Monday, 30 September 2019

Christmas Meal

Can everyone that wishes to attend the annual Bielby Christmas lunch on Sunday, 15 December at 1pm, please let me know your menu choices, together with £22 per person (this to include a tip) in a sealed envelope (cash only) by Monday, 14 October so I can pay a deposit to confirm the booking.

Please let me know if you would like me to ask for a children’s’ menu.  £10 per child and can choose from the adult menu, but smaller portions.  Like previous years they will do a children’s’ menu if requested.

All money (cash only) and orders to Jenny Ward at The Byre, Bielby by 14 October.  Many thanks. Any queries please phone 01759 318077.  Please mention to an neighbours/villagers who you think may not read the blog.

Many thanks Jenny

Harvest Festival Sunday 13th October

Harvest Festival at St Giles' Church on Sunday 13th October 2019 at 6.30pm.

You are warmly invited to remain behind for refreshments after the service.
Donations of store cupboard provisions and toiletries will be gratefully received for our local food bank.

Forth coming events
Sunday 27th October 11am Duck Race
Sunday 10th November 10.45 Rememberance and wreath laying at canal memorial
Sat23rd Nov 10-12 noon Val and Pete's Christmas Fair Coffee Morning

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Police Newsletters for September 2019

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.

Please click on the links:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

This is an item from the newsletter that drivers should be aware of. 

Warning from Detective Inspector Andy Crawforth following a recent incident.

We are warning drivers in our area of an incident that was reported to us in the early hours of Monday 23 September.
A man reported that he was driving a VW Caddy along Old Road in Leconfield when he came across what looked like a road
traffic collision.
A motorcyclist was laid in the road with another man looking after him. The driver stopped and opened his window to ask if
he could assist at which point one of the men is alleged to have assaulted the driver and the other stole two mobile phones
from within the van by opening the passenger door.
The driver drove quickly away from the scene and reported the incident to us. He has been left with a serious wound to his
arm which needed hospital treatment.
Detective Inspector Andy Crawforth said, “We have launched investigation into this incident and are obtaining a statement
from the victim to establish the full circumstances. I would like to appeal for witnesses to the incident or for anyone who
saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area.
“The victim said that the men spoke with Liverpool accents and that he may have injured one as he drove away.
“I am also asking for members of the public to express caution if they come across a road traffic collision, especially during
the hours of darkness. If you are alone in your car please exercise caution if you feel it is safe to stop, ensure you do not
put yourself at any risk. Remain in your vehicle with the doors and windows closed and locked so you can assess what is
going on prior to doing anything else. Call the police when safe to do so. Please consider the use of the What Three Words

app to help point the location if in a rural setting”

ERYC Planning Department Contact Information.

Please note that the ERYC planning department e-mail address of ""  has changed to "".

Monday, 16 September 2019

Parish Meeting 21st October at St Giles' Church

The next parish meeting will be held at 7-30pm on Monday 21st October in the church. Please can you send any agenda items to Gabrielle at by Friday 11th October.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Tea@2 in Melbourne Chapel 18th September

The September Tea@2 on the 18th of Sept in Melbourne Chapel will be a Macmillan Tea/Coffee event. ALL proceeds will be donated to this worthy cause. If you would be willing to help on the day, maybe make us a cake or two etc, donate a raffle prize or something for the bring and buy stall please get in touch. It is from 2-4pm, Admission is £4 which includes ALL your refreshments.Takeaways will be available for a donation from 3.30pm if you wanted cake to take home. All very welcome.