Thursday, 27 February 2020

VE Celebrations Request For Help & Ideas

We are looking for help and ideas to put together a VE Celebration on Friday 8th May 2020 which will be a public holiday.

Some suggestions so far are:
  • Ridsdale's big barn is available for the Friday to do a village VECelebration. (Could be like the jubilee celebrations). Or village marquee is available. 
  • Afternoon into early evening event, start and finish times to be confirmed.
  • General street party ambience with afternoon tea dance style celebration. 
  • Everyone brings some savoury and sweet items for a shared afternoon tea and bring own drinks. 
  • Dress code smart casual, optional fancy dress in 1940/50's civilian attire or armed forces uniform. Perhaps a prize for the best fancy dress or best Vera Lynn or Winston Churchill look alike?
  • Could get children in village to do table decorations (make some poppies) and banners. 
  • Entertainment could be period music on a CD player to dance to. Or 1940's singalong and other music (recorded or live depending on available musical volunteers!)
  • Photos displayed of villager's family members who were in the war, Women's land army or homefront. With a little paragraph about them and their war effort. 
  • Listen to Winston Churchill's speech declaring end of war to start VE celebrations/ could project the footage onto the barn wall to watch. 
  • Entrance fee: free for all Bielby residents and guests.
These are just ideas. A group of us are going to get together in the next week or so to organise the celebrations.

Get in touch with Sara on 318286 asap if you would like to help or you have some ideas. You can always leave a comment with your ideas or offer of help. Thank you.

Save the date Friday 8th May. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Thanks For Carol Singing Money Raised

Please see the photo of Paul handing over a cheque for £318 to York Against Cancer. 

This is the money raised from the carol singing so thanks again for all those who contributed and the singers on the night. York Against Cancer also said a big thank you.

Monday, 24 February 2020

Everingham Newsletter February 2020

Here is the Everingham Newsletter February 2020.

VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebration and Community Fund

Hi, please see the letter below from the council saying there is a pot of money to be applied for if we want to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE day. We did mention this at the last meeting however nobody has shown any interest in it. Please let me know if anybody is interested in Bielby celebrating this and if we want to try to get some funding. Cheers Paul
Dear Parish or Town Clerk 
East Riding of Yorkshire Council VE Day 75th Anniversary Community Fund 
We are pleased to announce that East Riding of Yorkshire Council is establishing a new small grant fund (approximately £20,000) to support communities across the East Riding which are planning to hold commemorative events up to and around the 8/9/10 May 2020. 
All Parish and Town Councils in the East Riding are eligible to apply for the community fund. Parish and Town Councils may also submit their application in partnership with other groups or organisations as long as the Parish and Town Council is the lead applicant. 
The fund will be available to help with the costs of appropriate related activities (e.g. community events, street decorations, themed artwork). Applicants can apply for a maximum of £500 and a minimum of £100 per project. Successful projects must be directly related to the VE Day 75th Anniversary and demonstrate community benefit and/or community input. 
The fund is due to open for applications on 28 February 2020. There will be a short application form available online from that date, and further details of the fund criteria and the application process are available at: 
Applications will be assessed and awarded on a rolling basis and applicants will be advised of the Council’s funding decision by email as quickly as possible. The final application deadline will be at noon on Monday 27 April 2020, subject to sufficient grant funds remaining. 
We trust this new grant fund will be of interest to your Parish or Town Council, and if you have any queries in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact the Fund Administrator by email at:
More information regarding the VE Day 75th Anniversary can be found at: 
Yours faithfully
Councillor Richard Burton Caroline Lacey Leader of the Council Chief Executive 

Monday, 17 February 2020

Trampoline Free To Collect From Everingham

Large trampoline available free of charge to anyone who wants to collect it from Everingham. 
The trampoline is in reasonable condition (needs a clean) and comes with a replacement canvas. 
If you are interested please contact Colette Rogers on 07761 764462 for details.