Saturday, 27 June 2015

Bielby Produce Show Categories 2015

We just wanted to let you know about the produce show categories so you can start to get organised with your entries for this year's show on Saturday 1st August.

The categories are as follows:
(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs P Thomas)

1. 5 Radish

2. 1 Cabbage

3. 1 Cauliflower

4. 3 Tomatoes

5. 1 Cucumber

6. 4 Carrots with Tops

7. 8 Raspberries on a Small Plate

8. 1 Longest Stick Of Rhubarb with Leaf

9. 5 Pods of Peas

10. 5 Pods of Broad Beans

11. 3 Red Beet With Tops

12. 3 Potatoes

13. 1 Lettuce

14. 5 Runner Beans

15. 3 Onions Grown from Seed

16. 3 Onions Grown from Sets

17. 5 French/Dwarf Beans

18. Any Vegetable or Fruit not listed

19. Humerous Mis-shapen Vegetable

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs H Ridsdale)

20. 4 Cornflowers

21. 1 Rose

22. 1 Sunflower in Vase

23. 6 Sweet Peas

24. 4 Pansies

25. Best Scented Rose

26. Vase of Mixed Garden Flowers

27. 1 House Plant (Flower)

28. 3 Dahlias

(Trophy donated by John & Barbara Peel)

29. Yorkshire Day Arrangement

30. Ladies Buttonhole

31. Arrangement Using Only Foliage

32. Flowers in an Unusual Container

33. Royal Baby Arrangement

34. A Harvest Arrangement

(Trophy donated by MR J. R. Hall )

35. 3 Jam Tarts

36. Bread Loaf

37. 3 Biscuits

38. 3 Cheese Scones

39. 3 Canapes

40. 3 Pieces of Flapjack

41. 3 Cupcakes

42. Fruit Loaf

43. 3 Fruit Scones

44. Victoria Sandwich (Filled)

45. Quiche—Any Variety

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs J Layton)

46. Jar of Raspberry Jam

47. Jar of Strawberry Jam

48. Jar of any other Jam

49. Jar of Lemon Curd

50. Jar of Chutney

51. Jar of Pickles—Any Variety

52. 6 Eggs

53. Alcoholic Beverage ( Homebrewed)

54. Non-Alcoholic Beverage (Homemade or brewed)

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs N Jaques)

55. Embroidery/Tapestry Article

56. Home Made Garment

57. Painting/Picture

58. Hand Knitted Item

59. Garden In a Tray

60. Object Made From Wood

61. Any Other Hand Made Object

(Trophy donated by Mr & Mrs G Jones)

62. Photography—Landscape*

63. Photography—Farming Life*

64. Photography—Flowers or Nature*

65. Photography—Family Fun*

66. Photography—Weather*

67. Photography—Bielby Scene*

68. Photography—Selfie*

69. Photography—A Portrait*

*Photographs to be taken by Exhibitor within last 12 months.

CHILDREN’S CLASSES(Trophy donated by Helen Todd for the Best Entry)
5 and Under Age Group

70. Decorated Egg

71. A Coloured Picture

72. A Face On A Plate

73. Home Grown Cress In Decorated Container

6—12 Age Group

Entries made by 12 to 16 year olds will now be judged as adult entries.

74. A Coloured Picture

75. Animal made from a Vegetable

76. Handicraft or Model

77. Photograph

78. Decorated Egg

79. Home Grown Cress In Decorated Container

Bogus Callers

The police are letting people in our area know about bogus callers in the area. The police have reported that:

Please be aware that we have had a report of a male attending a property in Market Weighton yesterday, stating that he was there to read the gas meter, the male was allowed into the house, he read the meter and then left (nothing was taken as he wasn’t left alone).  Later a call was made to the home owners gas supplier who said that they didn’t have anyone in the area so a call was made to the Police on 101 .  Further enquires made confirmed that the meter reading services company didn’t have anyone in the area reading meters either.
So please be extra cautious,  follow the advice below and ring the Police on 101  if you have any concerns:

Here's some  advice when somebody knocks on your door or rings your doorbell:

- Look to see who it is outside before opening up.

- Fit a chain on your door so you can open your door to talk to people with the chain engaged.

- Always lock your doors. Sometimes bogus officials work in pairs, and whilst you're distracted at the front door, another may be coming through your back door!

- Check the caller's identity before you let them in. If in doubt shut the door and call the company or organisation they represent. Remember to use the phone book, not the number on their identity card! If the person is genuine, they'll understand and wait.

- If still in doubt, ask the caller to leave and tell them to write and make an appointment so that someone else can be with you.

If in doubt, don't let them in!

Royal Mail Email Scam

We are being kept informed about scams circulating at the meoment so here is another for you to be aware of.

Royal Mail Email Scam
A scam email is currently being sent to victims fraudulently claiming to be from the Royal Mail. Attached to the email is the CryptoLocker virus.

The victim receives an email purporting to be from the Royal Mail stating that they are holding a parcel/letter for the victim. The victim is then required to contact the Royal Mail to arrange for the item to be resent/collected.

By following the instructions within the email the CryptoLocker virus is subsequently downloaded to the victim’s computer. This virus encrypts files on the victim’s system and requests a ransom be paid in order for the files to be decrypted.

Additional incentive is added for early repayment as the ransomware states that the cost of decrypting the files will increase the longer the fine is outstanding.

Protect yourself:

  • Look at who the email is addressed to. Is it generic or specifically addressed?
  • Look at the quality of the images included on the email. Are they of sufficient high quality that they could come from Royal Mail?
  • Do not open attachments from unsolicited emails regardless of who they are from.
  • Do not click on the link supplied. Instead, go to the relevant website and log in from there.
  • Check the address of any email received to see if it appears legitimate.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone 0300 123 2040.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Another Crime Alert

Information from The Neighbourhood Policing Team.
A secure shed in the Yapham area has been broken into and garden equipment eg a strimmer, lawn mower  etc have been stolen.  Please remind everyone about shed security, to remain vigilant and to report anything suspicious to the Police on 101.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Crimestoppers Scam

The police in this area have highlighted another scam which Alex has passed on  to me to put on the blog so that we are all aware of the latest scam.

Crimestoppers warns public against scammers impersonating the charity
Crimestoppers has been alerted to a small number of calls where scammers have been impersonating our call handlers and asking for people’s personal information, including their bank details.
The charity has been warned about a group of scammers who have ‘hijacked’ our 0800 555 111 number. The scammers are calling people, saying they are “Crimestoppers at the Home Office” and directing them to our website to clarify our number. They are then asking for personal details.
Crimestoppers has never, and will never, make cold calls to members of the public asking for any personal details, so if anyone does receive a call from someone asking for personal information and claiming to be from Crimestoppers, please report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
Roger Critchell, Director of Operations for Crimestoppers, said: “We are currently talking to our phone service provider to attempt to resolve the situation over our number being hijacked and hope this can be rectified as quickly as possible.
“I would emphasise that it is business as normal for the charity and people can still contact us on 0800 555 111 to pass on anonymous information about crime, but we wanted to make sure people were aware that we will never, ever contact them asking for personal details, so please do not hand any over if you are contacted by someone claiming to be Crimestoppers.” 

Another Scam Targeting The Elderly

People are urged not to fall foul of police telephone scam

Over the past few months Humberside Police have received a large number of calls from elderly residents reporting being called by an unknown person pretending to be a police officer in order to steal money.

Fortunately the majority of people have become suspicious and called Humberside Police; however numerous people have transferred large sums of money.

What is the scam?
The victim is called by an unknown person purporting to be a police officer. During the call the offender says the victims has been the victims of fraud and to contact their bank.

However, when the victim calls the bank the caller has not actually cleared and it is another person pretending to be a bank employee at the end of the line. They gather the victim’s card details and personal data, as well as confirming the story of the bogus officer has given them.

The victim then received a further call from the bogus police officer suggesting they transfer their money to a police security account or had over money to an officer/courier who will be sent to pick it up the money on the polices behalf.

What should people do if they are called?
  • never give out bank or personal details to strangers
  • don’t hand over money or transfer funds to unknown accounts
  • If called use another phone to ring the police to report the incident but do not use your own phone immediately as the offender may be on the line a short time after you have put your phone down.
Anyone who thinks they may have received a call along these lines should report it to police on the non-emergency number 101.