Friday, 28 June 2019

Bielby Parish Meeting Annual Return

Bielby Parish Meeting Annual Return
Every year, the Bielby Parish Meeting local authority finalises the accounts for the financial year ending 31st March which are then internally audited.
- The financial accounts for 2018-19 and budget for 2019-20 were presented and approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Bielby Parish Meeting held on the 7th May 2019.
The financial statement from the accounts is incorporated into the regulatory Annual Governance and Accountability Return.
All electors in Bielby Parish have the right to inspect the financial accounts and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (“AGAR”) of Bielby Parish Meeting.
- To satisfy this obligation, the AGAR and the Notice of Public Rights are hereby published in the attached .pdf document.
Click this link to open the .pdf document.

- Paper copy of the attached .pdf document has been posted on the village notice board at the bus stop.

Police Newsletters for June 2019

Here is the latest information from Humberside Police.
Please click on the links:-
Pocklington Newsletter.
Wolds Weighton Newsletter.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Hens & Foxes

Hi All,

Just to say for those of you who have free ranging hens, I spotted a fox crossing Gale Carr Lane yesterday at 3.45pm with something in it's mouth. As we await harvest and the crops are growing tall, the foxes have a lot of cover so they are able to move around more easily without being seen. So just wanted to give all you hen owners a heads up that the fox is on the prowl!

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Bielby Village Newsletter Paper Version

Susan Richardson is re-introducing the printed newsletter that can be hand delivered to village households. So if you have any news that you would like Susan to include in the printed village newsletter please let Susan know or use the contact form on the blog and I can pass on to Susan. Thanks.

Bielby Mobile Library Service

For those of you that like to use the library but can't always make it to Pocklington the mobile library van comes to Bielby and stops near the College Arms, Main Street, Bielby. The next visit will be Mon, 24 Jun 2019 - 9.40am.

The mobile library van will also be in Melbourne today, Thursday 13th June from 3.25pm, near the shop/village hall.

The mobile library visits every 4 weeks.