Friday, 28 August 2015

Highway Issues Wolds Weighton July 2015

Here is the link to view the Highways Issue for the Wolds Weigthon Area for July 2015.

August East Riding Parish News

Here is the link to see the East Riding Parish News for August.

Hayton Fun Produce Show 6th September 2015 & Chill Night In November

Dear Local Villagers,

Hayton Village Hall will be holding an alternative Fun Produce Show
on Sunday September 6th, doors open 9-11am for submissions
12.30 - 2pm open for public viewing.

It is the first year and entries will be free, with paper rosettes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes.

We would very much like it if the surrounding villagers would like to join us with submissions.

The schedules are available at Hayton Service Station.

Look forward to your replies,
Many thanks
Caroline Wagstaff,    Hayton

They are also having a Chilli Night in November - Saturday 21st November 7pm Adults only, see flyer above for details.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Seaton Ross Gala Day 13th September 2015

Seaon Ross Gala Day is Sunday 13th September 2015 at Seaton Ross Playing Fields.

* Free Entry.

* Picnics from 12.30pm -bring your own picnic.

* Races from 2pm.

*Activities and games for all the family.

We went last year and had a lovely time, Thomas enjoyed the races, so hope to see you there.

Friday, 14 August 2015

100 Club Prize Draw July 2014 to June 2015

Results Of St Giles' Bielby 100 Club 2014 to 2015

A big thankyou to everyone for supporting the 100 club.

The following is a list of the lucky winners:

July 2014  Paul Ward (ticket 42) £20
July 2014   Lionel Martin (ticket 13 ) £10
August 2014  Jon Los  (ticket 34) £20
August 2014  Becka Waring (ticket 85) £10
September 2014  Sam Preston (ticket 58) £20
September 2014  Nam Prakash Kaur (ticket 73) £10
October 2014 Chris & Jan Emptage  (ticket 27) £20
October 2014  Julie Todd (ticket 86) £10
November 2014  Trevor Milner (ticket 16) £20
November 2014  Judith Simpson (ticket 21) £10
December 2014  C Spedding (ticket 54) £50
December 2014  Sara Ridsdale (ticket 57) £50
January 2015  Barbara Peel (ticket 10) £20
January 2015  Anne Garside (ticket 7) £10
February 2015  Stoneleigh House (ticket 83) £20
February 2015  Stuart Banforth (ticket 56) £10
March 2015  Edward Simpson (ticket 87) £20
March 2015 Mr Clark (ticket 84) £10
April 2015  Mr & Mrs Kirby (ticket 36) £20
April 2015  Mary Milner (ticket 15) £10
May 2015   Paul Ward (ticket 42) £20
May 2015   Melanie & Richard Marshall (ticket 40) £10
June 2015  B Robinson (ticket 1) £20
June 2015   Glynis Walsh (ticket 18) £10

92 tickets sold.
Expenses £35
Prizes £430
£748 raised for the church.
Thank you all for your support.

Chocolate Labrador Found At Stoneleigh

A chocolate labrador has turned up at Stoneleigh, so if anyone knows who this belongs to or if it's yours, call into Stoneleigh and see Dale. Thanks.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Crime In The Area

We have been notified of the following incidents in the area. Please be vigilant.

There has been a burglary in Sancton which occurred overnight on Sunday and was discovered Monday morning.  A pane of glass  was removed from a ground floor window frame and unknown person/s have reached inside and stolen various things including an IPhone, I Pad and a wallet.

Please remain vigilant and ensure that all valuables are kept out of sight and not left near doors or windows where they can easily be seen.
At approx. 12 noon last Tuesday on Clayfield Road 2 girls, aged approx. 18/20 years,  both wearing trousers, one was wearing a white/cream body warmer with a white t shirt underneath and  one was carrying a large white carrier bag  and also a large map stopped a lady on a mobility scooter to ask for directions. (one of the girls also spoke with an East European accent.)

The victim’s bag which was on the  handle of the scooter was taken; This has since been found on a driveway and up to £20 cash and a bank card have been taken, further cash has since been stolen from the I/P’s bank account .

The females were last seen walking towards the Oval area.

If you see anything suspicious or any females matching this description then please call the police on 101 and quote the log number 255 04/08/15

Monday, 3 August 2015

Bielby Produce Show Winners 2015

Thanks to everyone who organised, judged, helped, helped with the tents, sent in entries and popped down to the show on Saturday, you all helped to make the 26th Annual Bielby Produce Show just brilliant.

Here are the winners.

Vegetables - Geoff Coe
Flowers - Christine Coe
Flower Arrangement - Melanie Marshall
Cookery - Anne Garside
Produce - Sam Preston
Arts & Crafts - Val Nolton
Photography - Chris Emptage
Children 5 years and under - Beatrice Quigley
Children 6 to 11 year olds - Lilia Smith
Millenium Cup For Best Entry in A Section - Val Nolton for Cookery Section
Cup For Best Entry in A Children's Class - Hettie Smith

We had 435 3ntries altogther and over 100 photographs and 90 vegetables!

Bucket Of Spud Competition

 1st Place -Mary & Trevor Milner 2.49kg
2nd Place - David Todd 2.35kg
3rd Place - Pete Young 2.25kg
Weight range from 2.49kg down to 60g.

Another great show, can't wait for next year. Thanks everyone.

Everingham Village Newsletter August 2015

Here is the link to see the Everingham Village Newsletter for August.

Stolen Vehicles

For your information a Jaguar car was stolen from Melbourne on Tuesday and the rear and front number plates of another Jaguar car in Seaton Ross were also stolen.
Please remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the Police on 101.