Minutes of the Bielby Parish Meeting Held on Monday 26th January 2015
At St Giles Church, Bielby
1. Apologies for absence
John Peel, Christine Coe, Jenny Ward
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The last meeting was held on Monday 20th October 2014 the minutes were read and adopted as a true record. Proposed by Richard Coe and seconded by Margaret Wilkinson.
3. Matters Arising from the last minutes
We have received a letter from the British Legion thanking the village for the kind donation of £200 plus the £76.54 from the sales of the poppies and donations into the collection box.
A big thank you to all those who came out to join in Carol Singing we raised a very impressive £240, twice as much as last year! This year the money was donated to Wolds Wonders which is Music Theatre Group for adults with learning disabilities
Update on the village bench – it is currently with Peter awaiting the appropriate fixings so that it can be secured in place and is also having an additional coat or two of varnish prior to going outside.
4. Planning permissions
Applications were read out:
Erection of detached garage/ shed at Woodfield Barn – Approved 12 Dec 2014
Allerthorpe Golf Club – Change of use: for the siting of 225 lodges and static caravans (for holiday use only).
5. Precept
ERYC council have accepted our precept application of £1512.44 which is slightly lower than last year.
i) Margaret Wilkinson raised the issue of a disabled access to the church as there are a number of people that would like to attend services and functions held in the church and are unable to get in. This has been looked at previously and there were a number of reasons that led to the idea being shelved but it was agreed that Bielby Parish Meeting should write to the Parochial Church Council to inform them that this matter had been raised and enquire as to whether it would be viable to pursue this idea again.
ii) We have received an email from John Brown of the Pocklington & Market Weighton Crime Prevention Panel inviting people to join them at the next meeting on 24th March, 7.30pm at Pocklington Town Council Offices on George Street. Paul is happy to go along to the meeting and join the mailing list but if anyone would also like to go along or join the mailing list (or get some additional info) please let either Sam or Paul know.
iii) This meeting marked the second of our additional January meetings. We discussed in our meeting of 21st October 2013 the benefit of increasing the number of meetings we held and agreed to add the January meeting to the existing April and October ones. The attendance this evening and the lack of agenda items has led to us agreeing to lose the January meeting and return to just the April and October meetings with the option to call a meeting in January if any important issues arise.
iv) Update on the Broadband situation: as previously discussed Bielby are not being included in the current round of Broadband improvements and upgrades nor are we to be included in the next round. It currently looks like we won’t be eligible for funding until at least 2017. Paul again therefore urges people to write to our MP and if anyone needs Greg Knight’s contact details please let Sam or Paul know and we can forward this information to you.Paul has asked Ian Simpson to put something together for the blog detailing the alternative broadband provider, Quickline Communications, as there is a way that the £195 installation costs can be avoided.
v) Sadly, Richard Coe, informed us that someone has defaced the plaque in memory of the fighter plane that came down in the canal during the war. Richard proposed that the plaque was replaced and that an additional perspex cover was put over the top. There were no objections and Richard is going to organise the replacement plaque and perspex cover.
vi) We would like to extend our thanks to those Bielby residents who spread the grit salt on the road (especially the corner near the church) during icy weather. It is greatly appreciated, thank you.
There were no other business and the meeting closed at 8.25pm