Saturday, 23 August 2014

Everingham Newsletter September 2014

EVERINGHAM NEWSLETTER. SEPTEMBER. 2014 Established 1988 Harvest Lunch Village Hall 19th October Come and celebrate Harvest Home with us at The Village Hall October 19th 12.00 noon onwards There will be a buffet lunch with seasonal puddings Bar with a Barrel of British Beer And generally a good time for the village to celebrate the end of summer Tickets £10 for adults £5 for under 11 and free for under 5’s There will also be a Family Service in St Everilda’s Church at 9.15 Please all are welcome and do bring you harvest fare Church Services for September Monday 1st September Induction of our new Vicar Our new vicar the Rev Canon Stephen Cope will be inducted into office by the Bishop of Selby on Monday 1st September at 7.30pm at Holme on Spalding Moor Church. There will be a reception afterwards in the village hall in Holme 7th Sept HC 09.15 Everingham 14th Sept HC 10.45 HOSM 21nd Sept HC 09.15 Everingham 28th September HC 09.15 Harswell Every Wednesday HC 09.30 Old School HOSM Job vacancy £10 per week to cut my grass, using my mower. It needs strength to start it! Cutting time is approximately April to October, it depends on when and how much the grass grows. I don’t mind if two or you would like to share the job. Please call in or phone me on 860226. Jean Village Hall committee meeting. Thursday, 11th September. 7pm Lost Do you know the whereabouts of the wooden mallet? It is the one used for tapping beer casks at the VH. Please let a VH committee member know ASAP. Everingham oil club If you live in the circulation area of this newsletter and would like to be included in the oil club then please email phil.cartwright1@btinternet. You will then receive an email when the next delivery is due. If you require oil at that time then you will be advised of the chosen supplier for that month, you should then make contact directly with the supplier to arrange payment. Our normal delivery months are January, March, May, September & November. From time to time interim deliveries may be arranged, however we suggest that to get the best prices we should try and concentrate on these planned dates. Mike, Jan & Phil. Inn Nights at the Village Hall. Saturday, 18th October Saturday, 22nd November Saturday, 20th December Thursday, 4th September – the bar will open after the meeting. Please see next item. Everingham Carrs Wind Farm Meeting Village Hall, Thur 4th Sept 7.30pm As you may be aware, our village is threatened by a large industrial windfarm development to the south of the village. We understand the current intention is four or five 110m high wind turbines. These will dwarf the scale of the current individual farm wind turbines around the village and are of a size similar to those on the Wolds. This is a massive industrial energy development in the wrong place and it threatens the landscape and heritage qualities of our conservation village. There is also a potential noise threat that may affect the whole village so please do not think this does not concern you simply because you will not see the turbines from your property. The meeting is being held to present to you what is currently known about the development and to explain the work that has already been carried out to prepare a forceful and professional objection to what is likely to be an imminent planning application by the developers. There is a newly formed Everingham Conservation Group that has the aim of ensuring this development does not happen. The Group will welcome involvement from anyone in Everingham or Harswell, particularly those with any technical or professional skills that may assist the group. Whether you are supportive of wind energy or not, we would be very grateful for your attendance in order to measure the strength of feeling from all residents of Everingham and Harswell. It would be much appreciated if you could take the time to attend. Everingham Conservation Group Open Events at Pocklington School Pocklington Prep School (ages 4-11) OPEN DOORS TUE 30 SEPTEMBER - FRI 3 OCTOBER 2014 Call 01759 321228 for details. Pocklington School (ages 11-18) OPEN MORNING SAT 4 OCTOBER 2014 - 9am – 12noon Call 01759 321200 for details. Did you know Pocklington Prep School (formerly Lyndhurst) has regular stay and play sessions for babies and toddlers in the School Hall during term time. Sessions are free and all are welcome. No need to book, just turn up on the day. Chat to other parents, have a cup of tea whilst little the ones socialise and play. Dates to be confirmed - please call Mrs Briggs for details on 01759 321228. Next issue of newsletter. Please send submissions to or put them in our white enamel post box on our drive at The Old Priory by 27thSeptember. Pocklington School has sponsored the newsletter this month.

Friday, 22 August 2014

25th Bielby Produce Show 2014

25th Bielby Produce Show

Richard and I would like to thank the show committee for their very kind gesture on Saturday when they presented us with lovely presents for 25 years on the Produce Show Committee. It was totally unexpected but very much appreciated. It sounds a long time but I don’t think we would do it if we didn’t enjoy it.

However, it is very much a team effort and we cant let it go unsaid that various different people over the years have played a big part in the show, not least Rob and Margaret who started the show along with John and Barbara Peel, Julie Gardham and Jenny Atkin. Along with our present committee, Janet, Graham, Sara, Jenny, Peter, Alex and Melanie and all the people who come along and help put up marques, steward, make tea, etc it would not be possible and most of all without all of the people in the village who continue to support the show by entering such wonderful things every year, it never ceases to amaze us and it is down to all of this that the show has kept going for twenty five years, What a great achievement for such a small village!

Christine and Richard

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Produce Show Winners 2014

Thanks to everyone who organised, judged, helped, sent in entries and popped down to the show on Saturday, you all helped to make the 25th Annual Bielby Produce Show just brilliant.

Here are the winners.

Vegetables - Geoff Coe

Flowers - Christine Coe

Flower Arrangement - Melanie Marshall

Cookery - Janet Readman

Produce - Joan Huxley

Arts & Crafts - Barbara Sumner

Photography - Sara Ridsdale

Children 5 years and under - Lara Dettmar

Children 6 to 11 year olds - Lilia Smith

Millenium Cup For Best Entry in A Section - Mary Craven for Flower Arrangement

Cup For Best Entry in A Children's Class - Lilia Smith

Bucket Of Spud Competition

 1st Place - Gary & Helen McDougal

2nd Place - Trevor & Mary Milner

3rd Place - The Ridsdale

Thanks to all those who contributed a photo to the baby & toddler competition.

Another great show, can't wait for next year.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Art Improvement Course At Allerthorpe Village Hall

Easel-y Peasy
Art Improvement Course
With Sue Doherty
Allerthorpe Village Hall
YO42 4RW
Tuesday 7pm - 9pm
23rd Sept to 28th Oct

This 6 week course is designed to inspire both beginners and improvers to take a fresh approach to their painting and drawing through the discovery of tips and techniques. Each week we will focus on a different topic so you can develop your artistic skills and gain confidence in your abilities. If you want to have fun and achieve more satisfaction from your art then this is the course for you.
Places are limited so please email
to reserve your place

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Wood Chippings Available

Shirley has a pile of wood chippings in her garden after having a tree cut down. The chippings are willow and if anyone would like some then please give Shirley a ring on 01759 318915 to arrange popping over with a bag or wheel barrow. Thanks.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Request For Baby / Toddler Photos For Competition

Here is a quick reminder that there is still time to supply a baby or toddler photo for the Guess The Villager  Baby/Toddler Photo Competition.

Please bring a baby/toddler photo to Sara at Common Farm by Thursday. I am happy to photocopy your photograph for you if that helps. If it's easier you can pop your photo round to one of the other committee members (Jenny, Christine, Janet, Graham, Alex) and they will get them to me.

We can't wait to see your photos!

Bucket O Spuds Competition 2014

The Bucket O' Spuds competition will be judged on Bielby Produce Show day (Saturday 16th August 2014).

Please bring your potato plant, soil and bucket down to the show between 9.30am and 11am.

You may cut the tops off the plant to make it easier for bringing down to the show.

Do not dig up your potatoes prior to bringing them down to the show, the show organisers will dig up your potatoes and dispose of the soil so they can weigh your spuds!

Please label your bucket with your full name and bring a carrier bag for your potatoes.

The bucket will be kept by the show for next year’s competition but you will be able to take your bag of spuds home to enjoy the fruits of your labour!

There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for the greatest weight of potatoes.

Prize money is as follows:
1st Prize £20
2nd Prize £10
3rd Prize £5

We look forward to seeing your potatoes on the day and we hope that you have enjoyed growing your spuds! Good luck everyone!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Produce Show Saturday 16th August 2014

Graham Tew, from the show committee writes;
*** Show Time***
We hope your efforts are coming to a climax in preparing for the show on Saturday (16th at the Church) if anyone wants more entry forms please seek out Graham, Janet or Chris for more. (At the time of writing this, my Bucket ‘O’ Spuds looks like a very small patch of the Sahara Desert! blight has laid my spuds low but you never know what lies beneath?)
Don't forget to give your baby/toddler photos to Sara by Thursday for the Guess the Villager Baby/Toddler competition.

*** Party***
The Show Committee will be holding a 25th Anniversary Post show Party on Saturday Evening where we invite anybody from the village to come along in the evening, starting at 7.00pm, bring along your own food and drink, we will provide a Barbecue for you to cook your own or share with others,  as the tent will remain up until Sunday we thought it would be great to have a village gathering in the evening as well. So please come along and lets have a bit of a social/music evening.

To that end, could we ask for some volunteers in putting the tent up on Wednesday 13th, at about 6.00pm at the church. All help appreciated, and then again taking the tent down on Sunday Morning, time to be confirmed.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Everingham Newsletter August

Established 1988

Play Area
Many thanks to everyone who helped us tidy the children's area behind the village hall on Sat 21 June, because there were a good number of us we got it all looking tidy in record time which was great! It is really appreciated.
Emily, Darryl, Amy and Sam

Organ Recitals. Wednesdays at 6:30 at The Coffee House, Everingham.
30 July - John Scott Whiteley – Bach’s Orgelbüchlein & not…
13 August -Maximillian Elliott – Cathedral Organists of Yesteryear
27 August  -  Gordon Stewart, John Pemberton & John Scott Whiteley. In Memoriam Alan Spedding, MBE
10 September - John Scott Whiteley – Music associated with World War I
Free admission & champagne!  Each recital will last c40 minutes

Family cricket match
Dear all
This is advanced notice of the family cricket match, which we hope to hold again on Bank Holiday Monday August 25 at Melbourne.  Keep the date in your diary.  More details later.

Everingham oil club
If you live in the circulation area of this newsletter and would like to be included in the oil club then please email phil.cartwright1@btinternet . You will then receive an email when the next delivery is due. If you require oil at that time then you will be advised of the chosen supplier for that month, you should then make contact directly with the supplier to arrange payment. Our normal delivery months are January, March, May, September & November. From time to time interim deliveries may be arranged, however we suggest that to get the best prices we should try and concentrate on these planned dates.
 Mike, Jan & Phil.

Inn Nights at the Village Hall.
Friday, 8th August – please note this Inn night has been changed from Saturday, 9th August
Saturday, 18th September
Saturday, 22nd November
Saturday, 20th December

The Yorkshire Rose Patisserie - Lydia Ward
I'm starting up my own business making cakes, cupcakes and desserts for all occasions, from novelty cakes to home baked desserts. All freshly made and designed to individual specification. I cater for allergies and dietary requirements.
Any enquiries contact Lydia Ward, mobile - 07922034094 or home phone - 01430 861724 or email me at

Of Clocks and wild flowers
As you can see work on the clock faces in the Church is complete. The final cost of this work was £2514.
May we, the PCC, take this opportunity to thank all who made donations or supported our many fund raising events.
I am sure you agree it was worth all the hard work!

You may wonder why the centre section of the Church grounds is not being cut.
This is because we are attempting to develop a wildflower meadow. We started last year spreading hay, from an established wildflower meadow, over the ground to allow seed to set and also scattered thousands of Yellow Rattle seed.
Spring this year and seeds of wild flowers from the National Trust collection were sown and throughout the year these plants have been introduced into the area.
 Among the varieties are Ox-eyed Daisies, Foxgloves, Pink Campion, Red Clover, Corn cockle, Corn flowers and poppies. These should, hopefully, become more established next year.
In early September we will cut the grass down and let it lie to allow seed to fall on the ground. After this has happened the hay will be available to anyone willing to collect it for pet little etc.
Please check with Mike Rogers in September when this will be ready for collection.
Mike has also mown a pathway through and set up a seat for those wishing to have a wonder through and sit a while. Please feel free to have a look, all we ask is you respect this is a Church Ground and avoid the graves and remove any litter.
Thank you
The St Everilda’s Church PCC

Church Services for August
3rd Aug                        MP                              09.15                           Everingham
10th Aug                      HC                              10.45                           HOSM
17th Aug                      HC                              09.15                           Everingham
24th Aug                      HC                              09.15                           Harswell
31st Aug                      HC for the group            10,45                           HOSM
Every Wednesday   HC                              09.30                           Old School HOSM

Induction of our new Vicar
Our new vicar the Rev Canon Stephen Cope will be inducted into office by the Bishop of Selby on Monday 1st September at 7.30pm at Holme on Spalding Moor Church.
There will be a reception afterwards in the village hall in Holme
All are welcome to the service at the Church and reception. Can those wishing to come to the reception please let me (Hilary 860093) know by the 24th Aug for catering purposes.

Sri Lankan supper for Marie Curie
Village residents Louise Wilkinson, Vicki Kress and ex resident Clara Challoner Walker will be participating in a Sri Lankan jungle trek in 2015 raising funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care UK. They would be delighted if you would join them on 20th September at Woodland Grange, Everingham for a traditional Sri Lankan Supper (no trekking required).
£25 includes three course meal, welcome drink and gift
Tickets available from Louise WiIlkinson (
Raffle, sweepstake, bar, music, gift stall
Looking forward to seeing you there.

Everingham and Harswell Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on 9.7.14 in the Village Hall, Everingham
1.      Present: Councillors Tom Featherby (Chairman); Marcia Call; Patricia Coole; and Alison Thompson. Clerk to the Council Anthony Stocking.
2.      Councillor Edward Pettifer was absent and Councillors Bryn James and Rachel Glossop tendered their apologies.
3.      Three residents were present: Chris and Jane Berridge and Patrick Wilkinson
4.      Councillors agreed the correctness of the 14 May 2014 meeting’s minutes.
5.      No Councillor declared a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any agenda item.
6.      Everingham Wind Farm:
Since the May meeting more facts have been found about the wind farm that may be erected on land between Everingham and Harswell. Residents have formed an action group to oppose the proposal and is gathering information for use should a planning application be submitted. The group has engaged an advisor who has experience in preparing submissions in support of applications to erect commercial wind farms.
Three of its members addressed the meeting in order to communicate their objectives and current findings. Councillors received insight into the group’s investigations. The group sought to identify the Parish Council’s stance respecting any planning application.
TF stated that because three Councillors were absent it was not feasible for an in-depth discussion to take place using the information put forward by the Group. Such will take place in September. No application has been submitted to ERYC yet and until the Council is informed officially it is inappropriate for the Council to comment.
TF assured the representatives of the Group that a decision will be taken in the light of the facts presented by the developer and stated that the Council will welcome further information from the Group.
The representatives emphasised that the Group is not anti-wind farm per se but their resistance is based on the premise that the position of the site is inappropriate and too small for the proposed number of turbines.
7.      Matters arising:
7.1              There was nothing to discuss on the subject of heavy goods vehicle traffic through the villages but the item will be on the next meeting’s agenda.
A speed survey taken on 01 July between 15h30 and 17h00 by local PCSO Cundiff revealed that 75 vehicles passed through Everingham at an average speed of 28.1mph. Three cars would have received a speeding ticket, with one travelling at 40mph.
AS will thank PCSO Cundiff for his work and ask him to carry out a survey from 06h00 on a workday morning. 
No discussion took place regarding involving the Community Partnership in attempts to reduce HGV traffic through the villages and the matter will be carried over to the September meeting.
7.2              The materials needed to renovate the telephone box have been received and a provisional date for work to begin has been set by AT for early September.
7.3              Information has been passed to AS to the effect that the ‘bus shelter was built by Bernard Whatling using money raised by public subscription. It is therefore the property of Everingham. AS will find out if cover for damage etc. is provided by the Council’s insurance policy.
7.4              No action has taken place regarding ascertaining the location and direction of culverts in Everingham. However, TF continues to liaise with Rob Brown at ERYC Highways Department
7.5              A bridge along pathway 8 needs attention. RG did not attend the meeting but will forward details to AS.
7.6              MC and PC will check on work carried out by Streetscene operatives and report to the September meeting. 
7.7              The redundant power pole on Thorpe le Street Road is still in place. AS awaits a response from Northern PowerGrid regarding the unsightly replacement.
7.8              The wind farm in land adjacent to Everingham Hall is covered by minute 6.1.
7.9              ERYC Lighting Department has undertaken an inspection of the parish lighting. Councillors had previously agreed to the replacement of the existing lanterns by more efficient units. An inspection has shown that four pole brackets require replacing. These will be supplied free of charge by ERYC but there be a charge to re-install the electricity supply of £800 plus VAT. Councillors are unhappy with this charge. AS will convey their dismay to ERYC and press for a reduction and/or a delay in payment.
7.10          AS will obtain details of a defibrillator located at Melbourne.
8.      Emergency Plan:
8.1              BJ was unable to attend the meeting and discussion on the Emergency Plan will take place at the September meeting.
9.      Finance:
9.1              AS submitted the up-to-date accounts. MC proposed and PC seconded a motion for their approval. This was given and they were signed by TF. The balance of £5480.36 agrees with the bank statement.
9.2              AS asked for approval to pay £44.26 being the Council’s portion of the SLCC annual subscription. This was given; proposed AT and seconded MC.
10.  Planning:
10.1          A building erected in the grounds of Elleker House is being investigated by ERYC. It is thought to comprise five stables, each some ten feet square.
10.2          Information supplied to AS by the Enforcement Officer is that conditions of planning approval for the Everingham Stud continue to be flouted and that Ms. L Shuttleworth is not responding to his queries. Unless positive action is seen to take place ERYC will take steps to enforce its legal powers.
11.  Principal correspondence
11.1          May and June bank statements.
11.2          Information on the redundant power pole and the installed replacement.
11.3          Joining a Rural Sounding Board sponsored by Rural Services Network.
11.4          Market Weighton Community Council minutes and agenda.
11.5          Proposed replacement of lighting pole brackets and lighting upgrades.
12.  Business:
12.1          There was none.
13.  Items for inclusion on agenda of next meeting:
11.1            There was none.
14.  Date of next meeting:
14.1          The next meeting will be in the Village Hall at 19h30 on 10 September 2014. Electors can submit questions, comments or items for discussion at the meeting by contacting the Clerk within 14 days of the meeting.
 Anthony Stocking, Clerk to the Council. 01964 542043 :

Next issue of newsletter.
Please send submissions to or put them in our white enamel post box on our drive at The Old Priory by 20th August. It will have to be printed and e mailed by 22th August.

Grandads Shed has sponsored the newsletter this month.
Grandads Shed Pocklington, Quality Furniture and Home Interiors.
We also carry out Restoration, Re-upholstery, and Furniture Made to Measure.

'Broadband East Riding' Project Update - Phase II & III Roll-out Plans Announced

This email is being sent to all Parish Councils in the East Riding of Yorkshire to provide an update on the delivery of the ‘Broadband East Riding’ project.  We would kindly ask Parish Clerks to please bring this email and the attached press release to the attention of your Parish Council(s) for their information. 
The second and third roll-out phases of the project have now been announced, with work commencing this month and running into the New Year.  The attached press release outlines the BT exchanges that are included in plans for these two phases. The first phase of the project roll-out, announced earlier this year, is now in progress with upgrades due to start going ‘live’ shortly.
Further announcements will be made as the upgrades go live in each area.  More information, including maps of the project area and the roll-out phases announced to date, are available on the project website at Further updates regarding subsequent phases of the roll-out will be issued as soon as details are finalised.
The ‘Broadband East Riding’ project is part of the national broadband programme. The project will make superfast broadband (of speeds more than 24Mbps) available to over 42,000 homes and businesses in the East Riding by December 2015. In addition, the project aims to ensure that the whole of the project area will have access to broadband speeds of at least 2Mbps by the same date.  Areas covered by proposed commercial roll-out plans are not included in the project. Whilst it is not possible to guarantee that every location in the project area will gain access to improved broadband services, the boost to the infrastructure will bring new opportunities for many businesses, organisations and residents across the East Riding. 
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is also running a free business support programme, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which aims to help businesses turn faster broadband speeds into business growth.
The assistance of Parish Councils in helping to raise awareness of the project roll-out in their communities would be greatly appreciated, for example by displaying posters on parish noticeboards and in community buildings, or including an article in a parish newsletter or community website. The Broadband East Riding project team is happy to provide further information to parish councils accordingly – please do not hesitate to get in touch.
With best regards,
Steve Howdle, Rural Development Officer

Bielby's New Rector

The legal announcement has arrived that our new Rector is to be Rev. Canon Stephen Cope, who is currently Vicar of Withernsea.
He will formally take office in a service at Holme-on-Spalding Moor Church at 7.30 pm on Monday 1st September.  Everyone is welcome to attend.