Everingham News January 2015
Thank you
Many thanks to Helen Marsden for collating the newsletter during 2014.
Marie Curie brunch
Theatre evening at the village hall
Happy Jack by John Godber to be performed by the Library Theatre Company on Saturday 21 February. Tickets, £5 available from Sally. Tel: 872415.
Everingham oil club
Delivery dates for the year are January , March, May, September and November. All residents of the area covered by the circulation of this newsletter are welcome to join. We make no charge for membership, if anyone would like more details of the benefits please email either phil.cartwright1@btinternet or mikejan@onodo.co.uk . The more members we have the better our powers of negotiation.
Oil club price comparison
I have had a number of people ask how much we save via our buying group. This is not an easy answer as the various companies’ quotes have a wide span. The highest I was quoted for our total order was 51.10ppl plus vat.
The main comparison I make is via the on line fuel companies, the following prices were quoted for a 1000ltr delivery in November 2014.
EV oil club 43.2ppl Boilerjuice 45.1ppl Fueldighter 46.2ppl ER buying group 46.4ppl
Hope this is useful when compared to our price of 43.2ppl. The more members we can enrol to buy with us the higher savings we can obtain, pass on the word. Mike.
Village hall
The village hall committee meeting will be on January 8th at 7pm and this month’s inn will be on Friday 16 January .
Winter health
If you need access to health services over the winter period, please use the Choose Well site to get information about how to access local alternatives to A&E. Visit : www.eastridingofyorkshireccg.nhs.uk/index.php?id=choose-well
KF Supplies Ltd
Supplying materials to DIY and construction projects 01430 872017
Independent and family run
Delivery service available
Logs and coal now in stock
York Road, Market Weighton.
Lady Herries of Terregles
Lady Herries of Terregles, the 14th holder of the barony, who has died aged 76, was a well-known racehorse trainer and the second wife of one of England’s greatest cricketers, Colin Cowdrey. She was born Anne Elizabeth Fitzalan-Howard on June 12 1938, the eldest of the four daughters of the 16th Duke of Norfolk. From her earliest years she had loved horses, and in 1970 she went to live at Everingham, formerly her paternal grandmother’s house, in East Yorkshire, where she became Master of the Middleton Hounds. On the death of her father in 1975, she became in her own right Lady Herries of Terregles; although eligible to sit in the House of Lords (until its reform in 1999), she chose not to take her seat. Lady Herries was last in Everingham in 1989 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Catholic church in the village.Lady Herries of Terregles, born June 12 1938, died November 25 2014 This obituary can be read in full on the Telegraph’s
Church services for January
4 Jan HC 09.15 Everingham
6 Jan HC ( Epiphany) 7.30pm HOSM
11 Jan HC 10.45 HOSM
18 Jan HC 09.15 Everingham
25 Jan HC 09.15 Harswell
Email newsletter
Help us save on ink and printing costs and have this newsletter delivered by email. Just send us your name and address to everinghamnews@hotmail.co.uk. The closing date for the February newsletter is the 25 January. Email or post submissions through our letterbox at Cornerways. Thank you.
This month’s newsletter kindly sponsored by K.F. Supplies of Market Weighton.
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Carol Singers Raised £240
Pete and Val wanted to thank all the carol singers and all who donated money.
The carol singers raised about £240 for Wolds Wonder, a local drama group for people with special needs.
Thanks everyone.
The carol singers raised about £240 for Wolds Wonder, a local drama group for people with special needs.
Thanks everyone.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Christmas Drink
Some of the gents in the village have decided to meet up for a social Christmas drink this Friday, 19th December.
We're meeting in Judson's, Pocklington, 8pm onwards.
All welcome. 'More the merrier.'
We're meeting in Judson's, Pocklington, 8pm onwards.
All welcome. 'More the merrier.'
Friday, 5 December 2014
Planning Application
Sam has received a planning application for Allerthorpe Park Golf Club
for "Change of use land for the siting of no: 250 lodges and static
caravans (for holiday use only) with associated access, hard and soft
landscaping, drainage and engineering works"
Sam will put the letter on the Notice Board for people to look at but the full documents are available to view online (or at Sam's house) and the application number is 14/03238/STPLF. Comments must be received by the council no later than 22 December.
Sam will put the letter on the Notice Board for people to look at but the full documents are available to view online (or at Sam's house) and the application number is 14/03238/STPLF. Comments must be received by the council no later than 22 December.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Celebrating Christmas In Bielby
Celebrating Christmas In Bielby
Carol Service
St Giles' Church 6.30pm Sunday 21st December. This replaces the service at 9.15am.
Carol Singing
Carol singing 6pm Monday 22nd December.
In aid of Wolds Wonder, a local drama group for people with special needs.
Meet at Richard and Christine Coe's house - Hollycroft Court.
Christmas Day Service
St Giles' Church Communion 10.30am Everyone welcome.
Christmas Walk
Sunday 28th December 10.30am.
Meets at Mill Lane. Hoping to have soup and sandwiches at Melbourne Arms en route.
Contact Paul Kerry on 318811 for more information.
Carol Service
St Giles' Church 6.30pm Sunday 21st December. This replaces the service at 9.15am.
Carol Singing
Carol singing 6pm Monday 22nd December.
In aid of Wolds Wonder, a local drama group for people with special needs.
Meet at Richard and Christine Coe's house - Hollycroft Court.
Christmas Day Service
St Giles' Church Communion 10.30am Everyone welcome.
Christmas Walk
Sunday 28th December 10.30am.
Meets at Mill Lane. Hoping to have soup and sandwiches at Melbourne Arms en route.
Contact Paul Kerry on 318811 for more information.
Everingham Newsletter December 2014
Make-a-Wish Charity
I would like to thank those who supported me so well at the
coffee morning. We raised nearly £300. This will go to Make-a-Wish Charity. Louie Cooper
and my great-granddaughter, Eve have benefited from this charity.
Choir Practice
Anna Myatt has kindly agreed to hold choir practice (at her
home) -for the carol service - Blessing of the Cup Cakes which is on Friday 19th
December at 6.30pm
If you like to sing or want to start please come along to
Anna’s house
Practice starts
7.00pm on Sunday 30th November
Carol Concert
Celebrate the
Festive Season with a Traditional Carol Concert
In aid of
both village churches
9 Lessons &
Carols with
Musical Director - Gillian Barker
~Sunday 14th
December 2pm~
St Mary & St
Everildas' Church, Everingham Park
Bring your friends
and family, £6 per person (Children free)
Including mulled
wine & mince pies
Tickets - Helen Guest - 01430 860 203 or call at
Everingham Hall
Fresh cut Christmas trees.
Traditional and non-drop
3ft pot grown trees (ideal for table or bedroom)
Fresh Holly wreaths
DIY choose and cut Norway spruce. All sizes available.
Open 10-3 every day in December
Lesley : 07969522882
Lost Property at the Village Hall.
A gillet was left on the pegs, possibly
after Clubley's Auction.
A torch found after the fireworks night.
Please contact Sally [872415] with a
description to claim.
Thank you to all who came along to see
the fireworks. We hope you enjoyed the evening.
VH committee
Church Services for December
7th Dec HC 09.15 Everingham
14th Dec HC 10.45 HOSM
Service 19.30 Harswell
Dec Carol
Service 18.30 Everingham
of the Cup Cakes)
21st Dec HC 09.15 Everingham
24th Dec Midnight mass 22.00 Seaton Ross
23.30pm HOSM
25th Dec (Christmas Day) HC 09.15 Everingham
28th Dec HC 09.15 Harswell
4th Jan 2015 HC 09.15 Everingham
Every Wednesday HC 09.30 Old
School HOSM
Season’s greetings to all in
Everingham and thank you for all your support thought out the year - Church
Warden and PCC St Everilda’s Church.
Christmas Greetings + all the best for
2015 to all, from The Wilkinson's of Common Farm.
Tim and Anne-Marie would like to send Seasonal Greetings of Goodwill and
Peace to all. Wishing everyone a Joyous and Prosperous New Year!
greetings to everyone we know in Everingham and Harswell and very best wishes
for 2015 from Val and Tom Featherby.
Inn at the Village Hall.
Sunday, 30th November. 12-2.
Cask of Cliff Hanger.
Saturday, 20th December – by the fire and
next to the Christmas tree.
Cask of Everingham Cracker from Yorkshire Brewery,
Saturday, 16th January.
New Years Eve at the Village Hall
The bar will be open 8.30 – 1pm. Cask of
Timothy Taylors. Nibbles.
Fireworks at midnight.
Village Walk on New Years Day.
The walk will be starting from
Everingham Park, courtesy of Helen and Phil. Meet there 12.45. The walk will
finish at the Village Hall. Refreshments will be served. If you have not been before, please note
most of the walk will be ‘off road’ and if you would like to bring your dog/s,
the more the merrier.
evening at the Village Hall.
Sat 21st February 2015 a
performance of Happy Jack written by John Godber of Hull, by Library
Theatre Group.
More details to follow, from
Village Hall committee meeting. 8th November.
As a result of Anne-Marie stepping down
from the position of treasurer, Tricia has taken on the roll as acting
Treasurer until the AGM and Nigel has taken on the roll of acting Chair until
the AGM.
The committee would appreciate some new
blood and fresh ideas. Please talk to Nigel or anyone on the committee if you
are interested in helping.
Committee members are - Nigel Elliot
(acting Chair), Tricia Coole (acting Treasurer),
Vicky Kress(secretary), Jennifer Cartwright, Helen Marsden, Jan
Rogers, Sally Wilkinson, Phil Cartwright, Brin James and Mike Rogers.
The committee would like to thank
Anne-Marie for 'doing the books' for the last 7 years.
Sat 24th January 2015 Games night in aid of
Harswell Church
Come along for a night of fun and competition at Everingham
Village Hall.
There will be whist, dominoes, beetle, and other assorted
Prizes for the winners.
The bar will be open
Tickets £10 for
adults Family tickets £25 including
from Val Featherby tel 860309 and Jean Brookhouse tel 860226
Minutes of the
meeting held on 19 November 2014
in the Village
Hall, Everingham.
1. Present were Councillors Tom Featherby
(Chairman), Marcia Call, Patricia Coole, Rachel Glossop and Bryn James. Clerk
to the Council: Anthony Stocking.
Edward Pettifer and Alison Thompson tendered their apologies for absence.
In attendance,
to update Councillors on the progress of the committee objecting to the
proposed Everingham Wind Farm, were Chris and Jane Berridge.
The death of
Bernard Whatling, a former Chairman of the Council and Councillor, was noted
and TF outlined the contribution he had made to Parish whilst a Councillor.
Matters arising:
Berridge outlined to Councillors the latest information gleaned from
correspondence with the developers of the wind farm.
were of the opinion that HGVs to Kemps of Seaton Ross will use a number of
Repairs to the road surface and passing
places carried out by ERYC along Thorpe le Street Road have been welcomed.
Councillors agreed that a potential means of getting positive action to resolve
the issue is for residents to complain directly to ERYC. Should the situation
worsen then residents can advise the Council accordingly.
agreed to have ownership of the village telephone box transferred to the Parish
Council and that BT can remove the equipment. The cost of transfer of the
recently repainted box will be £1. A subsequent meeting will decide the use of
the box and suggestions from residents are welcome.
operatives have not completed the work on their schedule.
decided to request Northern PowerGrid to pass ownership of the redundant power
pole to the parish. The new pole will remain.
agreed to replace the lamp brackets as recommended by ERYC Lighting Department.
The precept will increase for next three years by 15%.
It was not
possible to reach a decision on the purchase of a defibrillator. A report is to
be prepared for the January meeting.
6. Finance:
The bank
balance is £3939.24 and the projected year-end balance is £2472.03.
The billing
figure for Council Tax purposes will increase from £32.53 to £37.41 – provided
the ERYC tax base for the parish remains unchanged.
7. Business:
AT sought
permission to retain her seat even though she will be absent from meetings over
a 30-week period. Councillors agreed to grant permission.
A voluntary
event, East Yorkshire Villagers at War, to commemorate soldiers who lost their
lives because of World War I is to take place on 20 and 21 March 2015 at North
Ferriby Village Hall. The organisers seek experiences and memorabilia and
anyone who can help should please contact the Clerk to the Council.
8. Date
of next meeting:
The next
meeting will be in the Village Hall at 19h30 on 14 January 2015. Electors can
submit questions, comments or items for discussion at the meeting by contacting
the Clerk within 14 days of the meeting.
Issued 26 November 2014.By Anthony Stocking, Clerk to the
Council.39 The Meadows, Leven. East Riding of Yorkshire. HU17 5LX. 01964 542043
: anthony.stocking@btinternet.com.
Everingham oil club
If you live in the circulation area of this newsletter and would like to
be included in the oil club then please email phil.cartwright1@btinternet. You will then
receive an email when the next delivery is due. If you require oil at that time
then you will be advised of the chosen supplier for that month, you should then
make contact directly with the supplier to arrange payment. Our normal delivery
months are January, March, May, September & November. From time to time
interim deliveries may be arranged, however we suggest that to get the best
prices we should try and concentrate on these planned dates.
Mike, Jan & Phil.
Next issue of newsletter.
Ali and Pete Thompson are
taking on compiling the newsletter for 2015.
Please send submissions to everinghamnews@hotmail.co.uk or post them
through their letterbox at Cornerways.
Lesley of Woodland Nurseries has sponsored the
newsletter this month.
Farm Fresh Turkeys
Farm Fresh Turkeys.
Orders now being taken for Christmas.
Gale Carr Farm, Bielby.
Please contact Sam or Mark on sam_preston@btinternet.com or 318682.
Orders now being taken for Christmas.
Gale Carr Farm, Bielby.
Please contact Sam or Mark on sam_preston@btinternet.com or 318682.
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