Bulky waste collection
Clinical waste collection
Street/park litter bins emptied
Cemetery & bereavement service (office open 8.00am to 4.00pm Mon-Thurs / 8.00am to 3.30pm Fri)
Forestry - emergency & call out service only
Street cleansing & grass mowing - emergency/highway safety reasons
Grass mowing of parks and open spaces (from Monday 20 April 2020)
Schools grounds maintenance (from Monday 20 April 2020)
Sewerby Hall and Gardens grounds maintenance (from Monday 20 April 2020)
Services suspended:
Routine street cleansing services
Highway verge grass mowing (Service area currently working on plans to reintroduce this service from 4 May 2020)
Tree inspections and routine maintenance
Grass mowing at council house gardens
Playground inspections (includes schools)
Markets - Bridlington, Beverley, Cottingham & Pocklington
Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRS) (Currently under review)
Technical Services
Services which are being continued:
Car parks – All Council car parks and pay-and-display-bays are free in the East Riding up until 31 May 2020 to show support for the NHS and other key frontline workers at this time
Civil Enforcement Officers are patrolling in vans and will only enforce when a vehicle is parked dangerously or causing an obstruction. Some enforcement may take place in Controlled Parking Zones should any residents report specific issues. This is following guidance issued by the British Parking Association
Civil Parking Enforcement Notice and Appeals staff continue to work from home
Street works staff working from home. Street works inspections continue following a slight increase in the amount of work being undertaken by utility companies
Street Lighting – some programmed works and emergency call outs
Gritting of roads - drivers working as normal with stringent vehicle and equipment sanitisation measures in place (Winter Maintenance to be stood down as at 30 April 2020 for the season)
CCTV – single operators on shifts
Highway Maintenance
Services which are being continued:
Highway maintenance and repair works continuing on a priority basis to ensure the highway network is kept open and safe for key users. We continue to work with our key suppliers to ensure availability of materials and plant to perform this key service across the authority highway network
Highway safety inspections and response to enquiries being undertaken by area teams as mobile/agile working alone in vehicles
Gully emptying continuing on rota in rural areas with staff observing distancing guidance
Out of hours emergency standby cover continues as usual
Prioritising patching, surface dressing, and larger maintenance schemes needed for asset and road safety reasons, and those works which can be carried out more safely for the public and our crews due to light traffic conditions and maintaining social distancing
Services suspended:
Some future minor maintenance schemes, particularly in busier areas may be postponed due to the inability to practice social distancing between our workforce and members of the public, and due to an increase in some areas in the number of parked vehicles, however not those schemes that are proposed for safety reasons
Taskforce & Environmental Enforcement
Services which are being continued:
Enforcement actions limited to safety critical issues only
Services suspended:
Village taskforce and parish meetings cancelled this year, to resume in 2021
Fleet Services
Services which are being continued:
Vehicle Maintenance Unit
Work on Council vehicles continues as usual with social distancing measures in place
MOT and Taxi testing scaled down as per Government guidance, although the MOT station is still open for business
All vehicles with MOT expiring on and after 30 March 2020 will have a 6-month extension applied
All vehicles with Taxi Compliance Certificate expiring on and after 30 March 2020 will have a 6-month extension applied
Friday, 1 May 2020
Items Found Near The Canal
David Thompson has found a black glove by the canal and red dog collar found in church lane. David does have photos. I have a contact for David so let me know if this is yours.
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