Sunday, 15 December 2024

Christmas Day Service and Epiphany Service 6th January

 25th December at 10.30 am - Christmas Day

Communion Monday 6th January at 7.30 pm - The Epiphany - Holy Communion with incense to celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men. 

Our usual services will be held at 9.15 am on the first and third Sundays of the month. Everyone is welcome.

Carol Service 22nd December

Sunday 22nd December at 6.00 pm - Carol Service followed by seasonal refreshments. 

If you would like to read one of the lessons (we always have some volunteers), please contact and he will get the reading to you to practise beforehand. 

As is our custom, the collection will be for Martin House Children's Hospice.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Carol Singing 20th December

This Friday (Dec 20th) we will be carol singing at Stoneleigh at 6pm, we will then sing a few carols outside of the church 630ish then go to Coffee and Coe cafe at around 7.00ish (bring your own refreshments) and have a Christmas sing around including chance to folk dance led by Jon and Barbara Peel.. Donations in aid of Pocklington Rugby in the Community. Dip in and out as you wish to this very informal festive fun evening.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Bielby Christmas Meal

Bielby Christmas Meal. Looking forward to seeing you at the Oaks, Bubwith for our Christmas meal this Saturday 14th December. Arrive at 12.30pm for our meal at 1.00pm. If you can't remember what you have ordered, I will remind you. Ian Simpson Thankyou

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Bileby Parish Meeting Minutes

Minutes of

Bielby Parish Meeting

11th November 2024

Held at Coffee and Coe
By kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe

Meeting opened at 19.30

  1. Apologies for absence.

Francis and David Tyas, Val and Pete Nolton, Sandra Johnson and Alan Pilling, Deborah Bitton.

  1. Minutes of last meeting held on 13th May 2024.

Were read and John Peel clarified that funds from the church went to pay the designers fees for the notice board, all other minutes were recorded as true; Prop P.Ward, sec; Chris Emptage

  1. Matters arising from the minutes.

-Item 5, It was proposed that the large planter at the north end be relocated to the other side of the road where there is more sun. Steve Ridsdale said he could get a forklift to move it. There was also further discussion about having a village competition to encourage people to put their own planters outside their properties in the summer.

-Item 13, Pavement on Mill Lane. Chris Emptage had emails and a telephone conversation with the planning enforcement officer who said that the approved plans were over the 10 year threshold for enforcement so there was no further action they could take. CE will send a letter to Cllr Leo Hammond for a formal request to confirm there is nothing they can do.

  1. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.

4 Applications were read out, 3 pertaining to Lakeside and one regarding the Allerthorpe Solar farm, discharge of conditions.

  1. Precept 2025/26

Having prepared a Budget for 25/26 the treasurer said there was no urgent need to increase the precept. Ian Simpson recommended that it be increased in line with inflation, but in light of the cost of living increases and other Local Authority spending restrictions it was agreed to keep it as it is for a 4th year. Prop R.Coe, sec C. Emptage

  1. Speed check.

Paul Ward said the former officer dealing with the scheme had retired. LH said he would send PW new officers details.

Goodmanham PC have expressed an interest in sharing the cost of the device and in the event of a grant being available it would be circa £725 to set up, with an ongoing fee of £150 per annum for moving the device around between the two villages. Following a discussion it was agreed the scheme was of interest and if it was going to go ahead that Paul Ward progress a shared scheme with Goodmanham and then should a grant be successful, to contact Parish open door to start the discussion on the locations. It was proposed to progress Investigations. prop E. Thompson the second by J. Tew.

  1. Information board.

Julie Tew presented a small commemorative thank you plaque to John Peel for his hard work in creating such an informative and stunning looking information board that is now installed by the bench opposite the Church.

  1. Beck Update.

Neil Readman said the beck has had its annual clean by the contractor, though some parts were inaccessible due to being already drilled by the farmer preventing access. NR will contact the contractor when accessible. The beck cleaning was to be paid by the parish now following the environment agency budget drop of 80%. It's in good condition generally, Steve Ridsdale said the drainage board, who control the smaller tributaries will put pressure on the environment agency to do work to keep the principle Beck clear and in good order, though this may be on a biennial basis. 

  1. Jubilee tree.

The poor state of the small whip that was planted was discussed. Due to it being under a large Ash tree, it was agreed to plant another bigger tree in a new location, to be agreed, NR will investigate options.

  1. Canal footpath surfacing.

Richard Coe will ask Matthew to drop some bark and chippings off, NR will muster wheelbarrow and shovel owners to help distribute when they arrive.

  1. Solar Farm and cable route

Brief details given of the Mylen Leah project for a solar farm near Foggathrope/Seaton Ross and then a potential cable route to the substation at Allerthorpe which would pass by and potentially through farmland in the Parish. Statcraft had asked for a representative of the village to attend a consultation at Bubwith on the 14th November. CE said he would like to attend, GT to send details and inform Statcraft of his attendance.

  1. Marketbridge/Coates lock culvert

LH had a meeting regarding this, there was a delay caused by Yorkshire Water who, despite having information for many months, had not signed off on the scheme. A final design has been agreed in principle but is awaiting formal sign-off by the Drainage board, Historic England and Yorkshire Water.

The entire Bridge needs dismantling as well as the culvert. There is an old cast iron pipe which is difficult to work on. There may be a start on working in early December and it's likely to take between three weeks to three months.

  1. Bus service

John Peel wondered if the bus could divert occasionally via the small villages. Councillor Paul West said its not a viable proposition as the only service that makes a profit within the east riding is the X46 all other ones are already heavily subsidised.

JP asked that PW and LH make formal representation to the ERYC.

Cllr West said as an example, the dial a ride trial in North Lincolnshire  showed the service was far too expensive, costing an average of £38 per passenger journey. 

  1. VE Day 2025

Discussions about holding some celebration after the village show was held but it was noted by Dawn Hanson that the idea really was to encourage events on the day. Jan Emptage said that she would talk to some of the villagers at the book club about holding an event to celebrate either this, or VJ Day as well at some other time. 

  1. Charity presentation by Tony Britton

TB gave a presentation about the work that “Rugby in the Community” does in the local area, it plays a vital role in the community, bringing people together through sports and social activities that enrich lives and build lasting connections. Their commitment to supporting everyone, from the young to the elderly, shows the true spirit of community care. It’s inspiring to see an organisation dedicated to making sure no one feels alone or left out. Several residents in the village benefit from their work and also contribute their time and expertise. It was agreed that future fund raising activities would consider donating at least some or all funds to the charity.

Meeting closed at 20.55

Graham Tew

Secretary to Bielby Parish Meeting

Friday, 22 November 2024

Bielby Singers

Friday 29th November. 7.00pm. Doors open. Bielby Singers are giving their first ever concert! "Songs of the Sea". It starts at 730pm at Coffee and Coe. Free admission, bring your own refreshments. Donations invited for Pocklington Rugby in the Community. There will be a short interval and the concert will finish at 9pm.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Bielby Singers At Coffee & Coe Friday 29th November

Bielby Singers Present an Autumn Concert "Songs of the Sea" At Coffee and Coe cafe, On Friday 29th November, doors open at 7pm. Concert starts at 7.30pm. (ends 9pm), bring your own refreshments. Donations in aid of Pocklington Rugby in the Community.