St Giles's Church Fund-Raising Events Autumn
Soup Lunch
Pete and Val Nolton held a very successful Soup Lunch at their home, Cherry
Court, on Sunday 6th October after the Harvest Festival service and are
delighted to have made £244.00.
Annual Bielby Duck Race
We had our Annual Duck Race in the village beck on Sunday 20th October at
11 am. There was a good turn out and the weather was kind to us - sunny and
fine. Our thanks to everyone who sold and bought ducks, served tea and coffee
and donated prizes. We must also thank all those who helped clearing the beck
and getting the ducks in and out of the water on the day. We raised a grand
total of £291.00.
Prizes and Winners:
Race 1: Chocolates and Wine - Sandra Johnson (No 100)
Race 2: Box of Vegetables - Ian Simpson (No 101)
Race 3: Butcher's Voucher - Julie Kerry (No 40)
Race 4: Boot's Gift Box - Mike Craven (No 81)
Race 5: Langlands Garden Voucher - Alicia Reed (No 20)
Race 6: Children's Books - Ava Ward (No 8)
Whist Drive
A Whist Drive was held on Friday 1st November in the barn at Christine and
Richard Coe's. We had eight and a half tables and everyone enjoyed a 'Pie
& Pea' supper. Lovely to see some new faces - and hope to see you all again
at our next one. We made £145.00.
A big "Thank You" goes to everyone for kindly supporting Bielby church
through another year. We may currently not have a vicar, but we still have