Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Police Newsletters for October 2019

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

Minutes of the Parish Meeting 21st October 2019

Below are the minutes of the meeting followed by a link to the Treasurer mid-year report.

Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting

Monday 21st October 2019
at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the Church Council.

Present: Chairman - Paul Ward. Treasurer - Ian Ross. Secretary - Gabrielle Rose.
14 residents.

Paul thanked everyone for attending this evening.

1.      Apologies for absence received from Debbie and Tony Britton, Mary Milner, Jenny Ward.
2.      Minutes of last meeting held on 7th May 2019 were read out and adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed by Graham Tew and seconded by Richard Coe.
3.      Matters arising from the minutes. There were no matters arising.
4.      Financial position. Ian Ross summarized his mid-year report.
·         The current mid-year financial position as of the 21st October 2019 is £3,636.83, with an estimated balance at the financial year end of £2546.43. A contingency fund of £1000 and a minimum of £1000 to carry forward leaves £546.43 available to spend.
·         Ian confirmed that compliance with the Annual Governance and Accountability Return framework had been met and that no comments from local electors had been received.
·         The local precept demand is due and Ian proposed that the rate should remain the same with no further increase for 2020-2021.  Seconded by Graham Tew.
5.      Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting. Applications received for erection of a detached outbuilding containing additional living space and garage following demolition of existing outbuilding and for erection of a dwelling (access to be considered) at Bergundenau, Beech Tree Farm. Mr J Halley attended the meeting to address any concerns/comments, in particular, regarding the beech tree at the property. Tree experts had no concerns and none were raised at the meeting. Paul thanked Mr Halley for attending the meeting and read out a note of support from Mr C Emptage.
6.      Village marquee. Tents and a marquee are available for the use of Bielby residents. Having been in the care of Richard Coe for many years, Dale Greenaway has kindly agreed to store them at Stoneleigh. John Peel provided some very interesting background into the purchase of the original village tent and the village charity that provided the funds. Ian Ross suggested that a register of use should be made and was happy to be a point of contact for enquiries from residents. Several issues were raised including insurance, wear and tear, damage and help required to erect them. Val Nolton added that also available are crockery and cutlery for 50 settings which are currently being stored at their home.
7.      Flood Plan. Ian Simpson raised his concerns regarding flooding in village. The last incident was in 2007 when several properties were affected. The increase in house building in Pocklington could increase the risk to Bielby. He suggested that an Action Plan be put together. This could record areas that are at risk based on past events and local knowledge of the drains, beck and canal. Several residents agreed to gather information and report back. Further information will go on the Blog.  
8.      Drains and Sewers. Ian then made the meeting aware that sewage had recently been coming out of the gullies on his property. Yorkshire Water were working at the pumping station and told Ian that wet wipes had blocked the main sewer. Ian explained to the meeting that as the main sewer runs from Everingham across the fields to the south of Bielby then up the main road to the pumping station, he requested that Everingham Parish Council be contacted about the issue. Paul agreed to contact their Chairman.
9.      Defibrillator training. Paul has been made aware of an offer of a free training session for up to 12 people. Paul agreed to follow this up. Further information will go on the Blog.
10.  Village Taskforce Walkabout update. The walkabout took place during the summer and Paul went through the list of works that had been scheduled.  There was confirmation that some work had already been completed. Graham Tew asked if the gullies had been cleared, this is a Highways issue and the gully near the post box on Gale Carr Lane was full. Paul said he would make enquires.
11.  VE Day 75. 8th to 10th May 2020. Paul read out the planned events (to include Bell ringing and Pipers) that would take place nationally over the Bank Holiday weekend commencing on Friday 8th May 2020. The meeting agreed that the village should organise something and further information will go on the Blog.
12.  Humber and Wolds Rural Action membership.  The village has received an invitation to join this organisation at an annual cost of £25. The meeting suggested that the information should go on the Blog for comments from residents.
13.  Bielby beck update. Neil Readman was not present to update the meeting. Paul observed that the beck appeared to be clear. He said that some concerns had been raised but had been addressed by the contractor. Steve Ridsdale and the Drainage Board had done some clearing. It was suggested that the Environment Agency be contacted regarding responsibility for clearing the beck. The Treasurer commented that it is the single largest item of expenditure annually. Paul agreed to discuss this with Neil.
14.  Bielby Newsletter. Sue Richardson was not present to give an update. The meeting agreed that having a paper copy of local news was a good idea for those residents who did not have access to the Internet. Richard suggested that the Sunday services could be included. Val was disappointed that the annual Duck Race taking place this weekend had not been included. Paul will speak with Sue.
Steve Ridsdale had some information about the Blog. Due to a support issue with the Blog’s email provider, anyone subscribing recently to the Blog was not receiving the Blog posts by email. A no cost replacement provider was being sought.
15.  Bielby in bloom. Expenditure of up to £50 for winter plants and spring bulbs was suggested. Proposed by Graham Tew seconded by Val Nolton.
16.  Remembrance service. There would be no church service this year but there will be a gathering at the memorial at the canal. Meet outside the church at 10.45
17.  Carol singing. Wednesday 18th December 6pm, meet outside Stoneleigh Care Home. The meeting agreed to donate the funds raised to a local charity - York Against Cancer.
18.  Christmas meal. About 39 people will be attending this year. The meeting thanked Jenny Ward for organising it this year but she is looking for someone else to take over for next year.
19.  Any other business. 
·         East Riding of Yorkshire Council Code of Conduct. The document was received after the agenda had been set. Paul Ward requested that the Code be adopted. The meeting agreed.
·         Ian Simpson requested that the cost of Insurance and Toilets (up to a maximum of £500) for the 2020 Festival be underwritten by the Parish Meeting. Proposed by Steve Ridsdale seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
·         Christmas Walk is arranged for 29th December, destination North Newbald unless another route is suggested. More Information will be on the Blog.
·         Several vehicles are blocking the footpath on Gale Carr Lane. It is illegal to park on a footpath and the police should be contacted if necessary. Vehicles on grass verges may be a council issue.

There was no other business and the meeting closed at 9.10pm

Click to view the financial report.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Use Of Wet Wipes & Toilets

An issue came up at the Parish meeting on Tuesday about sewage coming up through the gullies in to the street.

Yorkshire water say this is caused primarily by wet wipes being put in to the system.

Could people kindly refrain from putting wet wipes down the toilet but to dispose of them in the bin as they do not dissolve and eventually block the system up. 

This is not just inconvenient but is a potential health hazard. Thank you.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Kitten found down Gale Carr Lane

Friendly kitten found down Gale Carr Lane this afternoon.

At Alex's House if you know who it belongs to.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Parish Meeting - Agenda

Bielby Parish Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 21st October 2019
at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’ Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the church council.

All resident electors are invited to attend the meeting.


1.      Apologies for absence.
2.      Minutes of last meeting held on May 7th 2019.
3.      Matters arising from the minutes.
4.      Financial position.
5.      Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
6.      Village marquee.
7.      Flood Plan.
8.      Drains and Sewers.
9.      Defibrillator training.
10.  Village Taskforce Walkabout update.
11.  VE Day 75. 8th to 10th May 2020.
12.  Humber and Wolds Rural Action membership.
13.  Bielby beck update.
14.  Bielby Newsletter.
15.  Bielby in bloom.
16.  Remembrance service.
17.  Carol singing.
18.  Christmas meal.     
19.  Any other business.

VE Day 75 - May 2020

Events are taking place nationally over the weekend from Friday May 8th 2020 to commemorate Victory in Europe in May 1945.Towns and villages are being encouraged to organise their own commemorations.

If you would like to help organise or have any ideas please come to the Parish Meeting on Monday 21st October, 7.30pm at St Giles' Church or contact Paul  or Gabrielle

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Christmas Lunch Final Reminder

Christmas Lunch - FINAL REMINDER

Please can I have all menu choices and monies as soon as possible.  I have to pay the deposit by Friday, 18 October to secure the booking.   Many thanks to all those who have responded so far.


Number Of Break Ins In The Area

This was on the Melbourne Facebook page yesterday. ALERT!
There have been 4 residential burglaries reported in the last 5 days, at Pocklington, Barmby Moor, Seaton Ross and Market Weighton and a further attempted break in at Allerthorpe, where damage was caused to a rear patio door lock.
Often when residents are away on holiday, the reported MO is that rear doors are being smashed to gain entry and an untidy search being carried out with jewellery being stolen.
If you are going away from home then consider crime prevention measures such as ensuring valuables are kept out of sight and somewhere secure, asking a friend / neighbour you know and trust to house sit, or conduct regulars visits to check on your property for you.
If you notice any suspicious activity in your area please contact Humberside Police Non-Emergency number 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress. Thank you.

I also know of another break in in the Melbourne/Ellerton area where tools and bikes were taken, so please be vigilant and safety conscious.

Halloween Pumpkin Carving At Stoneleigh Tuesday 29th October 2-4pm

Dale is going to do another Halloween pumpkin carving event like last year, which was a brilliant afternoon.

So Dale is inviting any children of Bielby who would like to come to Stoneleigh on Tuesday 29th October at 2pm till 4pm to come and carve a pumpkin.

Dale thought the children might come in Halloween costumes, and Dale will hollow out the pumpkins so they’re ready to carve when the children arrive. They'll put on a Halloween tea. There will be a boy and girl prize for the younger children and a boy and girl prize for the older children.

It was a brilliant afternoon last year and all the children, parents, grandparents and residents had a lovely time all together. Thanks Dale and the Stoneleigh team for asking us back again, we can't wait to pop over for some Halloween fun.

Let me or Dale know you are coming so Dale can organise Pumpkins. Thanks.

Sunday, 6 October 2019

The Ginger Cow Tea Room, Everingham.

Our tea room, the Ginger Cow Company, is between Hayton & Everingham. We're open 9.30am-4pm through until the 22nd December. As well as the usual home cooked breakfasts, lunches, cakes and afternoon teas, we will also be selling Christmas trees from Saturday the 30th November & on the 7th & 8th December, we will be having a very special visitor to the tea room - Father Christmas will be here for two days to meet with local children (details will be available on our facebook page soon)

Cat White

The Ginger Cow Company
Long Meadow Farm, Hayton Lane, Everingham, YO42 4LQ
t: 07973 892564

Open: Wed - Sun, 9.30am - 4pm & Bank Holidays

@thegingercowcompany Instagram & Facebook

Planning Application

Proposal: Outline - Erection of a dwelling (Access to be considered)

Location: Land south west of Bergundenau, Beech Tree Farm, Main Street, Bielby.
Reference: 19/02963/OUT
The latest date for comments to be submitted to ERYC is 22 October 2019.
Plans, documents and comments can be viewed online via Public Access on the ERYC website. Your comments can also be submitted on line via the link below or by email to
The link to take you to the planning search page is 
A copy of the letter from ERYC will be on the notice board.

Friday, 4 October 2019

Everingham News October 2019

Here is the newsletter for Eveingham Village for October 2019.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Christmas Lunch Children's Menu

Christmas Lunch - Children’s Menu £10 per child 

Garlic bread

Chicken nuggets and chips
Macaroni cheese
Sausages and chips

Chocolate brownie
Ice cream sundae 

