Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Planting up the Village Planters.

Planting up the Village Planters
We are meeting at 10am this Friday, 2nd November, near Firgrove Cottages to plant spring flowering bulbs and winter flowering plants in the planters.
All welcome. No gardening experience necessary!!

Metal Frame Single Bed Free

White metal frame single bed, free to a good home if you can collect it .... good condition, with or without mattress. Please call Alex 07888 714516

Friday, 26 October 2018

Parish Meeting Reminder Monday 29th October

A reminder to all residents the parish meeting is on Monday 29th Oct @ 7-30pm. It is in your interest to attend. From Paul Ward. 

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Bielby Parish Meeting Agenda

Bielby Parish Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 29th October 2018
at 7.30 pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the church council.

All resident electors are invited to attend the meeting.


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Minutes of last meeting held on April 23rd 2018.
  3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  4. Treasurer Report.
4.1. Financial position.
4.2. 2018 Annual Governance and Accountability Return.
4.3. Changes to banking.
4.4. Precept and Land Rents – review and setting 2019-2020 rates.
4.5. Financial governance for significant expenditure (such as Bielby Beck clearing).
4.6. 2019-2020 Budget.
  1. Planning applications and outcomes since last meeting.
  2. Data Protection Officer update.
  3. Bielby Festival 2018.
  4. Bielby beck update.
  5. Defibrillator.
  6. Bielby in bloom.
  7. Remembrance service and candle light vigil on 11th November.
  8. Carol singing.
  9. Christmas meal.     
  10. Any other business.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Everingham Village News

Events in Everingham

Fireworks & Inn at Everingham Village Hall
Saturday 3rd November
Bar opens 6-30pm. Food on sale.
All are welcome + although there is not an entry fee, all contributions in the collecting buckets will be gratefully received.  (Don’t forget to keep animals & pets safe please)


Gill Hodgson ,from Field House + FLOWERS FROM THE FARM fame + of
course Everingham's very own Gold Medal winner from this year's
Chelsea Flower Show, will be holding a workshop for you to create
your own Christmas wreath.
All materials {frame,wire + fresh foliage] will be provided, but if you
have any "bits", seed heads etc that you would like to include, please
bring them along.

The cost will be £25 each + obviously places are limited.
Any monies collected in excess of the costs involved, will be donated to Macmillan Nurses
appeal. Coffee + tea will be provided + the bar will be open to help your creativity!
Please contact Sally Wilkinson if you would like to attend, by calling at Common Farm, Everingham with
£25 cash, phone 01430872415 or text 07761560296.

Parish Meeting Reminder

The parish meeting will be held on Monday 29th October @ 7-30pm in the church. If anybody has any agenda items please sent them to Paul or Gabrielle ASAP. Paul at pm242@btinternet.com  or Gabrielle at bielbypmsecretary@gmail.com before Friday 19th October. Thanks.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Funeral Arrangements For Bob Bilham

Bob Bilham sadly passed away recently and his funeral details are as follows.The service is at Bielby church at 1.30pm on 23rd October. Then followed by a burial at Pocklington church.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Remembrance Service St Giles' Church Sunday 11th November 2018

Remembrance Service St Giles' Church Sunday 11th November 2018 at 10.30am.

A brief service will be held in the church then we will proceed to the canal to lay the wreath and observe the 11am silence.

At 6.45pm there will be a short vigil at the church war memorial. We will join in the country wide event when 1000 beacons of light will be lit. Candles will be lit in Bielby.

Following this we invite you to share in a meal of hot stew followed by apple pie and custard in the church. We suggest a donation of £5, all proceeds going to the British Legion. If you would like to stay for food, please let Richard and christine Coe know by Monday 5th November on 01759 318314 or richard.hollycroft@gmail.com.

Annual Bielby Duck Race Sunday 28th October 2018

The Annual Bielby Duck Race on Sunday 28th October 2018 at 11am at Mill Bridge.

Val and Pete are coming round the village selling ducks. Don't delay they sell fast!
They have the usual great selection of prizes for all ages.
Tea, coffee and biscuits available donations welcome.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Bielby Parish Meeting 29th October 2018

Bielby Parish Meeting

The next parish meeting will be on Monday 29th October at 7.30pm at St. Giles’s Church, Bielby, by courtesy of the church council.
Everyone one is welcome.

If you have any items for the agenda, please send them to Paul at pm242@btinternet.com  or Gabrielle at bielbypmsecretary@gmail.com
before Friday 19th October.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Harvest Festival Reminder For Sunday 7th October 2018

Harvest Festival is Sunday 7th October 2018 at St Giles' Church at 6.30pm. Donations of store cupboard provisions and toiletries to The People's Pantry.