Thursday, 30 January 2020

Bielby Village Marquee

Available for the use of Bielby residents, free of charge, are the marquee, tent, crockery and cutlery.
If you would like to borrow these items for your private function please contact
Ian Ross - email 318170  or
Paul Ward - email, mobile 07570827881

Many thanks for storing and transporting the tents to Richard and to Val and Pete for storing the crockery and  cutlery.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Quiz Night Thanks

Neil would like to thank all those who came to the quiz and thanks to those who helped. Thanks also to the church for letting us have the quiz there. We raised £240 split equally between church funds and the YAA.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Police Newsletters for January 2020

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Defibrillator Training

Is there anybody else who would be interested in doing some defibrillator training as we have arranged for the trainers to come (dates to be arranged). It will be hopefully around 6-30pm on either a Monday or Thursday.



Tuesday, 14 January 2020

'My Account' - a new way to contact East Riding of Yorkshire Council

My Account - Information for residents

My Account is a new quick and easy way to contact the council with over 20,000 residents already enjoying the benefits.

It takes just a couple of minutes for residents to sign up to My Account and then each time they need to fill in one of our forms, their personal details are automatically completed.  Residents can access a summary of contacts they make with the council through their account history and review any updates.   My Account will provide automated replies and, where appropriate, email updates within designated time frames.

Over 100 forms are currently available through My Account, with more being added all the time.  You can already apply for services such as blue badges or help with putting your bin out, report missed bin or potholes, and request services such as bulky waste collections or apply for a concessionary travel pass.

How My Account works
Our online forms can be found on our website at Once a form has been completed, the information is captured and automatically sent to the back office system. This creates a request for the service area to action.  My Account is also used by the staff in our customer service centres, multi service centres and telephone contact centre, who complete the same online forms on behalf of residents.

My Account is making our online forms as easy as possible to use
Before we create any new online forms, we review the full end to end process of dealing with the service request to make sure that as much of the process as possible is automated. We also make sure we collect the right information first time to avoid operational teams having to contact you again before they can complete their request. Each form is tested by users and quality checked to make sure it is as easy as possible to complete.

We’ve also reviewed the information on our website so it is easier to understand what services are available, how to access them and what happens after we have been contacted.

Our aim is to encourage more and more residents to interact with My Account by offering a seamless customer journey and positive online experience every time.  As well as providing residents with the opportunity to self-serve at a time that suits them, My Account also reduces the number of phone calls or visits to our customer service centres, which frees up staff time to help support those with more complex issues.

You can register for an account using this link:

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Seaton Ross Times January 2020

Seaton Ross Times January 2020 Seaton Ross Parish Council

The Parish Council Meeting will be held on Friday 31 st January and Friday 20 th March @7.30pm.
Agendas and minutes for meetings go on the Parish noticeboard and on the website
( ).

If there are any volunteers to organise a scheme please contact the Parish Clerk on
A representative from "Safe Roads Humber” will be talking about road safety at the Annual
Parish Meeting on 15 th May

SEATON ROSS HISTORY GROUP – The Group is now officially set up.  If anyone is interested in helping to produce a brief printed history with illustrations or adding information to a Seaton Ross history website please contact Dave (318970/ or Jane (318411), Margaret (319233) or Steve (318995 /


Over the winter months the Village Hall is hosting talks from local people who have special skills, interests or knowledge to share.  Hopefully something of interest for all…
WILLIAMS. Based on Peter’s garden at Weathervane House and his plants throughout the year,
Tuesday 18 th February: A COMMUNITY CHOIR will sing for us and invite the audience to join in.  More information nearer the day
There will be another “Topical Talk” in March. Look out for details on posters, the village web site and on the community Facebook page.   If you have any suggestions for Talks in Winter 2020/21, which could include Q&A as well as presentations, please contact Davina (318970)

The 150 CLUB is an important fund raiser for the Village Hall. It means that anyone can support this
important village facility even if they don’t immediately need it, plus having at least 48 chances of winning a prize over a year. Much better odds than the national lottery, and for the benefit of the whole village as anyone can hire the village hall.
There are 11 monthly draws of 4 PRIZES- 1 of £25, 1 of £20 and 2 of £10. There is a bonus draw in
November with a 1st prize of £100, 2nd £50, and 2 at £20 plus other prizes, so that the prizes for the whole year equal half the funds collected by the 150 Club, which is the legal requirement.  The annual cost for one ticket is only £12, two tickets double your chances of winning.  If you would like to join please contact Anna Sheldon on 01759 318602 or 07757797633 or email  The volunteer collector for your road will call to answer any questions and collect subs from the end of February.  If you wish to pay by electronic bank transfer instead of cash or cheque please request bank details and the reference needed from your collector or contact Anna.   The first draw will be in APRIL.

Seaton Ross Ladies Group

We offer a warm welcome to all ladies in Seaton Ross and surrounding villages.  We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, normally from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm in Seaton Ross Village Hall, for chat, discussion or a speaker, and refreshments.  Sometimes we have an outing instead of a meeting.
To cover costs we ask for £2.00 per person for refreshments and a ticket for the raffle.
Our first get together for 2020 will be Tuesday 7 th January and the subject is “Kitchenalia” – please bring with you the oldest item, most useless or unusual or favourite thing in your kitchen (this may not be your partner!).
Diary dates 2020: 7 th January, 4 th February, 3 rd March, 7 th April, 5 th May, 2 nd June
If you (or you know anyone) who would like to give a short talk to the group, about their specialism and/or their passion, we would be very happy to hear from you.  New ideas for meetings are also very welcome.  Please contact
Kay on 01759 318991 or via email at
Many thanks to Christine and Ann who have run the Seaton Ross Ladies Group very successfully over the last few years.  Huge thanks from all the ladies in the group for all your hard work and commitment.


10am to noon. 25 th January, 29 th February & 28 th March
Refreshments and an opportunity to catch up with village news.

Any make or model!
11th January 10-11am
 6th February 2-3pm
7th March 10-11am

Meet: Gate of Chapel Farm, Church Lane.

The Village Website is  

If you would like to see any additional information available on the website please email  HYPERLINK "" or fill in the contact form that can be found on the website

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Defibrillator and basic first aid training

I asked some time ago if anybody would be interested in having some free training regarding the defibrillator and basic first aid. This will be about an hour and we can do it in the church. I have to have at least 12 people to make it worthwhile for the trainers to come. I only had one person respond to me so I thought I would ask once more in case anybody missed it. If we do not get enough people it will obviously not be arranged which I think would be a missed opportunity. Please respond to me by Friday 24th Jan.



Monday, 6 January 2020

Neil's January Quiz Night Friday 24th Jan

After the success of last year's event. Neil is holding another quiz night in the church with the proceeds to be split between the church funds and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. On Friday 24th January 2020 at 7.30pm. Bring your own food and drinks and a Raffle prize. Maximum number of people in a team is 4. Neil hopes for a full church like last year.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Peter Young's Funeral Arrangements

Sadly Peter Young passed away in December. Peter's funeral is 10.30am on 17th January at Octon crematorium and then at the Plough at Allerthorpe.