Saturday 5 October 2024

Village Parish Meeting

Notice of Parish meeting

Our next Parish meeting will be on Monday 11th November, 7.30pm at Coffee and Coe by kind permission of Richard and Christine Coe.

Current Agenda draft items are;

  1. Apologies for absence.

  2. Minutes of last meeting held on 13th May 2024.

  3. Matters arising from the minutes.

  4. Planning applications and outcomes since the last meeting.

  5. Precept 2025/26

  6. Speed check

  7. Information board

If you have any items you want to discuss, please let me know, email, mob 07805496748 or drop a note in at Corner Farm House.


Tuesday 1 October 2024

Harvest Service 6th October

St Giles's, Bielby, Harvest Festival will be at 6.00 pm this coming Sunday, 6th October.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the celebration.

As usual, villagers can help The People's Pantry, our local food bank, by leaving donations of tinned and packeted food (please check BBE details) on the table near the church door (open 10 - 6 this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday).

We shall decorate the church with your donations and then pass them to our food bank.  The People's Pantry is increasingly in demand and always grateful for Bielby's contributions.

We look forward to seeing everyone who can join us.

Friday 27 September 2024

Village News - not much


The current East Riding Local Plan was adopted in 2016 and has since been undergoing a process of review and update. The Local Plan Update was submitted for independent examination in March 2023 and has been subject to several hearing sessions in 2023 and 2024. Following these, the Inspector has recommended a number of ‘Main’ Modifications required to make the plan sound and has now requested public consultation on these proposed changes.

The consultation is taking place between now and 11.59pm on Monday 21st October 2024.

The consultation documents and further information, including on how to respond, can be found at:

Yorkshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Natural England are opening a consultation on the designation of the Wolds as an AONB.

2 drop in events closest to us;

as well as other sites (see web page for more venues and dates etc)

Village Meeting Agenda Items

I am putting a call out for Agenda Items for the next meeting, so get your thinking caps on for items to discuss. No Date set yet, but likely to be end October Early November. email me at or drop a note in at Corner Farm House.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Bielby Christmas Menu

 Bielby Christmas Menu 

At The Oaks Golf Club and Spa, Bubwith. 
Saturday 14th December 12.30pm for 1.00pm 
Honey root vegetable soup topped with garlic croutons & served with crusty bread. (V) (NF) (GF-GF bread used- no croutons) 
Homemade pressed ham hock terrine with homemade piccalilli & melba toast. (NF) (GF- GF bread used- no melba toast) 
Coconut breaded king prawns with dressed salad & sweet chilli sauce (NF)  
Indian spiced cauliflower pakora with mango chutney (v)(vegan)  
Fan of Melon with raspberry sorbet  (V)(Vegan) (NF) (GF) 
Traditional Christmas turkey dinner served with roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, bread sauce & stuffing (NF-without stuffing) (GF-without the underlined -gravy is GF) 
Roast topside of Laverack’s beef served with roast potatoes & Yorkshire pudding (NF) (GF- without the underlined-gravy is GF) 
Pesto crusted salmon fillet served with tomato & basil sauce & roast potatoes  (Can be NF or GF-salmon will be plain-no crust topping) 
Butternut squash wellington served with vegetable gravy (v)(vegan)(NF) (can be GF on request) 
Traditional Christmas pudding with brandy sauce (can be GF on request) 
Black Forest cheesecake served with whipped cream & kirsh cherries (NF) (can be GF on request) 
Warm lemon curd bakewell served with custard 
Spiced Plum crumble served with plant based ice cream (vegan)(NF) 
(Chocolate Brownies & Ice cream can be requested for Gluten free and Nut allergy as an alternative to the above.) 
Coffee and mints. 
V= vegetarian, NF =Nut Free, GF= Gluten Free, Vegan=Vegan 
£26.00 for 2 courses. 
£32.00 for 3 courses. (under 12s half price) 
When e-mailing your choices, please put full name, then their choices (with dietary requirements.) 
Payment in full to Ian Simpson. Sort Code:08:93:00 Ac.No: 05116300
pay  from Sunday 20th October and by Sunday 27th October. 
Cash or card payments possible, please post, or e-mail me ( or call at The Stores to arrange. 

Monday 16 September 2024

Bielby Choir Rehearsals

 Bielby Choir Rehearsals.

    Does anyone want be part of Bielby Choir? You don't have to be a brilliant singer, just come and enjoy singing with other people.
    We are proposing that we have just 4 rehearsals mid-week in November (7.30 to 9pm), finishing with a performance at Coffee and Coe on Friday 29th November at 7.30pm.
    If you fancy giving it a try, please let us know. Either text Ian on 07803092082 or email me on
    Please indicate your preference for either Weds, Thurs, or Friday for rehearsal dates.
    I will then circulate rehearsal dates, words to songs etc.
  Fa-la- da- di- dee!
Ian and Judith Simpson. (The Stores.)

Sunday 8 September 2024

Bielby History Display Board

Bielby has a new display board tracing its long and colourful past.  Mr John Peel, retired Pocklington School history teacher and village resident, researched and wrote this new account.

He explained, ''This project results from my years of studying the local landscape, talking to villagers and visitors and researching in York University's Borthwick Archive and the ERYC online archive.

''Several villagers helped with scanning photographs and fixing the board in place.  My wife Barbara has been a great support throughout, always on hand for a valuable second opinion.

''A special mention must go to Stephen Smith who some years ago found in Merton College, Oxford, the map it drew up in 1613 when it bought Bielby manor.  Merton kindly gave permission to reproduce the map and college shield.  It has requested a copy of the display for its archive.

Mr Peel added that Phil Gilbank of Pocklington History Society was most helpful and put him in touch with designer Harriet Dorman of Burnby and board manufacturer M4UK of York.

''Harriet was so creative and responsive to work with, while M4UK knew just what to do,'' said Mr Peel.  ''Both have served Bielby well.''

The board is now in place near the church in time for Heritage Open Days.  Even as it was slotted into the ground walkers from Huddersfield scanned it eagerly and villagers came for an appreciative look.  Like them, future readers are sure to find a few surprises about little Bielby.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Pumpkin Carving At Stoneleigh

Stoneleigh will be holding their annual pumpkin carving event on Tuesday 29th October at 14.30pm.

So please let Dale know if your children/grandchildren would like to attend along with yourselves.
