We are looking for help and ideas to put together a VE Celebration on Friday 8th May 2020 which will be a public holiday.
Some suggestions so far are:
Some suggestions so far are:
- Ridsdale's big barn is available for the Friday to do a village VECelebration. (Could be like the jubilee celebrations). Or village marquee is available.
- Afternoon into early evening event, start and finish times to be confirmed.
- General street party ambience with afternoon tea dance style celebration.
- Everyone brings some savoury and sweet items for a shared afternoon tea and bring own drinks.
- Dress code smart casual, optional fancy dress in 1940/50's civilian attire or armed forces uniform. Perhaps a prize for the best fancy dress or best Vera Lynn or Winston Churchill look alike?
- Could get children in village to do table decorations (make some poppies) and banners.
- Entertainment could be period music on a CD player to dance to. Or 1940's singalong and other music (recorded or live depending on available musical volunteers!)
- Photos displayed of villager's family members who were in the war, Women's land army or homefront. With a little paragraph about them and their war effort.
- Listen to Winston Churchill's speech declaring end of war to start VE celebrations/ could project the footage onto the barn wall to watch.
- Entrance fee: free for all Bielby residents and guests.
These are just ideas. A group of us are going to get together in the next week or so to organise the celebrations.
Get in touch with Sara on 318286 asap if you would like to help or you have some ideas. You can always leave a comment with your ideas or offer of help. Thank you.
Save the date Friday 8th May.
Get in touch with Sara on 318286 asap if you would like to help or you have some ideas. You can always leave a comment with your ideas or offer of help. Thank you.
Save the date Friday 8th May.