Thursday, 28 January 2016

Burglaries & Stolen Vehicles

Please be aware that in the past couple of days there have been two “2 in 1” A Burglaries where secure  properties have been broken into overnight and the owners vehicles stolen.  This has occurred at a property in Market Weighton where a Volkswagen Golf was taken and in  Gilberdyke a transporter van and a Mercedes C60 were taken  (The van from the burglary  in Gilberdyke has since been recovered).
Also in Snaith a secure Peugeot car parked on the road outside the owners address was stolen by unknown means.
Please remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the Police as soon as possible.

Anaerobic Digester Re-hearing Application

The ERYC Planning Committee are re-hearing the application for the anaerobic digester at Park Farm, HoSM today (Thurs 28th Jan) at 2pm, County Hall, Beverley.
Members of the public are welcome to attend but not comment on the application. The presence of a large crowd may well have some influence over the committee by demonstrating the strength of opposition to the application. The planning department are once again recommending approval.
If you feel strongly that this proposal is inappropriate for the area please do attend the meeting. Please arrive in plenty of time as the public all have to sign in at County Hall so this could take some minutes.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

East Riding Parish News January 2016

Here is the link for January's East Riding Parish News.

Ladies That Latte Meet 4th February 2016

Sue Doherty has emailed re some groups she has set up in the area.

I set up the first Ladies that Latte coffee meet last year in response to requests on the POCKLINGTON! facebook page from women who had seen the Ladies That group in York and felt that we should have something similar in this area. The York group has been established for some time and offers a wide range of activities to members in exchange for a membership fee.

Our "Ladies that" groups are different in that there is no membership commitment and no charge to take part in events other than the cost of buying a drink or the event itself. The first meeting took place on Thursday 14th January at 7pm at Mr Chu's.
Members age from around 30 to 50ish and many are already active in their community, others however may be working from home, recently retired or new to the area. I am fortunate however that
they all share a great sense of friendship and enthusiasm as well as am impressive range of skills and experience.

The next meet up is the Ladies That Latte group on 4th February at 10am at the Pig In The Willow Cafe East Cottingwith.

Our hope is that there will be more "Ladies That" groups in the future as our members buddy up to
take part in local activities and classes as well as hosting their own events. We currently have plans in place for a Ladies that Walk" group through the spring and summer months and also plan to host a canal trip
later this year.

As there is no membership fee, the event is open to all regardless of income and all members are encouraged to share their interests and skills in order to provide a variety of interesting events or activities on a one off or regular basis. Events are promoted through village newsletters, face book for sale pages as well as local
media. Anyone interested in taking part is encouraged to join our Ladies the Latte facebook page in order to share ideas and keep up to date with events and activities.

If anyone would like more information please visit our facebook page or contact me directly at

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Does Anyone Do Curtain Alterations?

Is there anyone in the village that does curtain alterations or do you know anyone locally who you would recommend to do curtain alterations? Jenny's son has some curtains that need taking up so Jenny was just wondering if anyone did curtain alterations. Please contact Jenny Ward (the byre) on 318077.  Many thanks.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Local Quiz Group To Feature On EggHeads

A local quiz group will feature on BBC 2's Eggheads programme on Thursday 7th January at 6pm. Some of you may know the Bielby "egghead" so you may want to tune in!!

Interactive Community Rights Usage Map

DCLG’s new interactive Community Rights Usage map, showing thousands of uses of community rights across England, went live this morning on Twitter and can be accessed direct from the following link:

Pocklington Tyre Slasher Update

An email has come from the police to say that the Pocklington tyre slasher has been arrested on 3/01/2016 and is currently on remand in Hull.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Everingham Newsletter January 2016

Here is the link for the January edition of the Everingham Newsletter.

Cheaper Energy Together' YORSwitch scheme

News from  ERYC about their 'Cheaper Energy Together' YORSwitch scheme.

The current round of YORSwitch is OPEN NOW and you can sign up online for YORSwitch at
1 You have until Monday 1 February 2016 to register
2 The auction between suppliers will take place on Tuesday 2 February.  If you have already completed the registration this time, then thank you.  
3 You have until Tuesday 15 March 2016 to accept your offer.

If you have family and friends who would like to register but do not have access to the internet, you are able to register up to 5 different people with your email address.  Please note that there is no obligation to switch energy suppliers at any point in the scheme and there are no registration fees.

Thousands of households have already switched to the very competitive auction deal your Council secured with your help. It's easy and safe. Make sure you don’t miss out!  East Riding residents have made savings of more the £1.7 million in total since the scheme began. Be a part of this scheme and see if you can save too.

If you would like to read more about the scheme or have any queries, please visit the frequently asked questions on the website or contact 
Romney Clayton on (01482) 395380/391459